Newspaper Transcripts

The Windsor and Eton Express.
Bucks Chronicle and Reading Journal

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Some Selected Reports from The Windsor and Eton Express

8th October 1842

The Castle Terrace

For the information of the public we state that the military bands have ceased playing on the new terrace for the season, Sunday last being the last day; and also that the new terrace , which will continue to be open to the public on Saturday's and Sunday's will, on those days, be in future invariably closed at sun set. The north terrace will also be closed to the public at sun set.

The New Royal Gardens

On Tuesday morning her Majesty and Prince Albert, unattended, drove to the new gardens at Frogmore, and inspected the works proceeding there, with which they were much pleased. We some weeks since gave a few particulars respecting the grounds, &c., we now subjoin some more minute details. The gardens are approached be a neat lodge; central in the gardens is the gardener's house, which is now roofed in; it is a very pleasing erection, in the Elizabethan style, and occupies a frontage of 49 feet, containing not only every comfort for her Majesty's head gardener, Mr.Ingram, but a small suite of rooms for her Majesty's use whenever she may feel disposed to visit the gardens. On each side of the building, east and west, will be a range of forcing houses; behind, on the north side, extending 822 feet in length, are to be erected fruit rooms, store rooms, seed rooms, and houses for the growth of mushrooms, which will be fitted in a very peculiar and novel style, and various other rooms for the convenience of working the gardens. The architect, Mr.Phipps, has not forgotten the comforts of the labourers that will be employed, for in his arrangement he has provided in each wing a very comfortable and commodious room for the men to take their meals in. At the two extremities there will be cottages for two under gardeners. The south front will be an entire range of vinery, greenhouses, peach-houses, &c., 822 feet long, terminating with two conservatories 50 feet long each. The remaining part will be occupied with pine and melon pits, cherry houses, and various other erections for forcing fruit and vegetables, and when complete will outvie anything of the kind in this kingdom.

Literary Institution

On Wednesday evening last the first lecture of the season was delivered in the theatre of this institution in Sheet-street, by Dr.Cowan, President of the Reading Mechanics Institution, to a most respectable and numerous audience. The lecture, which was extemporaneous, was remarkable alike for the beauty of the language and the power and force of the arguments. The lecturer clearly demonstrated the value and importance of such institutions as this, and the incalculable benefits which must, as a natural consequence, follow their establishment, particularly to working men, as tending to produce amongst them a refined taste and a source of intellectual gratification. The lecture gave the highest satisfaction to those present, and at the conclusion the Rev.Mr,Stoughton proposed a vote of thanks to Dr.Cowan, which was carried nem con. Prior to the lecture a well written poetic address, written and delivered by Mr.W.Walker, drew forth great and deserved applause.

Mr.O.H.Toulmin's Concerts

The series of concerts announced by this gentleman, came off this week at the Public Rooms, as had been announced. Three concerts only were at first contemplated to be given, viz., on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, but Mr.Toulmin was induced to have an extra performance yesterday morning. Mr.Toulmin obtained the patronage of Colonel McDouall and the officers of the 2nd Regiment of Life Guards, but we regret that his undertaking has not been so generally patronised as the talents of himself and family merit. Besides the members of his family, Mr.Toulmin engaged a most pleasing and clever singer in the person of Miss Lear, of the Royal Academy of Music, who delighted the various audiences with her vocal powers.

The family of the Toulmin's were five in number, viz., the father and four sons, the elder of whom, 22 years of age, presided at the pianoforte, of which instrument he is a thorough master; and he is also an excellent and pleasing singer. The second, about 16 years of age, is an astonishing performer on the harp; his execution on that instrument was equal to anything we have ever witnessed. He also occasionally performed on the oboe, trumpet, and cornet a-piston. The two younger sons performed on the violin and violincello, the father alternatively playing the flute and violin. The selections were good, and those persons who attended the concerts were highly gratified. In the finale duet of "God Save the Queen," as performed by Herz and Labarre the extraordinary abilities of the two elder brothers on the pianoforte and harp were exhibited.

The Bishop of New Zealand

A paragraph appeared in the public journal , a short time since, stating that the Right.Rev.Dr.Selwyn, the newly appointed Bishop of New Zealand, had arrived at his place of destination on the 10th of April last, after a voyage of 110 days. This is not correct. Letters have been received from the bishop, by his friends at Eton, of the date referred to, at which period Dr.Selwyn had arrived at Sydney, on his voyage to his distant diocese, in excellent health.

Curious Accident

On Saturday last, after Mr.Watkins, of the Swan Tap, Windsor, and Mr.Duckett, sen., had got into their gig at Gerrard's Cross to return home, having with them their loaded guns, the horse unfortunately became unruly and capsized the party; the guns fell out also and went off, by which means a valuable pointer dog which they had with them belonging to a friend was shot; and a by-stander was also slightly wounded in the thigh. It was fortunate that the accident was not attended with more serious consequences.

