April - May 1914 Barry Co., MO, Newspapers, Cassville Republican


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1914 Extracts from Barry County, MO, Newspapers  

An interlibrary loan of microfilm from the Missouri State Historical Society was the source of the below given data.

April 2, 1914, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO

Kings Prairie News: Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jackson, a 9 1/2 pound son.

Gunter News: M. L. Bullington and wife visited with their son, Monroe, Sunday.

Pleasant Ridge News: Our school closed Friday, Miss Ethel Reid teacher, the forenoon, was spent in recitation work. At the noon hour a nice dinner was set which was enjoyed by all. The pupils and teacher had prepared a program for the afternoon which was carried out nicely.

Pleasant Ridge News: The Lone Hill school will close next Friday, Calvin Henderson, teacher. They are preparing a program for the afternoon.

Quaker News: Jessie Wright and Lena Dilbeck were united in the bonds of holy matrimony Thursday evening. The bride is a daughter of Frank Dilbeck and is highly respected by all who knew her. The groom is a son of W. L. Wright and is highly esteemed by his many friends, who wish them happiness through their long life.

Washburn News: Mrs. Emma Porter of Tulsa, Okla., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Hasten Fulton, at his place. 

Washburn News: T. Boles of Pawhuska, Okla., visited his father-in-law, Wm. Tennis and family from Sunday to Wednesday. He was accompanied home by his wife and little daughter, Thelma, who had been visiting her parents some two weeks.

Washburn News: Quite a few here attended the funeral of Levi Fawver Thursday at Seligman. We extend sympathy to the bereaved family.

Washburn News: Henry Weston and family spent Sunday very pleasantly with his brother Jim Weston and family of Pasley.

Washburn News: Mrs. R. E. L. Bass and little son, John Frederick and mother, Mrs. Kirk, moved Friday to their home in Cassville.

Golden News: There was no school Wednesday, Mr. Waddell had to go to Cassville to attended the Holman-Garrison trial.

Golden News: Jackson Vanover and Irene Norris were united in marriage at Eureka Springs, March 22nd. We wish them much happiness.

Line News: Miss Mary Miller is staying with her sister, Mrs. Clyde Atkisson, at Aurora.

New Salem News: We were sorry to hear of the deaths M. B. Dabbs and Levi Fawver of Seligman. The bereaved families have our heartfelt sympathy.

Rock Creek News: Mr. and Mrs. Hightower of Webb City are visiting he latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Channell.

Oak Ridge News: James Vaught moved last week on Mr. Bell's place above town. James is suffering fir a very bad felon.

Oak Ridge News: Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pasley, who has been suffering with appendicitis for several weeks is improving.

Shady Grove News: Mrs. Rosa Reed and daughter, Miss Mamie, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Tint Reed.

Butterfield News: Mrs. James Shoopman was called to Sapulpa, Okla., Thursday night on account of her little granddaughter getting her eye put out. We are all very sorry to hear of this and hope the little child will get along nicely.

Butterfield News: Arthur Strawther and family moved here from Oklahoma last week and is going to live at his father's home.

Butterfield News: Bill Varner of near Cassville visit his father-in-law, H. H. Schrimenger, this week.

Roaring River News: Henry Vanderpool and wife lost their 6 year old son, George, Sunday night. George was a bright child, being the youngest and also the first death in the family. It was very trying on them. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the community.

Seligman News: Will Barris and wife, and Lee Collier of Marionville attended the funeral of their cousin, L. W. Fawver, Thursday of last week.

Seligman News: A surprise party was given O. A. Arnold Saturday night. Many of his friends were present. Some excellent music was furnished.

Clio News: Ana Hudson has been staying with her brother, John during their sickness.

An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boucher died March 22nd. Burial was made the day following at the family cemetery.

Wm. Curry will succeed Hilton brothers in the mercantile business at Scholten, March 30, having traded his farm of more than 200 acres southwest of Scholten for the stock. The store is located at one of the best inland points in the country and Hilton Brothers have enjoyed a good business. The stock will invoice about $4,000. Crane Chronicle.

Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell went to Stotts City, Saturday to be at the bedside of Mrs. Mitchell's grandmother, Mrs. Jones, who is quite sick of pneumonia. On account of Mrs. Jones advanced age little hopes is entertained for her recovery.  

Mr. Zilliox of Peirce [Pierce] City was awarded the contract for building the new concrete bridge over Capps creek, March 26, by John D. Burkholz, overseer in district No. 30, and J. L. Hobbs, secretary, Monett special road district. His bid was $617.50. Monett Times

Mrs. G. F. Channey and little daughter returned Tuesday from a visit to Kansas City.

