Girouards of Rhode Island

Genealogy page of the Girouards of New England

Ancestors of Donat William Girouard

Girouard family GenForum

Girouards buried in RI cemeteries

Pawtucket, RI in 1877

[email protected]

Photo by Lewis Hine of child spinner
Photo of Addie Laird, a child spinner in a cotton mill. Many Girouards came from Canada to work long hours under brutal conditions in the New England mills. They lived in triple deckers with other relatives, and attended French Canadian Catholic churches like Notre Dame de la Consolation in Pawtucket.

Photo by Lewis Hine, from NARA Records of the Children's Bureau, RG 102

This site is in memory of my great-grandmother Lina Girouard (b 1870) who at age 15 worked in a Pawtucket cotton mill.

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