ENYART-ENYEART, etc. Family Groups- Earliest Ancestors Homepage

The Earliest Documented Ancestors
Y-DNA Testing Group


Welcome to the ENYART, ENYEART, & variants Surname Y-DNA Project.

The purpose of this project is to determine possible relationships between different ENYART-ENYEART, etc. family lines (worldwide). With the use of Y-DNA tests we hope to discover which ENYARTs, ENYEARTSs, etc. have a common ancestor with one of the ancestors possibly being a Carel (Charles) Enjart. This includes, but is not limited to the many varied surnames of Carel's descendants and other unrelated lines having the same surname.

These surnames include these known variants for descendants of Carel, yet could also be a surname from a completely different family DNA line:
Engaits, Engard, Engart, Enger, Engert, Enghart, Enjard, Enjart, Enjert, Enjoert, Enuard, Enyard, Enyardt, Enyart, Enyeart, Eujard, Ingrid, Iniard, Iniart, Injaart, Injard, Injart, Inniard, Inniart, Inyerd, Inyord, Yoreard, Yoriear

The ENYART-ENYEART, etc. Surname Y-DNA Project was established to create a growing database of Y-DNA profiles of male ENYART, ENYEART, & variants descendants to aid in genealogical research. Y-DNA analysis can assist in supporting or refuting the premise that two or more participants descend from a common ancestor.

We hope to achieve the following goals:

  • To determine possible relationships between the known CAREL ENJART lines in the United States and perhaps family connections abroad.
  • To determine possible relationships between others carrying the same surname around the world.
  • To assist ENYARTs, ENYEARTs, etc. and others of the variants surnames not sure of their lineage to determine which of these broad groups they might fit into.
  • To maintain privacy for those who only wish to make known their test number and earliest known ancestor(s). However, if the testee posts or has posted their family information or lineage to Bulletin Boards, Discussion Groups, etc., privacy may have already been jeopardized. Lineages posted here will be with the consent of the testee or his representative descendant or family researcher. Testee could have been a father, brother, uncle, son, cousin, or other distant relative of the named researcher.

    aka MRCA
    Earliest Known Ancestor's Lineage

    Here we place those histories and lineages of participants whose Y-DNA has not yet been identified. We are awaiting the results of their tests in order to place them with a DNA family chart already identified, or perhaps create another chart if he proves to be a unique DNA family.

      ????1 Enjart/Enyart/Inyard/Inyart/etc. b date & place ; m date 7 place to ??? ???; d date & place
      1. ????2 ENYART
        1. ????3 ENYART
          1. ????4 ENYART
            1. ????5 ENYART
      DNA Participant #xxxxxxx
      See: RESULTS
      Researcher: E-mail and Name

    Won't you join our Y-DNA PROJECT?

    Created: 2 July 2004
    Revised: 20 February 2004

    Tiny URL: http://tinyurl.com/38g4g

    ENYART-ENYEART, etc. Homepage

    ENYART-ENYEART, etc. DNA Test Results

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