Cope and Middleton cemetery, Iuka Illinoirs

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Cope-Middleton Cemetery Records

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Subj: Cope-Middleton Cemetery
Date: 10/27/2002 6:59:35 AM Central Standard Time
From: Cindy McChristian
To: Bill Cook
File: Footprints.jpg (699197 bytes)

Hi Bill,

I got a copy of some information that was published in "Footprints of Marion County", from the Marion County Illinois Genealogical Society. It is the section where they printed the cemetery inscriptions for the Cope-Middleton Cemetery located in Iuka, Marion County, Illinois. There are listings of graves for Sarah Jenkins Harris, wife of William Middleton, and also for two more of their children, Watson J. and Dicey E. Middleton. There are also three Eddings listed also. I am going to send you the pages as attachments, just in case you don't have this information. I'll send them one in each e-mail so they won't take so long to open.

Cindi McChristian (great granddaughter of Clara Eddings)

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Page created 10/27/2002

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