
Rebecca Towne - Salem Witch - Descendants of Leonard Towne
Rebecca Towne Nurse ancestors
Jonas Rice founder Worcester MA - Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice
Jonas Rice founder Worcester MA ancestors
President Calvin Coolidge - Descendants of Thomas Starr
President Calvin Coolidge ancestors
Joseph Smith founder of LDS Church - Descendants of Thomas French
Joseph Smith founder of LDS Church wife ancestors
Brigham Young LDS Leader - Descendants of Leonard Towne
Brigham Young LDS Leader ancestors
Edgar Rice Burroughs - Tarzan author - Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice
Edgar Rice Burroughs ancestors
President George W Bush - Descendants of Humphrey Kirby
President George W Bush ancestors
President George Herbert W Bush - Descendants of Lt William French
President George Herbert Bush ancestors
President Franklin D Roosevelt - Descendants of Nicholas Clapp
President Franklin D Roosevelt ancestors
Samuel F B Morse Invented Telegraph - Descendants of Jacob French
Samuel F B Morse Invented Telegraph
Eli Whitney - Cotton Gin - Descendants of William French
Eli Whitney inventor - ancestors
President Franklin Pierce - Descendants of Griffith Bowen
President Franklin Pierce ancestors
President Harry S Truman - Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice
President Harry S Truman - wife's ancestors
Princess Diana - Hibbard, Hebard, Hibbert, Hebert descendants
Princess Diana  ancestors
Laura Ingalls Wilder - Descendants of George Allen Sr
Laura Ingalls Wilder author  ancestors
President Herbert Hoover - Descendants of Lewis Wood
President Hoover ancestors

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