[Excerpts from "Minutes of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania", by the Pennsylvania Land Office, 1893] [Excerpted 17 Sep 2007, Mark Murphy] p. 479 8 mo., 30th (1706) P., James Logan. Agreed with Jno. McDonald for a tract of Land Cont'g 200 acres in Christina Hundred, laid out formerly to Philemon MURFY at Id p'r acre, but quitted, and now sold to s'd Jno. for £20 p'r ?'t and 1s Ster. Q't R't. p. 497 11 mo., 7th (1708) About the year 1685 or 6 Wm. Guest Obtained One Grant for 50a. On New Rent, In Newcastle County, near the Great Run, w'ch flows into Redclay Creek, and another Grant for 200 acres, all w'ch he sold to One Phileman MURFY, who sold 50 acres of it To Brian McDonald, and resigned the rest, as 'tis said, to One of Brian's Children, but without makeing any Improvements or paying Rent he left the Country.