Fatal Accident with a Gun

On Saturday last the following melancholy accident occurred to Mr.Z.Allnutt, jun., of Sunninghill. The unfortunate deceased was in company with one or two friends with their guns; having given over shooting they repaired to the deceased's house, at Lavender farm, for the purpose of having a game of quoits, and placed their guns over the garden pallings for safety. On Mr.Allnutt's subsequently reaching his gun over the palling, the trigger was by some means touched, and the gun went suddenly off, and lodged the contents in his left side.
The unfortunate deceased's companions were a short distance from him at the time of the accident, and immediately they heard the report of the gun they saw the deceased run and fall to the ground. He was instantly assisted into his house, and medical aid sent for, but he died in about an hour and a half after the accident; before he expired he said he did not know how it was done, he could not help it, and it was quite an accident.

Windsor Registration

On Monday the Mayor and the two Assessors for the Borough, Messrs.Voules and Marlin, sat at the Town-hall, for the purpose of revising the list of voters for municipal officers. There were no claims or objections, and consequently , there was nothing to do but to correct the list, where necessary, from deaths, removals, &c.; the whole of the revision was completed in little more than half an hour.

On Thursday Messrs. Wood and Rickard, the revising barristers, held a court at the Town-hall, to revise the borough lists of persons entitled to vote for members of parliament. The proceedings were entirely uninteresting, excepting to the parties immediately concerned. The claims and objections were very few, and no point of law was raised during the sitting.

Mr.Voules attended as agent for the Tories, No agent appeared on the opposite side.

Mr.Robert Cochrane , one of the military knights residing in the Lower foundation, claimed to be placed on the list.

Mr.Voules, in support of the claim, examined the claimant, who proved his having occupied his residence for the period required by the act.

Mr.Voules - Well, what is your house worth ?

Claimant (smiling) - Why, it is scarcely worth �5 a year.

He stated to further questions that the house consisted of four rooms, kitchen and cellar. He supposed that he could not get such a house under �5 a year.

The overseer said it was worth about that sum - Claim admitted.

Mr.Richard Headington, of Sheet-street, claimed to be inserted, and was supported by Mr.Voules.

The claimant having proved the requisite occupancy , was examined as to the value of the house for which he said he paid �10 a year, and had to keep it in repair besides. He had laid out a sum of money in the repairs and converting it into a shop and dwelling house, from its former character of a stable and coach-house. Claim admitted.

Mr.James Morton claimed to be inserted, and was supported by Mr.Voules. He proved his tenancy in Peascod-street, and the payment of �7 a year rent, exclusive of rates and taxes. His claim was also admitted.

Mr.Thomas Smith next claimed, and on proving his occupation at 20 guineas a year, and the proper period of his residence, he was also inserted on the list.

One or two others were examined in the same way.

Mr.Wm.James Astell was objected to by Mr.Voules. Mr.A., however did not attend to support the retention of his name, and proof being given of the notice of objection having been duly served, the name was struck off the list.

Charles Smith was also objected to by Mr.Volues. He did not appear to support his vote, and his name was struck out.

[By error we stated last week that on Wednesday the revising barristers sat to revise the list of voters for the borough, instead of which the gentlemen who then sat were the county revising barristers, who revised the lists of voters for this division of the county.]

Windsor Police
[Before John Clode, Esq.(Mayor), and Sir John Chapman.]

A tall, gaunt looking fellow, named Moses Norcot, with a nose and face giving evident tokens, by the bruises on them, that he had recently been engaged in a fray, was charged, with Jemima his wife, with stopping William Rimell on the highway between Slough and the turnpike-gate, and robbing him of some property.
The prisoners it appeared were apprehended in Windsor, one in Thames-street and the other (the female) at No.13, Clewer-lane, where they both lived.
The magistrates, without going into the case, ordered the prisoners to be taken before a magistrate of Bucks, the county in which the offence was committed. [The male prisoner has since been committed for trial, but the woman was discharged.]

John Thompson was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Wheeler's beer-shop, in George-street.
Mr.Gillman, to a question by the bench as to what the prisoner was, said he believed he was one of the race course gentry. The prisoner denied it, and said the fact was that on the previous night he went to Wheeler's beer-shop, where he fell in with two women, one of whom invited him to her bed in the same house. He gave her half-a-crown, and then, while in the bed-room, he was robbed of either two or three other half-crowns. He admitted he had been drinking.

The policeman, Grass, said he was called in by Mrs.Wheeler, who had found that the prisoner had secreted himself in the bed-room where the two women slept. The prisoner complained of being robbed, but he (Grass) could not make anything out of him to justify his taking the women into custody.

