Hawkins -- Some Descendants and Related Families of William of Rhode Island

Ancestors of ...
Sue, Judy, and Steve

Table of Contents


This ancestry chart uses the Ahnentafel numbering system. This means that the numbers for a person's parents will be twice as large as that person's number. For example, I started my report with my brother, sister, and me. Our number is 1. Our father's number is 2, and our mother's number is 3. My mother's father is 6 (2 times 3) and her mother is 7 (2 times 3 plus 1).

For the Descendant Tree of William Hawkins (1609) and Margaret Harwood (1612), see Hawkins -- William Hawkins and Margaret Harwood -- Some Descendants William and Margaret represent the 11th generation in the Hawkins line for Sue, Judy, and Steve.

For the Alley Descendant Tree, see Descendants of Thomas, Sr Alley. Information from Thomas Alley, Sr. (oldest generation) down to the sixth generation was provided to me by another Alley researcher. I didn't re-research or verify it. The information from John (Jack) Alley and his wife, Elizabeth Hennen, through successive later generations comes from Hennen's Choice, family written and oral history, information collected by Bill Cunningham of Wetzel County, West Virginia (www.ovis.net/~billcham), and from some independent verification.

Compiled by:

Sue Roesner September 10, 2001