R. W. Wilks of Verona has been visiting his son, W. A. Wilks, and family.

Miss Myrtle Baird closed a term of school in McDonald County, Friday and returned home Saturday.

J. F. Hensely came down from Mt. Vernon, Thursday to visit his daughter, Mrs. VanHook, and family.

Circuit Court Proceedings. [Click here to read]

G. Saloga died on Capps Creek, burial at Stone's Prairie. [Click here to read]

Levi Fawver died, March 25, 1914. [Click here to read]

April 9, 1914, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO

Hungry Hollow News: Mrs. Fred Anderson visited her mother Saturday night and Sunday.

Washburn Prairie News: Otto Ruppert of Wheaton, was his father-in-law's, J. A. Longley, Friday night on business.

Washburn Prairie News: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hall of Exeter and Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Sparkman and little grandson, Milton, of Cassville spent Thursday night with their parents, Judge and Mrs. M. B. Sparkman.

Washburn Prairie News: S. F. Varner and sisters, Miss Kitt and Pauline visited with James McGlothin and family of Rock Springs, Sunday.

Washburn Prairie News: Mrs. J. A. Longley and daughters, Mary and Marjorie, spent from Friday till Sunday with here daughter, Mrs. Addah Mathews of Monett and attended the close of her school at Bellview Saturday.

Seligman News: A wedding occurred at T. P. Hulsey's Sunday, particulars unattainable.

Seligman News: John D. Birkes has traded his Arkansas land for Colorado land and will soon move there and go into the cattle business extensively.

Washburn News: Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Frost of Rogers, Ark., spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frost.

Washburn News: Mrs. Blanche Wardlaw and little daughter, Ruth, visited in Seligman last week.

Washburn News: Miss Bonnie Roller is teaching a subscription school here. She began Monday.

Washburn News: Mrs. Brown of Monett visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Fine, the first of last week.

New Salem News: James Fountain of this place and brother, Robert of Washburn bought a nice bunch of calves one day last week.

Purdy News: Miss Stella Birkes of Monett visited her sister, Mrs. D. L. Baylor, the first of the week.

Pleasant Ridge News: Mr. and Mrs. James Hilton of McDowell visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClellan and family.

Lone Elm News: Friday, March 27th, closed a successful term of school at Lone Elm with Ernest Perriman as teacher. About the noon hour the patrons came in with well filled baskets and the ladies spread a bounteous dinner which was enjoyed by all present.

Mineral Springs News: Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dilworth are the proud parents of an 8 1/2 pound dishwasher, which came to their home Saturday.

Milwaukee News: E. W. Daugherty and son, visited his uncle and aunt, A. J. Clevenger, and wife at Purdy, last week.

Milwaukee News: The little babe of James Smalley has been very sick but is much better now. James returned to Oklahoma Wednesday of last week.

Quaker News: We are sorry to state that Uncle Arch Laney is not doing so well.

Quaker News: Miss Flora Boyer has returned from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Dummit at Purdy.

Bellview News: Earl Jefferies of Monett got killed Saturday night while working in the switch yard. He was unmarried and was twenty-four years old and a son of Dink Jefferies.

Miss Nannie Hamilton, a teacher in the Purdy school, visited her sister, Mrs. W. S. Price, and family, Sunday.

Mrs. Earl Smithson of Exeter visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Frost last week.

R. G. Salyer has for several days been at Shawnee, Okla., attending Mrs. Salyer who became ill while attending her mother who has been in poor health for some time.

Lost: A black cape with fur about the collar and down the front was lost Friday morning, March 27 between Mr. Burchett's place and Butterfield. Finder is requested to leave the same at Joseph Reed's store at Butterfield.

A son recently arrived at the home of Rec. and Mrs. Bert Smith of Dodge City, Kan.  Rev. Smith is a son of Rev. C. M. Smith of Exeter and until some months ago was pastor of the Peirce [Pierce] City Baptist Church.

Mrs. J. E. Sater and little daughter, Ruth, of Monett, have been visiting Mrs. A. L. Brown and Mrs. H. M. Allen and families.

