Superior Court Summons for Ruffin Wilmoth


Surry County – In Superior Court

N. E. Wilmoth


Ruffin Wilmoth


Alias Summons for Relief


To the Sheriff of Surry County. Greeting

We cause and you, as we have done befor to serve won Ruffin Wilmoth, the defendant above named if he be found in your County, to be and appear befor the Judge of our Superior Count at a Court to be held for the County of Surry at the Court House in Dobson on the 1st Monday in March 1893 and answer the Complaint of plaintiff which be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of said Court with in the 1st three days of the said Tues. and let the said defendant take notice that if he fail to answer said complaint with the said time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint the cost of his action.


Him fail not and this summons make due return

Issued 13 Feb 1893                                                                 Signed R S Folger