Confederate Veterans Buried In Brevard County, Florida Page 4

Confederate Veterans Buried In Brevard County, Florida

Page 4 W - Z

                            Year    Year
                             of      of
Name 	                   Birth    Death    Rank    Unit                                   Cemetery          City
Walker, W. Rufus
West, A. J.	            1846     1929    Pvt.     Co. D, 10th Fl. Inf. Regt.            Melbourne         Melbourne
West, Robert N.             1841     1926    Pvt.     Co. K, 11th Va. Inf. Regt.            Melbourne         Melbourne
Whaley, E .M.               1849     1921                                                   Courtnay          Merritt Island
Wiley, Evan S., M.D.                         1st Lt.  Co. F,  5th Fl. Inf. Regt.
Williams, Hiram S.          1833     1921    Pvt.     Co. F, 45th Al. Inf. Regt.            Williams          Rockledge
Willis, Joseph                               Pvt.     Co. D, 10th Fl. Inf. Regt.
Wilson, Albert Sidney       1844     1916    Pvt.     Co. E, 10th Ga. Inf. Btn.             Canaveral         Sharpes
Wilson, B. R., M.D.         1835     1913                                                   La Grange         Titusville

Confederate Veterans Page 1 A-G
Confederate Veterans Page 2 H-N
Confederate Veterans Page 3 O-V
Confederate Veterans Page 4 W-Z
War Between The States Veterans Buried In Brevard County, Florida
Veterans Buried In Brevard County, Florida
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