F. N. Reese and family attended the funeral of Earl Jeffries of Monett Sunday. The decease was a nephew of Mrs. Reese.

Horrible Death: Earl B. Jefferies, a young switchman, was killed by falling under some moving cars, Friday night about 11 o'clock. [click here to read]

Obituary: Francis P. Williams Seamster was born June 7, 1861 and died Feb 26, 1914.   [click here to read]

Sad Death: Lloyd Earle Lowe, aged two years, was killed Sunday, March 22, at the home of his parents.  [click here to read]

Licenses to Wed:

Edward F. Stark, 23, Ft. Smith & Goldie Pearce, 20, Purdy

Ernest C. Hooker, 22, Seligman & Ruth E. McClain, 20, Seligman

J. E. Bloomberg, 23, St. Paul & Lula Owens, 20, Monett

Chas. Bass, 20, Monett & Cora Keeling, 23, Monett

April 16, 1914, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO

New Salem News: Adam Wallace and Aunt Mary Pendergraft visited their sister, Mrs. J. F. Ruddick, near Cassville part of last week.

Forest Grove News: A. W. Terry and wife of Purdy were visiting at Rev. Ennes' Monday night of last week. They are both prominent teacher of our county.

Forest Grove News: We are sorry to hear of the sickness of Mrs. Pilant. We hope she will soon recover.

Forest Grove News: Claud Beymer of Monett was visiting at C. L. Beymer the last of last week.

New Site News: Little Anna Rachel Means spent the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. Rachel Banks. [Research Note: Rachel Banks was a daughter of Charles Haddock, Jr. and his second wife, Susan Meyers/Moyers Rumbaugh.]

New Site News: School closed at Walnut Grove Friday, April 10th, Miss Naomi Bonous has taught a very success[ful] term and to show their appreciation of her work, the patrons gathered at noon hour and spread a bountiful dinner. Immediately after which the men observed Arbor day by setting out a number of trees. Then the crowd assemble dot enjoy the excellent program rendered by the school.

Union Valley News: Miss Zola Lance returned home from Wright, Kan., last week, where she has been teaching school.

Victory News: Aunt Sadie Wheeler has returned to her home in Ala after a long visit with her nephew, L. R. Wheeler and family.

McDowell News: The families of Dimmit Wainright and John Martin spent Easter Sunday in Monett the guest of Dimmit's father, Rev. W. D. Wainright. They report a nice time. The family was all at home, except one daughter who lives in Fort Worth, Texas. They have a nice home in Monett.

Purdy News: Sam P. McQueen was kicked by a horse last week and narrowly escaped being killed. The animal kicked him in the face.

An infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Reagin of Exeter died Friday night. Interment was made near Mt Vernon, Sunday.

Mrs. O. H. Hudson and sister, Miss Christine Johnson, of Monett, are visiting at Nevada.

Miss Ruth Beasley who is attending Drury College at Springfield came home Thursday and spent Easter holidays with her parents. Mr .and Mrs. L. Beasly.

Will Lathim closed a successful term of school at Clay Hill Friday.

Your beehives are now ready. You can take them out any time when in town from W. W. Witt's shop, Cassville, Mo.

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Salyer returned Wednesday of last week from Shawnee, Okla., where they had been called to attend Mrs. Salyer's mother who died Saturday, April 4.

Mrs. C. H. Munday of Mano recently received a letter from her son, Will Joseph, stating that he has been re-employed superintendent of schools at Buffalo, Wyo., at a salary of $155.55 per month. This makes his third year at Buffalo and each year he has been re-employed at an increase salary. Mr. Joseph has many friends in this county who will be glad to hear of his splendid success.

School teachers for the coming school year. [Click here to read]

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gustin and family who have been residing at Salem have decided to locate at Vinita, Okla. Mrs. Gustin is a sister of Mrs. W. O. Black and recently visited in this city. Monett Times   

Probate Court Docket [Click here to read]

Licenses to Wed:

Will E. Birkenbach, 23, Monett & Agnes Koenig, 20, Monett

Alonzo Huffman, 24, Springfield & Agnes J. Bramer, 21, Monett

John Phillips, 20, Hailey & Vada Blankenship, 19, Cato

Chas. H. Curtis, 19, Seligman & Oma Roller, 17, Seligman

Floyd Smith, 18, Verona & Esther Louburg, 19, Verona

James H. Fare, 19, McDowell & Lola B. Stockton, 17, McDowell

Claude Bayless, 20, Kansas City & Fannie Packwood, 20, Exeter

T. C. Winsatt, 46, Monett & Clara Bramer, 33, Monett

Jess G. Hudson, 22, Leann & Clara Hilton, 18, Leann

Miles Moulder, 23, Washburn & Laura Dent, 19, Exeter

April 23, 1914, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO

Pleasant Ridge News: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Fly was buried Wednesday.

Purdy News: One of Prof. Swindle's daughter was shipped to this place from Chicago last week. Her home was in that city. We do not know any of the details of her death.  