The Mayor - Where are the women now ?

Green said they had gone off that morning to Burnham fair.

The magistrates discharged the prisoner, telling him if he had any evidence against the two women they could be proceeded against.

Thursday [Before John Clode, Esq., (Mayor), R.Blunt, Esq., W.Legh, Esq., and John Banister, Esq.]

Mr.John Heard, who was stated to be the clerk of the works in the erection of the new church, near Clarence-crescent, was charged with assaulting Mr.Benjamin Jaynes, who holds a situation in her Majesty's household.

The complainant stated that he had had lodgings at the defendant's house, No.12, Keppel-terrace, but had left them. On the previous day (Wednesday), about half past 12 o'clock, he went to the Star and Garter Inn to pay the defendant, whom he met there, �3 2s 6d, for his lodgings. He tendered him the money, but defendant refused to receive it unless he also received payment for four broken squares of glass. Complainant said he had only broken one square, and he would send some person to make it good. Defendant still refused to receive the money, abused him, knocked his pint of beer out of his hand, and then knocked him down. He got up again, but was knocked down three successive times; at length complainant got into the passage, and there he was again knocked down, and afterwards when in the yard, defendant served him in the same way, and beat him while he was down.

He exhibited the marks on his face to show the ill usage he had received. Complainant, when in the yard, called out, but no one came to his assistance. Mr.Dash was standing about a yard from him, but declined to interfere. Complainant added that the blood was streaming down his face. The side of his face near his eye was cut by the ring on the defendant's finger when he struck one of the blows.

Mr.John Wild, one of her Majesty's footmen, stated that he was at the Star and Garter on the occasion in question, with his fellow servant, the complainant. There were also present the defendant and Lady Mount Edgecumbe's servant. He saw the complainant offer the defendant some money , which the latter refused to accept. There had been some words before between the parties, and he (witness) understood that letters had been sent upon the matter in dispute to the Master of the Horse and to Mr.Cocum. Witness saw the defendant strike the complainant on the head with his fist, and knock him against the corner of the parlour. The defendant refused to let the complainant out, unless he retracted some expressions he had just before used in reference to his (defendant's) having a woman at the North Star, and also something about Clewer-lane, but witness did not precisely know what they were. The complainant did not return the blow. Witness then left the room. The witness was questioned by the prisoner as to the words the complainant made use of, but could not recollect more than he had stated. John Loving was also at the Star and Garter when the affair took place. He saw the defendant knock the pint of beer out of the complainant's hand, and afterwards knock him down in the room. Complainant got up and wanted to leave the room, when defendant knocked him down again, and struck him after he was down. Previous to the blows there were some words between them. The defendant called the complainant a black-guard. It all commenced about the rent which the complainant offered to the defendant, who refused to accept it. Witness did not recollect that the complainant called defendant names. They then had some words about their wives, but what they were the witness could not tell.

Mr.W.Pook, keeper of the Tap at the Star and Garter, stated that while he was standing at his door he heard a noise in the gateway, and he saw the complainant and the defendant struggling together; the defendant laid hold of the complainant by his "poll" with one hand, and was striking him in the face with the other. They got across the yard, when complainant fell down; while down the defendant laid hold of him with one hand, and commenced hitting him with the other. Witness went up to them, but being afflicted with the gout he could not interfere in complainant's behalf. He said to defendant "you ought to be ashamed of yourself, and I would prevent you doing this if I could." Mr.Dash came out, and desired witness not to interfere, as he (witness) did not know the cause of it. Witness did not see complainant return one blow - in fact he did not attempt it, and had not the power to do so.

Joseph Davis also witnessed the assault in the gateway, and corroborated the last witness.

The defendant in his defence said that in July the defendant took lodgings in his house, and was there about six weeks. After the first month he became quite a nuisance by playing what he called "rough music" outside the verandah, to the annoyance of every body. Witness told him to cease that annoyance, or leave the house, or if he would not he would complain to the Master of the Horse. On the morning following this request, while he was absent from home, the complainant grossly abused his (defendant's) wife, and put his fist in her face [the complainant denied having done so]. He, defendant, spoke of such conduct to the Hon.Mr.Murray, who advised him to speak to Mr.Cocum on the subject. The complainant at last left the defendant's house, but he locked the door and left the windows open, so that the rain came in and damaged the furniture.

Defendant then complained to Mr.Cocum, who desired that they should meet on the day on which the assault took place. They did meet, and then the defendant abused him, saying he was a pretty fellow to have a wife, when he had women at the North Star and in Clewer-lane. Defendant demanded that he should retract such imputations on his character, and as he refused he (defendant) gave him a good thrashing - being irritated by the aspersions cast upon him.

