The Canso Breeze



      Another year has slipped away and again we come to the Christmas season.
      The year 1930 has not been a very profitable one for Canso or the best part of her residents.
      With the exception of the lobster fishing, which ws about on a par with former years, the fishing industry in Canso is at a low ebb.
      The prosperity of Canso has suffered greatly as a result of the closing down of the Maritime Fish Corporation's plant.
      Lack of a bait freezer and cold storage plant has been the chief obstacle in the way of the industry this year and we seem to be no nearer the possession of this necessity, than ever.
      Unemployment relief during the latter part of the year has been of great assistance, but unless the fishing between now and the close of the season - which will be in a couple of weeks more shows an almost impossible improvement, we are going to be faced with a serious problem, as according to newspaper reports, the fishermen of Ingonish and vicinity are facing, even now.
      Merchants are faced with difficulties in the way of excess credit and the hardest part of the winter has not yet been reached.
      It is almost inevitable that some form of direct relief will have to be instituted before the first of May, which is about the earliest time that the fishermen will be in receipt of any income.
      The fishermen have taken a direct forward step in the forming of the organization known as the United Maritime Fishermen and great things are expected from this Union in the future.
      Lack of bait, scarcity of fish when weather has been good for fishing, have been the chief factors in the failure of the fishing season. Better results from fishing have been reported from the Western part of Guysboro County, but prices were lower there than they were in Canso, with the result that returns have not been very substantial.
      Owing to the industrial depression, town finances are not in extremely good condition, owing to the large number of people who are simply unable to pay their taxes.
      This amount of unpaid taxes is considerable, and, as a result, the Town is compelled to borrow, with the additional cost of interest charges. With .......The rest of this article is cut off.


      To one and all, Canso citizens in particular, Guysboro County people in general, and to all our readers, everywhere, we take pleasure in wishing "A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR".


      The building of the new Lily Brook bridge and the raising and widening of the approaches thereto are proceeding apace. This week has seen a great amount of work done. The southern half of the old bridge was torn down and the foundation for that half of the bridge is now finished and at the time of writing, ready for planking. One half of the road is being built at a time and this has been carried almost up to the end of the present sidewalk on the Hazel Hill end. We shudder to think, however, of what will haoppen if we gwet a good downpour of rain. This cannot be helped however, and we may not have to experience it.
      When this half of the bridge and road are completed traffic will be diverted to it and the other half closed. This is a splendid way to build this road and those in charge of the work are making a good job of it.


      On Thursday afternoon the event so eagerly looked forward to by the younger kiddies took place in the Canso High School. This was the annual Christmas Tree Festival. There were in all, in the School, eight Christmas Trees, all nicely decorated and laden with good things. The merchants of the Town generously donated candy approximating one hundred pounds as well as a supply of nuts.
      Each student was presented with a bag of candy and there was also a supply of nuts, apples, oranges, etc.
      We were privileged to see these Christmas trees and all were very attractive.



      At the annual entertainment of the Hazel Hill School held on Thursday evening last, the following prizes were presented: -
      Grade XI - Frank Lukeman;
      Grade X - Pauline Bushell;
      Grade IX - Winnifred Kavanagh;
      Grade VIII - Allan Fanning;
      Grade VII - Arnold Bushell;
      Grade VI - Ross Davis;
      Grade V - Helene Stephenson;
      Grade IV - Charlie Hartley;
      Grade III - Mary Groen;
      Grade II - Muriel Conway;
      Grade I - Diana Bushell.


      Advanced Grades - Frank Lukeman.
      Intermediate Grades - Kathleen Fanning.
      Primary Grades - Peggy McDougall
      These prizes were for the School Year which ended in June 1930.



      It has been suggested that an Inter-Club Billiard tournament be played between the members of the Western Union Rest & Recreation Club and the Hazel Hill Athletic Association. The suggestion is to pick four from each club and have a sort of Billiard Relay Competition.
      Owing to the difference between the two tables, it will probably result in playing so many points on the W.U. Table and so many points on the Hill table. This would be an interesting and competition foster the spirit of friendly rivalry existing between the two clubs as well as providing something to look at during the cold winter evenings. The developments will be worked out later.






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