Rock Springs News: Last Sunday Corda Anderson of this section met Arthur Purson of Benton County, Ark.  [Click here to read]

Robert Black of Monett and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pilant of Monett attended the funeral of Mrs. Katherine Pilant Thursday.

Quaker News: Mrs. M. E. Merritt is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dave Mills.

Mano News: Miss Bee Tucker visited her parents here Saturday and Sunday.

Butterfield News: Grandma Terry passed away last Wednesday morning.  [Click here to read]

Shell Knob News: Born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berry, a fine boy, to Mr. and Mrs. Medford Greenstreet, a new dishwasher. All doing well.

Shell Knob News: Dr. Baird of Marionville came down in his automobile last week to visit W. W. Smith.

Seligman News: Lin Patterson and family of Kansas City are visiting his parents, C. A. Paterson and wife.

Mano News: Miss Bee Tucker visited her parents here Saturday and Sunday.

Mano News: Arthur Stever has the typhoid fever but is reported better.

Mineral Springs News: Dan Holliday celebrated his 43rd birthday last Sunday. We hope he may see as many more birthdays.

Pleasant Ridge News: Floyd Smith and Miss Esther Lonberg were married Sunday, John Pennell officiating. They will make their home on a farm on Little Flat. We extend congratulations.

Union Valley News: The Union Valley school closed Saturday, April 18. Otis Packwood has taught us two of the best schools we have ever had taught. [Click here to read]

Union Valley News: Miss Oma Packwood will teach our school this year and we hope to have as good a school as the last two schools.

J.C. Whittington of Eagle Rock returned Monday from a visit with his father, John Whittington, at Atlas, Ark.

Miss Myrtle Baird is assisting in the Cassville Mercantile Store.

Dr. Glenn Salyer of Shell Knob went to Aldrich, Polk County, Friday to visit the family of S. J. Salyer.

A. M. Weeks appointed constable for an unexpired term made vacant by removal of S. R. Buchanan commissioned issued and bond approved.

Arthur Salyer, an employee of the Frisco with headquarters at Monett, visited in Cassville, Saturday.

[Abstract] Order of Publication, J. W. George, administrator of the estate of A. B. Gardner, deceased.

[Abstract] Administratrix's Notice: Rinda Dabbs, administratrix for M. B. Dabbs, deceased, estate.

[Abstract] Trustee's Sale: W. E. McClure - Thomas S. Frost, Trustee

Harry Horine and son, E. K., have purchased the W. N. Turner residence property and lot on Spring Street. Elias will build on the north part of the lot and both families will move to the property.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stuckey in company with Frank W. Hood and Miss Beulah Stuckey both of Columbus, Kan., spent Sunday at Roaring River Spring.

Willard C. Skaggs, charged with felonious assault and robbery, was acquitted Monday.  [click here to read] 

W. F. Hughes held in the county jail was released. [click here to read] 

Mrs. Catherine Pilant Dead: Mrs. Catherine Pilant died Wednesday morning, April 15, 1914.  [click here to read] 

Mrs. Myrtle Nance, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Swindle of near Wheaton, died April 12.  [click here to read]

Former Cassville Citizen Dead: Mrs. J. R. W. Bennington died April 16, 1814.  [click here to read]

April 30, 1914, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO

Arnhart News: Miss Myrtle McCracken has returned home after a three weeks' stay at O. P. Brite's.

Butterfield News: Mrs. Tom Ferguson was called to Republic last Wednesday to her son's and found her little grandchild very ill and it passed away in a short time. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace.

Lone Elm News: Miss Billey Thomas visited her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Jay, Saturday night.

Long Elm News: Noah Widders has been employed to teach our school for the coming year.

Mt. Sinai News: The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Loftin, died Monday morning of measles. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all.

Union Valley News: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Polley of Washburn spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Bay Smith.

Union Valley News: Mrs. Bay Smith is slowly recovering from the measles.

Forest Grove News: T. C. Mills of New Mexico and Anna Eden of Cato were married Monday evening at the home of Rev. Ennes.

Forest Grove News: Miss Effie Smith of Eagle Rock is staying with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Reynolds.

Osa News: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hemphill celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary April 26,1914, at their home. All of their children being present but two of their girls enjoyed a nice dinner at he noon hour.

Clay Hill News: Uncle Thomas Juman who has been very ill for some time, died at his home near Madry, Friday. The remains were laid to rest in Maple Park Cemetery.

Shell Knob News: We are sorry to hear of J. L. Hankins loss of horses and mules from eating silage.

Shell Knob News: Morton Brock has moved to the Knob to take care of his father since his mother's death.