The magistrates said no doubt such language was calculated to excite feelings of irritation, but the defendant could not be allowed to take the law into his own hands, as it was proved he had done. They should, therefore fine him 40s, and 18s 6d costs, and they further ordered him to enter into his own recognizances in the sum of �20 to keep the peace for six months.

George Dawson, the steward of a friendly benefit society held at the Duke's Head, Peascod-street, was charged with felony, in abstracting a considerable amount of the funds of the society, and applying them to his own use. Mr.Voules attended for the prisoner.

The person who made the charge was William Davis, one of the members of the society. He said the prisoner had been the "money-steward" for six months, which period of office expired on Monday last night, when he went out of office. That was quarterly meeting night. Witness was then to succeed him and to take the books, but he found them so incorrect that he refused to take them. He found about �9 or �10 deficient. The prisoner's duty was to draw money for the payment of sick members.

Cross-examined by Mr.Voules - They had a clerk to keep the books, but it was the prisoner's duty to receive money from Mrs.Hester, the landlady of the Duke's Head, to pay the sick. Witness could not write, and could only read a little. He had never read the rules (which he produced, and which were regularly enrolled).

Mr.Voules submitted to the magistrates whether the case should be allowed to go on, for he saw by the 28th rule that if any officer of the society misapplied any funds, he should be expelled. This was a misapplication if any thing, and the affair by that rule was not for criminal proceeding, but one which was provided for, and therefore it should be left for the society and the prisoner to settle.
The magistrates were, however, of a different opinion, and the case was proceeded with.
Mrs.Anne Hester, landlady of the Duke's Head, said she paid the "sick money" of the club, which settled with her every month. She paid it to the steward for the time being, and each month the steward and the clerk settled with her. During the prisoner's stewardship she advanced him money to pay the sick, entering each item in a book, a duplicate of which was kept by the clerk. The steward always brought her the name of the party for whom the money was intended. Witness was then desired to refer to a few of the names, and the sums advanced to the prisoner which was alleged had not been paid to the parties, but kept by him; she accordingly selected four, namely , paid to the prisoner for Copas, five weeks and a half, �2 15s; for White, two weeks, �1; for Kamester, five weeks, �2 5s; and for Brown, four weeks, �2. All these sums had been repaid her at the monthly settling on Monday night last. They were settled by the prisoner and Hunt, the clerk, out of the club funds.

John Hunt, clerk to the club, was next called. He said the prisoner had been drawing money for sick members, but who had not declared on the club - that is, who were not in fact sick members. The money for the sick was always drawn by the steward from Mrs.Hester, who was refunded from the club box every month. This witness from his book corroborated Mrs.Hester as to what had been charged as paid to the prisoner for the persons whose names she had mentioned.

Cross-examined - He (witness) could swear he had none of the money which had been drawn for those parties. Witness had several times been to the prisoner's house in George-street, but only on club business. He had asked the prisoner to draw a few shillings from Mrs.Hester for his own private use and as a loan. There were three keys and three locks to the club box, one which the witness held, and each of the two stewards (the "beer" steward, and the "money" steward) held one. The witness was examined very closely in order to show something unfavourable to his own character in regard to the club funds, but he denied every imputation of that kind.

Then to show that the prisoner had not paid the money to the persons for the purpose for which he professed to draw it, the parties themselves were called.

Charles Copas, a strong and healthy-looking man said he had not been "on" the club in the last six months, during the prisoner's stewardship, and that he had had no money from the prisoner. Henry Brown, a hale robust personage, gave a similar testimony, as did two other persons, Cox and Kamester. None of them had any money as sick members.

This being the whole of the evidence, the magistrates committed the prisoner for trial, but allowed him to be at liberty until the next sessions upon his finding sureties himself in �50, and two others in �25 each, to appear and take trial.

It was stated by two or three of the members of the club that there were several other instances in which the prisoner had drawn, and misapplied the club money.

Funeral of the Late Marquis Wellesley

In accordance with the expressed wish of the Marquis of Wellesley some years prior to his death, his remains were this morning deposited in a vault at Eton College Church, close to the body of the late venerable Provost, Dr.Goodall, who died in the year 1840; and also, by his wish, the funeral was a private one. However private the lamented deceased might have wished his last mortal remains to be laid in the silent tomb, it was next to impossible, from his high character and rank - for his having become so closely associated with the history of his country, by his able and successful administration of the duties of the office of Governor-General of India, and from his having held other distinguished offices under the government of this country - also from his classical attainments, and his varied and great talent as a scholar, and aptitude for business, until old age, that enemy to vigour, came upon him; - we say it was next to impossible that the funeral of such a man could be allowed to be in what comparison or contrast with other men would be considered a strictly private one. Still the lamented deceased's wishes were complied with so far, that it was as private as under the circumstances it could well be. There was no unnecessary ostentation , and indeed not by any means the preparations which under other circumstances his rank would have commanded. With these few preliminary observations we proceed to detail the particulars of the funeral. The only preparations which it was deemed necessary to make at the Eton College and Chapel, were the mere opening of the vault in which the late provost, Dr.Goodall, was interred, in the latter place, and the erection, in the Election Hall of the College, of a not over large canopy of black cloth, neatly constructed and surmounted with funeral plumes, to receive the body of the illustrious deceased, where it was intended it should lay in state from six to eight o'clock last evening; the lower end or compartment being perfectly open (excepting a mere bar across), and the sides bearing silver sconces with wax candles, which were to be lighted when the coffin was placed there. These arrangements were speedily completed. We should here observe that the whole of the funeral was under the direction of Mr.French, the undertaker of Edward-street, Portman-square, who, assisted by his son, most ably and satisfactorily performed their duty.

