Instruments of God

      "A pebble dropped in still water causes ripples which affects

      Every thing it touches eternally.
      They never cease".

      One loving thought, one deed plants a small seed into some ones life

      and causes great waves that grow in strength and in value. Everyone

      has the spirit of life within and that spirit is the "Spirit of God".

      Everyone can let that spirit work through him.

      If we do our everyday lives take on a feeling of true greatness.

      Most of us do not consistently use this "spirit."
      We are concerned with the trivial things of life.
      God made us to become the instruments through which

      He could express His love and grace.
      We are charged to bear witness to the heavenly father,

      a testament to what God has done in our life.
      Some people feel they have to convert others to Christianity to do this,

      but this is not always the only instrument of God.

      It is what we express in our own everyday life that is the best and true testimony to God.
      We must appreciate what we are and what God has done for us and have his spirit work through us.
      Many of us keep this spirit to ourselves.
      We can choose to keep it private or bring it out and let it shine.
      Most of us let it sleep quietly, we fail to give it a chance at what it can become to us and others.
      We are made in the image of God and we are His most important instrument of expression.
      The fountain of this spirit is truthfully within us.
      We must have faith in the spirit of God within us.
      We can rely on friends, family and our self but the productive faith must be in God.
      We have to make up our mind to rise above our problems and troubles in our

      everyday lives and make up our mind that we have the power to do so.
      Use of our power of the mind gives us great purpose and control over the direction in which we are taking our life.
      We are children of God and our life will be judged by this, not by what we say or do but by what we are.

      Springtime brings with it a feeling of urgency in our life.
      It is a natural element and process.
      One way we accept and quiet this is planting and tending plants.
      "Sowing and Reaping" gives us satisfaction.
      Jesus was the master gardener.
      Seeds of truth was what he planted.
      Why have so few grown, bloomed and scattered seeds themselves?
      The bible tells us of a parable Jesus told of the seeds.
      "While men slept, his enemies came and weeds and tares among the wheat.

      The owner of the land said, "Let them grow we can wait until the harvest

      then the weeds will be bundled and burned and the wheat gathered."
      We plant good seeds, yet we are not always awake and on watch and let our guard down, weeds appear.
      In our everyday lives we are over exposed to all kinds of seed of doubt.
      On jobs, television, disasters, human relations, friends, and family laugh or shrug off our hearts wishes and wants as trivial.
      Our deep seeded thoughts need to be governed by the Spirit of God.
      Our subconscious should be the servant and not the controller of our thoughts.
      It only brings into being what we want whether we tell it directly or not.

      The conscious mind is its master.
      It measures our success and seeks goals for us.

      Things come our way and we wonder with our conscious mind how we ever got there.

      Our subconscious mind directed our wants.

      Our fleeting emotions might tell our subconscious something we really would not want to act on consciously.
      Jesus pointed out in his parable we shouldn’t be too hasty in judging the errors of our subconscious mind.

      If we destroy the errors, we might destroy the good ones as well.
      We can allow ourselves the freedom not to.
      Sometimes we have to wait and see and that is hard.
      Dont judge the event or error.
      Judge what the result is that comes from that event or error.
      If we let each experience that we have make us a better more compassionate person

      then whatever the event in our lives is an element of learning.
      The seeds from the garden of Jesus transcends time and continue to fall.
      The seeds we will plant, will also grow into victories.
      We must choose our seeds carefully and plant our seeds deep in our own subconscious of our nature first,

      then we can plant seeds and loving thoughts as instruments of God.

      This is the real kingdom of heaven.

      G. Wells