Mrs. Ida Purdy, wife of the late George Purdy, died at her home, [burial] in Peirce [Pierce] City Cemetery, following funeral services conducted by Dr. J. H. George of Springfield. Her husband was postmaster at Perice [Pierce] City for several years and well known in this county.

An infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. Will Couch died Thursday night of last week. Interment was made at he Munsey Cemetery Thursday.

Chromo Brattin was placed in the county jail last week to serve a sentence for disturbing the peace at Seligman.

The graduation exercises of the Cassville High School will be held on Friday evening, May 22.  [Click here to read]

Lawrence Tatum and Miss Laura Apple of Seligman were united in marriage.  [Click here to read]

Miss Lucy Landis, teacher in the Crane high school, returned home last week. The Crane school closed some days ago.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Edens and daughter, Mrs. J. C. Baker, went to Duenweg Friday evening to see their daughter and sister, Mrs. Bert Townsend, who has been quite sick. Mrs. Townsend underwent an operation Thursday. Mrs. Baker returned home Sunday and reports Mrs. Townsend in much better health.

Dr. Marcus D. L. McCall, a well known physician died. [Click here to read]

Licenses to Wed:

J. C. Lewis, 29, Purdy & Ora Harlan, 30, Purdy

Carl Witte, 28, Monett & Mary Nagel, 33, Monett

Davis Stephens, 22, Garfield, Ark. & Ella Laney, 19, Exeter

George Wagner, 21, Monett & Gertie Winsatt, 17, Monett

L. C. Tatman, 23, Cassville & Lora R. Apple, 20, Seligman

T. C. Mill, 25, New Mexico & Anna Eden, 25, Cato

J. L. Henry, Washburn & Laura Ellis, Washburn

J. T. Mulvaney, 25, Perice [Pierce] city & Anna Exposto, 24, Monett

May 7, 1914, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO

Eagle Rock News: Mrs. Reading and daughter and Mrs. Stapp recently were out in an old field between the homes of Mr. Stapp and J.C. Whittington and saw a big wild cat. They seem like they are getting pretty tame here of late.

Roaring Spring News: Mrs. E. C. Faulk recently received a letter informing her that her brother, Fred Surrett, of Dewy, [Dewey] Okla., had his leg broken in a runaway.

Roaring Spring News: J.D. Robins [Robbins] and family have returned to their farm where since almost a years [year] in Oklahoma.

Victory News: Little Hazel King has been pretty bad sick with pneumonia fever and measles.

Shady Grove News: Miss Effie Adams has returned from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Ollie Gorden and family of near Pierce City.

Rock Springs News: Walter and Vergel Edens of Garfield, ark., were visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Malinda Edens, and others last Friday and Saturday.

Rock Springs News: Arthur Purson and wife of Garfield, Ark., was visiting J. W. Anderson's last Sunday.

McDowell News: Dr. Robertson and wife took Mrs. Robertson's sister, Mrs. Maud Forehan nee Mathews to Monett Saturday where she took the 10 O'clock train for Kansas City where she will be married to Noah Williams. Mr. Williams has a good position in that city. We join in wishing them much happiness as they are excellent young people and will be missed very much in this community. 

McDowell News: Mrs. H. Osborn died at her home one mile east of McDowell, April 23, and burial was made at Bethel Friday 24. She will be missed. She was a good wife and mother. [Research Note: Fairie Ozbun, born Mar 6, 1866 died April 22, 1914, stone located at Bethel Cemetery. ]

McDowell News: Aaron Long and wife are visiting friends and relatives on the creek. They are in very poor health but Aaron seems to be better after getting a drink on Flat Creek again.

Purdy News: Geo. Edwards arrived from the west in response to a message to come to see his mother last week but was just one day too late. Mrs. Edwards was laid to rest in the Arnhart Cemetery following funeral services at the church near by. She left five sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. The youngest, a girl of thirteen. [Research Note: Cemetery stone at Arnhart reads: Caroline 1861-1914. Also there is Geo. W. Edwards 1854 -1903.]

Purdy News: C. M. Gurley and sons, McKinley and Orlan, were repairing their residence property her last week. C. M. lives on his farm near Wheaton. Orlan has recently retuned from the Philippine Islands were he has been serving is county in the the regular army.

Mano News: Arthur Stever who has had an attack of typhoid fever was able to be at Mano Saturday.

New Salem News: Miss Cleo Anderson of this place and Ray Cowherd of Purdy were married. [Click here to read]

New Salem News: Miss Cal. Fountain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Fountain who has been staying with her grandparents of Fairland, Okla., accompanied her father home the first of last week.