Yesterday morning the mournful procession to Eton moved from the residence of the late marquis, where he died, viz., Kingston House, Knightsbridge, as early as 7 o'clock. It merely consisted of the hearse and six horses, proceeded by a plume of feathers, and followed by 3 carriages and four horses each. The deceased's own coronet (not one as usual made for the occasion) was conveyed in the same procession on a crimson velvet cushion. The cortege was preceded by mutes, and attended by pages on each side of the hearse and of each coach. In the first coach were J.Thornton Down, Esq., the confidential agent and one of the executors of the noble deceased, Alfred Montgomery, Esq., his late lordship's secretary, and Edward J.Smith, Esq., the resident medical attendant on the deceased. In the second coach were the deceased's upper servants, and in the third were some of the under servants. The procession moved on to Hounslow, and thence to Slough, and then turned off towards Eton, arriving at the College at about half-past two o'clock. As it was not very generally known at what time the procession might arrive there, the concourse of persons assembled was not very great.

Immediately on the mournful cortege arriving at the college, the body of the deceased was taken from the hearse by the undertaker and his assistants, and conveyed at once to the Election Hall, and placed on tressels erected within the canopy. The wax candles were lighted, the late marquis's hatchment was placed at the back of the enclosure, the pall with the deceased's arms displayed on it was placed at the head of the coffin, so as to fall loosely down towards the ground, (exhibiting the armorial bearings), and the deceased's coronet on the crimson velvet cushion was placed on the pall. Nearly all the coffin was laid bear to the public view, when at six o'clock they were admitted by tickets to view it thus lying in state. The effect was solemn and imposing. Two mutes were stationed at the bottom corners of the canopy, who were occasionally relieved by others.

The coffin itself was an exceedingly splendid one. It was covered with crimson velvet, with gilt nails and ornaments. On the brass plate and in the side and compartments were the order of the garter with the motto of that order, within which was the "Hums," (or peacock), which was his late Lordship's crest, and surmounted by a marquis's coronet. All of these ornaments were exceedingly beautiful , and the colours very vivid and striking. On the brass plate was the inscription, "Richard Colley Wellesley, Marquis Wellesley , Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c, &c, died on the 26th of Sept 1842, in his 83rd year."

The body thus placed laid in state from six until after eight o'clock in the evening, the public being admitted by tickets issued by the college authorities, and a great number of persons availed themselves of this privilege. At about this latter time the Election Hall was closed to the public.

The funeral of the deceased marquis was fixed to take place at ten o'clock this morning, and towards that time a considerable number of persons assembled in the vicinity of the college to witness the procession. Many of the shops and private houses near the college (and some in the High-street of Eton), were wholly or partially closed, and the deep tones of the chapel bell added to the general solemnity of the forthcoming ceremony. The college-yard was closed, but a great number of tickets were issued to respectable persons who might be desirous of witnessing the procession as it came from the Clock Tower across the yard to the north-western entrance of the chapel. Tickets were also issued to persons to view the funeral rites in the chapel from the organ loft, which accommodated a considerable number of persons. The body of the chapel was reserved for the Eton scholars, the clergy, mourners, &c. At ten o'clock the college-yard was thronged with the scholars, all of whom (with few exceptions; and those only of the foundation boys, who wore their gowns), wore small crape bands and rosettes on their left arms; and there were also there most of the masters and fellows in their caps and gowns, and many other persons. The time of the procession forming in the Election Hall, where the body had laid in state last evening, had, from some cause or other, been altered from 10 until 11 o'clock, a few minutes before which latter hour the procession was marshalled by Mr.French, the undertaker, and it proceeded in the following order:-

