--> Meaning of the Surname

Meaning of Surnames

Little is known of the meaning and origin of our surnames. If you have this information and would like to provide it, please let us know so that we may tell others.

Meaning and origin of the surname McMullen.

McMullin/McMullen are variations of the Scottish name McMillan, which is an Anglicized version of the patronymic name Mac Maolain, from the given name Maolan, from mao = bald, tonsured.
It generally described someone who wore a tonsure and in a transferred sense, to the devotee of a certain saint.
Variations are McMillen, McMullan, McMullen, McMullin, McMullon, McMowlane, McMoylan.
Submitted by: Heather Moser, nee Craik

E-mail: Nelda Gilchrist Spires


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