Independence News: Otto, the little 9 year old son of Mr. Dell near Talbert Spring, was accidentally killed.  [Click here to read]

Mrs. Hugh Montgomery and children returned last week from Duenweg where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Nina Wilson, and family.

Donald Rittenhouse died Wednesday of last week, at the home of his parents, of typhoid, age 8 years. Interment was made Thursday at Sparks. [Research Note: Cemetery stones at Sparks are for Albert, Etta E., and Arthur R., but there is none for Donald.]

Licenses to Wed:

A. E. Weston, 22, Seligman & Stella Beaver, 17, Seligman

W. M. Griffith, 26, Cassville & Ethel Berry, 21, Aurora

Wilbur M. Dyer, Cassville & Margaret Boyles, Deadwood, Ore.

H. Ray Cowherd, 21, Purdy & Cleo Anderson, 17, Seligman

Gerald W. Shorntz, 21, Jenkins & Pearl Lee, 26, McDowell

H. G. Coffey, 26, Kansas City & Amy Jones, 21, Monett

Burl J. DeShields, 27, Washburn & Nora Yoes, 29 Washburn

May 14, 1914, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO

Rock Creek News: Mrs. Chester Collins of Verona visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Channel part of last week.

Arnhart News: Mrs. Ellie Bowman and three little children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Harris, Saturday night and Sunday.

Pleasant Ridge News: Mrs. Ida Eagle and daughter, Ethel, of Monett, were visiting the Ridge the first of last week.

New Site News: Mrs. Mabel Higgins of Liberty, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. C. Banks, will go to Oil City, La., this week for a visit with her sister, Mrs. F. P. Neill.

Purdy News: Mrs. Charles Albright is visiting her father, Prof. Wingo, of Fairgrove, at present.

Purdy News: Grant Blankenship is visiting his brother, John R., who is real poorly with stomach trouble.

Seligman News: Joe Bankes, quietly passed away at his home east of town, Joe was a young man. He had been in poor health for the past five years. He leaves a family, mother, father, brothers, and sisters to mourn his loss. Joe was always considered a good man and good neighbor and was liked by all who knew him. [Banks]

New Salem News: J. Beaver, wife and daughter, Ecie, went to Cassville Wednesday to see Mr. Beaver's brother-in-law who is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver returned Thursday. Miss Ecie remained for a few days.  

New Salem News: Joe Banks died at his home near Seligman, Saturday, May 9th. The remains were brought here Sunday for burial. Funeral services were at 2:30 o'clock p.m. conducted by Rev. Ed Vanderpool in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. To the bereaved wife and children we extend our heartfelt sympathy. [Research Note: In 1910 Joel F. Banks was age 30, born in AR, with a MO born father, and US born mother. He listed his wife as age 23, born in MO, with father born in MO and mother born in IL. They'd been married 6 years and both were in a first marriage. Their children were two daughters, Alis, age 5, and Elsie, age 3; and Donald, a son, age 1. All three were born in MO. Mary stated that she'd had 3 children and had three living 3 children.] 

New Salem News: Miss Pearl Fountain spent last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fountain, of Washburn.

New Salem News: Carter Skelton is rejoicing over the arrival of a new granddaughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornell.

Washburn Prairie News: A nice monument was erected at the grave of Mrs. W. M. Varner, one day last week.

Washburn Prairie News: Mrs. M. B. Sparkman is at the home of her son, Dr. C. M. Sparkman, in Cassville, taking treatment. She is in very poor health.

Milwaukee News: Walter Vanzandt is our mail carrier for a few weeks on account of smallpox. [Van Zandt]

Milwaukee News: Aunt Phoebe Hays has returned home from Roaring River where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charley Sills.

Forest Grove News: Will Bowers and wife, T. A. Bowers and daughters, Misses Maggie and Bertha, and Robert Greer were sight seeing at Roaring River Sunday.

Arnhart News: Mrs. Billie Bowman and three little children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Harris, Saturday night and Sunday.

Lynn Manley and family and Mrs. Florence Smedly of Monett have been attending their grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Goodnight, who has been quite sick.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson of Corsicana, visited Mrs. Jackson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Meador, the latter part of last week.

Dr. W. T. Bailey went to Joplin Tuesday night in response to a message that his brother-in-law, R. A. Johnson, was seriously ill. Later: We learn Mr. Johnson died Tuesday night and his body will be brought here for burial.

Mrs. S. E. Wallen came in from Vinita, Okla., Monday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Brown, and other relatives in Cassville.