The Undertaker
The Two Mutes
The Provost (the Rev.Dr.Hodgson), the Vice Provost (the Rev.Mr.Grover), the Head Master (the Rev.Dr.Hawtrey), the Under Master, (the Rev.Mr.Okes) and other gentlemen belonging to the College, viz., the Revs.G.Bethell, J.F.Plumtre, T.Carter, G.R.Green, J.H.Dupuis, J.Wilder, and J.F.Marshall and J.C.Harrison, the two Conducts,
followed by Mr.Gray, the Chapel Clerk.
Page, The Plume of Feathers ,Page
Page The Coronet, borne on a splendid velvet Cushion, with Escutcheons suspended around it, Page,
the Pall being borne by the following six young noblemen, Pages, Etonians:- Lord Henley, Lord Belgrave, Lord Burghley, Earl of Dunkillen, Earl of Darnley, and Lord Cecil. , Page
The Right Hon. The Earl of Mornington. Chief Mourner.
The Right Hon Lord Maryborough (wearing his star and the order of the Bath), Field Marshal his Grace the Duke of Wellington, the Hon.Gerald Wellesley, D D., the Right Hon. Lord Hatherton, Charles Culling Smith, Esq., the Rev. Henry Wellesley, Rich.Wellesley, Esq., J. Thornton Down, Esq., the late Marquis's confidential agent and executor; Alfred Montgomery, Esq., the late Marquis's private secretary; the Right.Hon.R.R.Blake, Edw.J.Smith, Esq., his late lordship's resident medical attendant; Wm.Stephens, Esq., A.Montgomery Martin, Esq., and Rich.Farrell, Esq.
The Late Marquis's Upper Domestics.
Four of his Footmen.

The mournful procession having emerged from the Clock Tower, that was the signal for the Eton scholars to proceed and take their places in the chapel, towards which a considerable rush took place. The procession entered by the north western door of the chapel from the college yard, and thence to the ante-chapel, on entering which it was met by the choristers, consisting of Messrs. French, Salmon, Harris, Palmer, Turner, Smith, Lockey, and West, with the ten youthful choristers belonging to the chapel.

Mr.Mitchell performed a solemn dirge on the organ, accompanying the choristers, until all were seated in the chapel. The body was placed on tressels in the aisle, the coronet on the head of it. A chaunt from Purcell was then sung, after which the service appointed for the dead was most impressively read by the Provost, the Rev.Dr.Hodgson, in the course of which a portion of Croft's funeral service was sung.

At the conclusion of that part of the service which was performed within the chapel, the procession was re-formed, and proceeded to the opening of the vault in the ante-chapel. In that vault there were but two coffins previously interred, viz., the Rev.John Briggs, formerly one of the Fellows of Eton, and the Rev.Dr.Goodall, the late Provost.

On the procession arriving at the platform round the opening of the vault, another portion of Croft's burial service was sung. The Rev. the Provost then read the remainder of the church service for the dead, during which the venerable Lord Maryborough, in particular, appeared deeply affected.

At the conclusion of the solemn ceremony the mourners retired to the Provost's residence, the organ playing on their departure, the "Dead March in Soul." At that period the Eton scholars were allowed, on leaving the chapel, to take a last look at the coffin of the deceased marquis, before it was lowered into its final resting place. The utmost order and regularity prevailed during the whole of the proceedings, which must be mainly attributable to the excellent arrangements made by Mr.French, the undertaker, and his assistants, and by the college authorities.

We understand that a well dressed man was taken into custody towards the close of the solemnity for picking a gentleman's pocket of eight sovereigns; he was locked up to be examined before a magistrate.

Eton Police - Wednesday

A man named King was brought up by Hill, the constable of Eton-wick, on a charge of breaking into a house at that place, and stealing six sovereigns, in broad day-light, on the previous day (Tuesday).

Hill apprehended the prisoner on the same night, in an empty house at Eton-wick, from some suspicion that he had of him; but the evidence failed to establish his guilt, and the magistrate dismissed the case.

Larkin, chief constable of Iver then took the prisoner into custody on the suspicion of being concerned with other persons in breaking into the premises of Mr.Trumper, of Dorney-common, and stealing about two hundred weight of bacon, the particulars of which robbery we gave in our paper last week. Larkin also charged the prisoner in being concerned in two other robberies, viz., for stealing four nose bags from a waggon belonging to Mr.Trumper; and for stealing a purse with some money in it from Mr.Bell, a brewer, at Maidenhead. At the request of Larkin, and to enable him to bring forward evidence in support of the charge, Mr.Cookesley remanded the prisoner until Monday next.

Larkin has also identified another of the thieves, whom he has good reason to believe was concerned in stealing Mr.Trumper's bacon, in the person of a man named Benjamin Clements. It appears that Clements had been committed for trial at Reading, for stealing some brass. In the course of his inquiries respecting the robbery at Mr.Trumper's, Larkin had cause for suspecting that he was one of the party from various circumstances, two of which were that he found on the night of Mr.Trumper's robbery, Clements had not been at his own home, and that the next morning he was seen at Salthill, near where some portion of the stolen bacon was discovered secreted. Larkin having these strong suspicions, and having been on the look out for him, proceeded to Reading gaol, and there identified him as the man he "wanted." He accordingly lodged a detainer against the prisoner at the gaol.

