Genealogical Queries


Genealogical Queries

Working on your Guedry-Labine family tree and reached a dead end?  Try a genealogical query and let Les Guidry d'Asteur Genealogy Committee members put your research back on track.  The Web contains some outstanding Query Forums for the Guedry-Labine family.  Rather than developing a new query site, we'll use these existing query sites.  Les Guidry d'Asteur Genealogy Committee members will visit each of these sites at least once per week and will respond to posted queries.  Writing an effective query is the first step in getting that missing information.


  • Keep it simple, specific and concise.
  • Don't ask for the 'world'.

    Limit your query to one or two generations.  Don't ask for information 'all the way back to Claude Guidry' or ask for 'all the information known on this branch'.
  • Try to ask a specific question.

    Be specific in requesting information.  Where possible, ask a specific question as "would like the place and date of marriage and children of Claude Guedry and Marguerite Petitpas."
  • Provide as much genealogical information as possible.

    Provide as much genealogical information (birth, marriage, death dates and places, spouse(s), where lived, military service) as you know.  Where information is estimated or uncertain, indicate such.  Often one tidbit of information can open the door to that missing relative.
  • Where possible, provide information before 1910.

    The major published sources of civil and church records in Louisiana terminate about 1910.  If you can provide the date for a genealogical event before 1910, you increase your opportunity for a successful response to your query.

  • Capitalize surnames in your query.

    Capitalizing the surname (e.g., GUEDRY) highlights it and makes it easier for others to spot it in the query.

So - Click on a surname link surname and start solving those frustrating mysteries.

Rootsweb Guidry Forum Subscription Page

Rootsweb Guidry Forum

Guidry Forum

Guidry Family Genealogy Forum
(Free automatic membership on visiting site first time.)

Labine Forum

Labine Family Genealogy Forum
(Free automatic membership on visiting site first time.)

Guedry Forum

Guedry Family Genealogy Forum
(Free automatic membership on visiting site first time.)

Geddry Forum

Jeddry Forum

Guildry-Labine Forum

Petitpas Forum

Petitpas Family Genealogy Forum
(Free automatic membership on visiting site first time.)

[Note:  On the Forums type a surname in the "Message Board:  Search" box at the top left and click "Go" for additional queries.]