Miss Irma Hineman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hineman, shot and killed herself. [Click here to read]

Dave Burris, an inmate at the country farm, dropped dead Wednesday of last week, interment was made at the Horner Cemetery, Thursday. [Research Note: There is no stone for Dave. An earlier item read that his name was Barris, however, it probably was Burris as this item reads.]

Miss Elsie Moore died Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. Granville Moore of near Mineral Springs.  [Click here to read]

Elizabeth (McCoy) Goodnight's death. [Click here to read]

James C. Hilton passed away at Bonanza, Ore, April 25, 1914. [Click here to read]

We are informed that Mrs. Giddings, mother of Mrs. G. E. Harris at Vinita, Okla., recently died at that place. [Click here to read]

May 21, 1914, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO

New Site News: Eld. C. M. Smith of Exeter was called to New Site Sunday to conduct the funeral services of Mrs. Ella Carlin who died at her home near Webb City, May 15, 1914. Ella J. Kirk was born in 1855. In 1881 she was married to Lafayette Carlin. To this union were born five children, two sons and three daughters, the oldest son died in infancy. The other children are living and were with their mother at the time of her death. The body was shipped to Monett where it was taken in charge by undertaker Calloway and after the services which was held at New Site the remains were laid to rest in the New Site Cemetery. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of all in this dark hour of Sorrow.  [Research Note:  Ella J. Kirk was married to Harrison Lafayette Carlin, son of William Marshall and Nancy (Haddock) Carlin. Ella Jane was born in White Co., IN, a daughter of Henry C.  and Mary A. Kirk. In 1870 her family were listed in Vineyard Twp., in Lawrence Co., MO. ]

New Site News: Mr. and Mrs. Larkin of Monett, visited Mrs. Larkin's grandmother, Mrs. Marshall, Carlin, Sunday.

Sunnyside News: James Stills has been working at the mill since Leon Hulsey has been away on an outing trip.

Washburn News: Frank Moffatt is spending a two week's vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Moffatt. He has a position, with the railroad company near St. Louis.

Union Valley News: Mrs. Gemmecke of Seligman returned home Sunday after a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs. Bent Smith and family.

Victory News: Miss Lolla and Della Johnson were visiting their aunt, Mrs. John King, Saturday night and Sunday.

Wheaton News: R.D. Powell and family spent the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell, of this city,. They have been at San Bernito, Tex.

Wheaton News: W. E. Rowley returned Wednesday from Lawrence county where he brought suit for a division of his father's estate, which was going to his half brothers.

Willow Branch News: Bob Luney and family visited his brother, Tom, Saturday night and Sunday. [Looney?]

McDowell News: One of C. L. Dyer's old boyhood friends of Carthage has been visiting him. They have not met since they were in the same company. No telling how many canons they fired last week.

Independence News: Mrs. George Packwood visited her father, Mr. McCary, of Washburn last week.

Independence News: Miss Nora Pallet is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Packwood.

Burial of Robert A. Johnson: The remains of Robert A. Johnson, who died at Joplin, Tuesday, May 12, 1914, arrived here Wednesday evening for burial. Interment was made Thursday afternoon at the Oak Hill Cemetery, after short funeral services conducted by Rev. E. A. Frost assisted by Rev. Hickman.

The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnson of Wheaton, and was born at Washburn, January 12, 1872. He lived in the county a grater part of his life and had a wide acquaintances. For several years he was conductor on the Cassville & Western Railroad and was the first employee to fill that position.

During the past few years he became afflicted with paralysis in which his life was gradually taken. He was a member of the Christian Church and bore his affliction with Christian fortitude. Besides his parents, the deceased is survived by a wife, three children, six brothers and one sister.

S. H. Beason east of town and Mrs. Ira Williams of Denver, Colo., were married last week. Mrs. Beason formerly lived in there vicitny of Cassville.

H. Perkins has moved to the E. W. Daugherty place in the Pasley locality.

Beecher Funk of Tower Hill, Ill., has been visiting with the family of his brother, Benjamin Funk. He left Monday evening for a visit at Denver, Colo.

Probate Court Proceedings [Click here to read]

Licenses to Wed:

Lon Garrison, 31, Purdy & Effie Packwood, 28, Exeter

Elmer Dillinger, 21, Monett & Mary Ann Allen, 19, Monett

William R. Nickell, 22, Cassville & Ova White, 22, Cassville

Louis P. Trieber, 32, Kansas City & Malinda Fiske, 36, Colorado Springs, Colo



May 28, 1914, Thursday, Cassville Republican, Barry Co., MO

Washburn News: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lund and little son, Arthur, of Cedar, Kan., are the guest of Mrs. Lund's parents, Mr. and Mr. J. A. Pease. They were accompanied by Miss Edna Fetrow of Cedar. [Research Note: Edna was a daughter of William Henry and Martha Cornelia (Cobbs) Fetrow. William was a half-brother to Janetta (Fetrow) Pease.]

