[Excerpts from "Select Trials for Murders, Sodomy, Robberies, Coining, Rapes, Frauds,and other Offences: at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey", Vol. I, 1720-1724] [Excerpted 22 Dec 2006, Mark Murphy] p. 109 In October 1718. John Colethurst alias Multus of Stoke-Newington, was indicted for assaulting Thomas Finch on the Highway, putting him in Fear, and taking from him a Cloth Coat, ..., Sept. 22. 1718....J. Colethurst. My Brother William is a highwayman, and I had the Note of him. Murphey called Witnesses to prove that he was an Actor in Southwark-Fair at the very Time the Robbery was committed, which appearing to the Satisfaction of the Jury, they acquitted him, and found John Colethurst guilty of the Indictment. Death p. 192 Nathaniel Jackson and John Murphey, alias Morphew, for a Robbery, July, 1722. Nathaniel Jackson and John Murphey, alias Morphew, of St. Pancras[?], were indicted for assaulting Richard Dennit on the Highway, putting him in Fear and taking from him two Shirts, Value 10 s. a Coat and Wastcoat, Value 23 s. Five Ounces of Human Hair, Value 10 s. Six Lemons, a Handkerchief, and 13 d. in Money, June 20, 1722. Richard Dennit. About 11 at Night I was walking between Totenham Court and Hampstead, with a Basket of Lemons upon my Head; a Man (whose Name I have since learned, is Neal O Brian) came out of the Grass, and ask'd me whither I was going. I told him to Hampstead. He said he'd go with me; and I bid him come along then. God damn ye, says he, speak another Word, and I'll shoot ye thro' the Head this tish Minute. And then giving me a Blow on the Breast, he cry'd, Hip! and immediately the two Prisoners came up, took me by the Shoulders and dragg'd me into a Ditch, where they stript off my Coat, Wastcoat and Shirt, and bound me, and swore they would kill me. I had a Handkercher and five Ounces of Human Hair in my Coat Pocket. I found by their Brogue that two of them were Irishmen; and, in hopes they would use me the better, I told them I was born of Irish Parents, that my Father was born in the High-Street in Dublin, and I myself was born in Hampshire. Be my Shoul now (says O Brian) tish May ish a very good Hampshire Hog to kill. I answer'd, But indifferent.- p.193 Court. Did you lose any Money? Dennit. Yes, 13 d. but I saved a Guinea, which I had put in one of my Shoes for security. They took six Lemons out of my Basket, and eat some of them; and then they went away with my Clothes and left me bound. With much struggling I got loose; and meeting with Edward Howard, a Friend of mine, we follow'd the Prisoners to a Night-house in the Hay-market, where we took them, with some of my Clothes in their Possession; but O Brian made his Escape. Prisoners. We will give the Court no farther Trouble. We own we committed the Robbery. The Jury found them both guilty, and they received Sentence of Death; but Murphey was afterwards reprieved. Nathanial Jackson. ...I was brought to so low a Degree of Poverty that I wanted Bread. In this miserable State, unknowing what to do for a Maintenance, I took a Ramble one Afternoon to Hide-Park, and there accidently met with my old Acquaintance John Murphey, whose Circumstances were little better than my own. We had not walk'd together before we were overtaken by Neal O Brian, who was drest in a Livery. After the common Salutations, he invited us to drink at a Sutler's Tent in the Camp. We gladly accepted the Offer and went with him. We stay'd there two or three Hours and drank very heartily; and then he called for the Reckoning and discharged it; shewing us at the same time a pretty deal of Money. As soon as we came out of the Tent, he said, You see, my Bloods, how I live: I never want Money; and if you have but Hearts, and dare walk with me towards Hampstead to-night, I'll shew you how easy it is to get it. Neither I nor Murphey wanted many Arguments to bring us to a Compliance; for our corrupted Morals, attended with Poverty, had but too well prepared us to fall in with any Proposal: So that we soon agreed. Between Pancrass and Hampstead we met Mr. Dennit, and robb'd him of his Coat and Wastcoat, a Parcel of Hair, two Shirts, and 14 d. O Brian would have cut his Throat, to prevent a Discovery, but neither I nor Murphey would consent to it. This was a poor Booty, and far short of what O Brian had given us Expectation of; but I must lose my Life for it, tho' not undeservedly. To this Account let us add, in the Ordinary's own Words, "That Jackson appeared extreamly grieved and very penitent...." He was hanged at Tyburn on Wednesday, July 18, 1722.