For by grace
      are ye saved through faith;
      and that not of yourselves;
      it is the gift of God.
      Ephesians 2:



      We are subject to trouble and tribulations in our life.
      Sometimes in trials it is so hard to trust God with our whole heart.
      We know we are to be patient and wait for Him to work.
      We sometimes want to just hide until it passes.
      But when two people are involved,
      especially in any kind of relationship, we can't do that.
      Even friends may do something that cuts deep into us,
      causing bitterness and feelings of betrayal.
      We feel the problem is hopelessly out of control.
      It is in these difficult circumstances, prayer is essential
      especially from friends and family.
      Prayer helps us to maintain our faith,
      even when we can't understand
      why God tarries and doesn't help us.
      But God is infinite in wisdom, and he searches our hearts.
      All we need sometime is to have faith enough
      to listen for the soft peaceful voice of our Lord,
      saying "follow me in faith".
      He knows what we are able to bear and He uses these trials

      to let us grow in our walk with Him.
      It humbles the pride in us, bringing us just low
      enough to see Him at work in our lives.
      To realize how weak and lost we become without
      the guiding hand of Jesus.
      This acceptance of His will oftentimes goes
      against what we don't want to give up.
      We may not need this relationship in our life, but we want it.
      Our mind desperately clings to this way of thinking.
      No matter how difficult it is for us
      to completely give something up in our lives,
      faith brings us back to Him.
      Jesus never seeks to hurt us, but only teach us to believe
      that all things work for the good of those that love Him.
      The Good Shepherd calls to us to see if we will know
      and obey His voice.
      But when we do as he directs us, the blessing of obedience washes us

      in the victory of Gods's only begotten Son. That is all that God asks us.
      To accept victory over the sinful things in our lives.
      All it takes is Faith.