Slave Owners of Indian Territory

Slave Owners of Indian Territory

Index by Indian Nation

Enumerated 1860 Indian Territory Lands Slave Schedule,  Dawes Census/Enrollment Cards and other resources.
Transcribed and compiled by Eleanor Wyatt

Oral History states that your family has Indian ancestry but you don�t know which tribe.  This list of Slave Owners Surnames is to assist you in identifying which tribe you may want to search.  After obtaining the tribe you should go to the 1860 Slave schedule and locate the Slave owner, District and perhaps your ancestors. (You may want to use your browser key to locate the surname as these names appear on more that one page of the schedule)  You can also go directly to the Dawes Commission Freedmen Index and search for your known ancestors name by tribe

Native American Ring                Native American Ring

Cherokee Choctaw Creek Chickasaw


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Eleanor Wyatt
Copyright� April 1, 2000-2001 Eleanor L. Denson-Wyatt. All Rights Reserved