Washburn Prairie News: Mrs. Moulton Varner and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with her parents, Walter Thomas and wife of Washburn. [Research Note: Walter Weeks and Mary Ann (Hendrix) Thomas were the parents of Gertrude Thomas who married William Moulton Varner. Walter Weeks Thomas was a son of John C. and Virginia (Berryhill) Thomas.]

Washburn Prairie News: Grandma Varner and daughters, Martha and Mrs. H. J. Hopkins, spent Saturday very pleasantly with J. B. Hopkins and family of Corinth.

Washburn News: Miss Serna Wasson returned last week from Hiawatha, Kan., where she has been on an extended visit of her brother, Jim Wasson, and family.

Washburn News: Mrs. John Wiles of Oklahoma is visiting her sisters, Mesdames John Hoog and F. D. Cargile.

Washburn News: Mrs. J. A. Pease went to Springfield Thursday.

Washburn News: Miss Campbell of Harrison, Ark., has been visiting her uncles, Chas. and Trell Campbell, and families the past week.

New Site News: Lafayette Carlin of near Webb City is visiting relatives here. [Research Note: Harrison Lafayette was a son of William Marshall and Nancy (Haddock) Carlin.]

New site News: Misses McCormacks of Kings Prairie visited there aunt, Mrs. Rena Wormington, Sunday.

New Site News: C. W. Fleetwood's children visited their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. T. Fleetwood, Saturday night and Sunday.

Kings Prairie News: Mrs. Frances Tate died in Colorado and her body was brought to the Kings Prairie Cemetery for burial.

Purdy News: Mrs. W. S. Carlin and son Earl, drove over to Monett Monday afternoon. [Research Note: William Sherman Carlin was a son of William Marshall Carlin and his wife Nancy Haddock.]

Rock Creek News: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Stephenson, May 15th, a daughter.

Wayne News: Mrs. Henry Ledingham and daughter, Susie, and Mrs. J. E. Erwin and children were visiting in Wheaton, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Chenoweth of near Purdy are the proud grandparents of a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Wiley M. Chenoweth at Quinlau, Okla.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Saturday, May 23, a son.

Mrs. C. D. Manley and daughter Miss Elaine, visited relatives in Monett Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Barney Bush and daughter Miss Mary, of Monett, have been visiting relatives and friends in Cassville.

Albert Mace was brought down from Monett Tuesday and placed in the county jail, charged with burglary and larceny.

Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Dummitt of Kings Prairie were called to Joplin Saturday by the dangerous illness of their grandson, a son of dr. and Mrs. M. Dummit. Monett Times

Mrs. Lottie McHargue returned Saturday from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Guy McClure and family at Springfield.

Marion Branstetter who shot and killed his sweetheart, Gertrude Griffith, a few weeks ago, at Marionville was sentenced to the penitentiary for life by Judge McNatt in the Lawrence County circuit court last week. Branstetter entered a plea of guilty to a charge of murder in the first degree. He is 22 years of age, and is a son of widowed mother who resides near Marionville.

Sudden Death: Eli E. Hughes, a well known, traveling salesman for the Oliver Chilled Plow Co., was found dead in his room at the Commercial Hotel in Rogers, Ark., Tuesday morning. The cause of his death has not been made known but heart disease is thought to have been the cause.

The deceased was a resident of Aurora and a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hughes of Madry. He was reared in this county and had a wide acquaintance. Several years ago he attended the normal institutes for teachers held in Cassville and took an active interest in educational work. He was the present chairman of the Lawrence County Democratic Executive Committee, and was consisted as one of the strong aspirants for the post office at Aurora.

Beside his parents and other immediate relatives, he was survived by a wife and two or three children. He was about 35 years of age and was a young man with a bright future for a successful career. His sudden death was a great shock to his family and to his many friends in Barry and Lawrence Counties.

The funeral service will be held Thursday morning at 9:30 a. m. at the Presbyterian Church in Aurora.

Licensed to Wed:

Troy Dill, 27, Cassville & Ora Neeley, 20, Cassville

Theodore A. Meister, 38, Monett & Minnie Ritzaur, 38, Turtle Lake

Doss A. Roller, 22, Seligman & Vesta A. Watson, 19, Seligman

Elmer P. Bridewell, Monett & Lzainka Chappell, Monett

William A. Justis, 20, Seligman & Lottie L. Savory, 16, Seligman



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