Stover Mailing List
Other People that are Researching the Surname of Stover, Stobar, Stauffer or any other variations of this surname, invite you to join the Stover Mailing List at Rootsweb. Mailing lists are simple: you send a piece of e-mail to the list's address, and the list retransmits that message to everyone who is subscribed.
The Stover Mailing List is hosted by Rootsweb and is free to subscribers. My name is Gracie Stover and I am the 'owner' or manager of the list and if you have any problems, I will be glad to help you. For a list of other Mailing Lists at Rootsweb, this site: will list those for you and explain them to you.
There are two mail modes for the Stover Mailing List. Click on the button beside the version you prefer and enter the word 'subscribe' in the body of the message to join us.
  • [email protected] Stover-L or 'Mail Mode'- When you subscribe to this mode, then you receive each individual piece of mail when someone posts to the list.
  • [email protected] Stover-D or 'Digest Mode' With this version, you would receive one email with several postings in each email you get instead of individual postings. Currently, our list is not all that active and this mode is not really necessary but is available for those who would prefer it. If our membership keeps increasing as it is now, then this may be something worth considering for you if you do not like receiving large quanities of mail. You can always change from Stover-L to Stover-D anytime you choose.
  • [email protected] You can always email me direct to subscribe to the list instead of emailing to one of the two different versions above. Just let me know if you want to join Stover-L or Stover-D.
Your request to join will come to me and I will place your email address on the list as soon as possible. Then you will receive an automated 'welcome' message from Rootsweb. This will include any instructions you may need to post, unsubscribe, etc. When you get this automated 'welcome' it means you are ready, you are subscribed and able to post to our 'group'. If you have any questions, you can email me and I will help. Any problems you may run into or any questions, need to be sent to me, Gracie Stover As manager of the list, I will be more than glad to help you.
New!! Stover Archives !! This means that you can retrieve old messages that have already been posted to the Stover Mailing List. If you want to give it a whirl, take a look at This is a handy tool to use to find out what other researchers are out there and what information has been discussed on our Mailing List.

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