Chertsey Agricultural Association

The annual Ploughing Match took place on Tuesday last, at Ongar Hill, in the grounds of R.K.Escott, Esq. At 10 o'clock 31 ploughs started for the different prizes offered for contention - every workman trying to do his best. The fineness of the day induced a vast concourse of people to assemble, and at one o'clock great interest was excited in the distribution of the premiums to the various classes of deserving servants, which were awarded as follows, accompanied by a suitable address from Col.Challoner, in lieu of Sir Henry Fletcher , Bart., the chairman, who was absent. Each candidate received a neatly glazed frame, descriptive of their merit.

Farm Servants Who Have Gained Prizes At The Present Meeting
Class A - For Male Servants who have been hired under the usual term of Yearly Hiring, actually living in Farmer's Houses, for the sole purpose of Farm Labour.
Servant Master Years Age �. s. d.
Henry MephamMr.Rogers320200

Class B - For Female Servants , under the same conditions as Class A.

Servant Master Years Age �. s. d.
Mary WitmanMr.Kimberley430200
Ann GoffMr.W.Bennett420100

Class C - For Lads under 18 years of age employed in Husbandry

Servant Master Years Age �. s. d.
Charles CollyerMr.J.Johnson9161100
William Guy Earl of Lovelace714130
William StovellMr.A.Charman617100
James SimmondsMr.Thos.Bennett6170150
George UnderwoodR.Gosling, Esq.5 3/4160150
James SayersR.K.Escott, Esq.5 3/4160150
George LeeEarl of Lovelace5 1/2150100
George StevensMr.W.Godfrey4160100
Samuel EagleRev.J.C.Clark4130100

Class D - To Labourers who have been in constant employ with the same Master, or on the same Farm, the greatest number of years.

Servant Master Years Age �. s. d.
William WapshottEarl pf Lovelace3545 ?2100
Samuel HarveyMr.J.Johnson32681100
William LewisMr.Kimberley25 1/249150
Henry ShanksMessrs. La Coste1835100

Class E. - To Labourers in Husbandry , who have brought up the greatest number of Children, born in lawful wedlock, in habits of honest industry, with the least parochial relief.

James Underwood, aged 60, in the employ of Mr.Dacey, of Great Grove, having brought up a family of 12 children, without parochial relief, and lived on the same farm 3 years. �2 0s 0d

John Hill, aged 46, in the employ of Mr.A.Charman, of Wisley, having brought up a family of 9 children, without parochial relief, and lived on the same farm 26 years. �1 10s 0d

Stephen Elliott, aged 38, in the employ of Mr.H.Hammond, having brought up a family of 9 children, without parochial relief, and lived on the same farm 17 years and ten months. �1 0s 0d

Class F. - To the Children of Agricultural Labourer's being yearly hired Servants in Tradesmen's Houses for length of service and good conduct.

Servant Master Years Age �. s. d.
Caroline WestMr.John Driver2 1/418100

Class G. - To the Farm Labourer residing not less than two years on the same Farm, who Thatches his employer's Corn and Hay Ricks in the best and most approved manner.

Servant Master Years Age �. s. d.
William BerrymanMr.W.Blake8511100
Charles SimmondsMr.Thos.Bennett2642100

Class H. - To Agricultural Carriers, for length of service and good conduct.

Servant Master Years Age �. s. d.
John HumphreysJ.W.Spicer, Esq.2246200
John SmithMr.W.Bennett21411100
John StevensMr.T.Nightingale17 1/252150 ?
John StevensMr.T.Nightingale15 1/454100

Members Prizes To the Agricultural Labourer, or his Widow, who in proportion to the number and age of his family, has placed out the greatest number in service, whether boys or girls, and who can produce a good character from his or her employer.

James Dabsurn, aged 43, has been in the employ of R.Collyer, Esq., Parkhurst, Chobham, for the space of 13 years, and having brought up a family of 10 children, five of whom have produced certificates of good conduct from their present employers. �2 10s 0d

To the Lad (being the son of an Agricultural Labourer, and under the age of 20), who has kept his situation the longest, and who produces a good character from his employer.

Servant Master Years Age �. s. d.
Daniel WellbeloveCol.Challoner820150

To the Girl, being the daughter of an Agricultural Labourer, as above.

Servant Master Years Age �. s. d.
Ann GoffMr.W.Bennett420150

About half past two the field proceedings were brought to a conclusion. At four o'clock the dinner took place at the Crown Inn. The dinning-room was tastefully decorated with laurel and dahlias; at the head of the table was the Queen's Arms, and at the foot, painted in distemper on the wall, was a large plough resting on the stump of an oak, with wheat sheaves and vegetables, and implements of husbandry on each side; in the background was a distant view of Windsor Castle and one of Prince Albert's farms, and when lighted up in the evening, the whole had a pleasing effect, particularly when all the guests were assembled at the table, and two haunches of venison smoked upon the board; it looked well, and now was the time for work.

John Ivatt Briscoe, Esq., of Foxhills, took the chair, supported on the right by J.Trotter, Esq., M.P., J.Sparks, Esq., and Capt. Cavendish; on the left by Col.Challoner, Col.Thomas Wood, M.P., and R.Gosling, Esq. Mr.Gaff, as usual, took the vice chair. After the Queen's health had been drank, Prince Albert, the Queen Dowager, &c., &c., other toasts took place in their turn, chiefly of an agricultural tendency, and at intervals the company were enlivened with a song, till it was thought necessary to introduce the deserving ploughmen to whom prizes had been awarded by the appointed umpires, Mr.F.Sherborn, of Bedfont; Mr.J.Baker, jun., of Woking; and Mr.Truman , of Stoke D'Abernon, whose award gave great satisfaction. The premiums were then given as follows -

Class 1. - Champion Ploughmen - Premium �2 10s. The Driver (if one) to receive 5s from this sum.
Ploughman Driver Master
Thos.LambertChas.LambertMr.William Bennett

Class 2 - With Two Horses or Oxen, without a Driver.

Ploughman Master s d
George PotterMr.James Peto, Ockham200
John RussellMr.John Wells, Simplemarsh100
William WaldenMr.A.Scott, Hersham0100

Class 3 - With Three Horses and a Driver, or Ox Team.

Ploughman Driver Master
William WebbFred RussellMr.James Webb, Chertsey(Ploughman �2, Driver 7s 6d)
William FieldWilliam CollyerJ.I.Briscoe,Esq., Fox-hill(Ploughman �1, Driver 5s)
James HexallJames BrindMr.Baker, Cobham Court(Ploughman 10s, Driver 2s 6d)

Class 4 - For Ploughboys under 18 years of age. Two Horses abreast without a Driver, or Three Horses and a Driver being under 15 years of age.

Ploughboy Master s d
Mark LawrenceR.K.Escott, Ongar Hill House1100
James ButlerMr.Lacy, Great Grove100
Stephen HardenMr.Thomas Daws, Pyrford0150
William Knight(DriverRobert Warner) Mr.Henry Roake, Addlestone0100

Class 5 - County Champion Prize �5 - Contended for by one Ploughman from each of the Associations in the County of Surrey.

Ploughman Association Master
John Smith EpsomMr.W.Bennett, Leigh Hill, Cobham

Ploughman Master Association John Smith Mr.W.Bennett, Leigh Hill, Cobham Epsom

The rewards were accompanied with a suitable address to each, (particularly the boys), encouraging them to persevere. After their departure, mirth and harmony prevailed till nearly nine, when the vice-president's health being drank for the services he had at all times rendered the society, he briefly thanked the chairman and the company, and being the fourteenth time he had the honour to address them, hoped that the association might long continue to prosper, and that every man's honest endeavours might be crowned with success. At this time a good many left the room, but a few kept it up a little longer, and the merry tale and jocund glass passed cheerily round; 98 sat down to dinner, and it was allowed it was brought out in Mr.Randle's best style. The day being fine, filled the town with a great number of people. Capt. Cavendish takes the chair next year.

The unsuccessful ploughmen had half-a-crown each given them, and the drivers a shilling, and the whole of the competitors were provided with a good substantial dinner at the Bell Inn.

Laleham Ploughing Match

On Monday last a ploughing match took place at Laleham of a different character from the generality of matches of this kind, being between farmers and their sons. The match was open to all of the above class for twenty miles round, and the entrance was a sovereign each, which was divided into three prizes. There were eleven competitors, and the contest took place in a field belonging to Mr.Williams. The following is a list of the competitors: - Messrs. T.A. and J.Merrick, H.Penfold, H.Hooner, T.Williams, T.South, R.Chandler, J.Gammon, J.Harris, and J.Woodward. The judges were Messrs. H.Ginger, J.Wells, and E.Edwards, who awarded the first prize to Mr.A.Merrick, the second to Mr.H.Penfold, and the third to Mr.J.Merrick. At the termination of the match the competitors and their friends, about thirty in number, repaired to the Horse Shoes Inn, and there partook of an excellent dinner; Mr.J.Williams in the chair. It was very gratifying to see the good feeling that prevailed throughout the day and evening, the hilarity of which was kept up to a late hour.