The De Larm Family Website

Welcome to the De Larm Family genealogy website.

Delarm, Delorm, Delarme, Delorme, De Larm, and Lemai dit Delorme are examples of the way our surname was often spelled in official records. Other variations of these spellings have been used. For purposes of standardization and ease of use, De Larm is used on this website.

This website is intended to help our family solve the puzzle of genealogy for the De Larm family. In the spirit of sharing, we post information that other researchers may find useful in solving their part of the tree. This is not intended to be a "list of names". It is intended that each person listed on the site also have their story told. We are open to suggestions of what to post! Please contact us below with any questions.

See the Editor's Note below for a brief history of the researchers efforts behind this site.

We have had a lot of visitors to this site. Do not be fooled by the small number on the counter below. I am not sure what it counts, but it does not seem to count everything all the time!


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The "Malone" De Larms

(1818) John De Larm

(1842) John De Larm 

The "Iowa" De Larms

(Section under construction)


 The Third De Larm's

John De Larm (1812-1894)

Rev. Richard De Larm (1835 - 1887)

William Wilder De Larm (1861-1942)

Rollin Keith De Larm (1889 -1991) (Updated 12/22/2016)

De Larm Family Tree


Cousins of this branch of the De Larm Family - (Updated 11/28/2017)

Editor's Note:

When I first started looking for my ancestors in the mid-1970s, research was done the old-fashioned way: walk cemeteries, visit town clerk offices, visit church administrative offices.  It was a lot of leg work and very little data was on the internet. Along the way I kept crossing tracks with Brenda De Larm (Iowa) and Rich Yando (Malone, NY). We were each searching for details on the DeLarm surname. We quickly discovered each of had a John Delarm at the top of our trees. There were may similarities, but we also discovered we had three different branches of what we concluded was most likely one family.  The search was on!! 

Rich, a descendant of John De Larm and Mary Ann Guy was working on a branch centered in the Franklin County, NY. A close-nit group of this family met often in a reunion format. By the early 2000s Rich had found the documents linking his branch to the Francis DeLarme branch in Pennsylvania and to Francois Lemay Dit Delorme. This tree has strong roots in Quebec with a strong Catholic heritage. Rich's grandparents are George and Emma (Dumas).

Brenda's John DeLarm married Catherine Plant in Oswego and subsequently moved to Iowa. While some of the family settled in Nebraska, California, and other areas, I always referred to this branch of the family as the "Iowa DeLarms". John married again and subsequently had a large family. It is my opinion this branch is responsible for the largest number of De Larms in the USA.

Ethel De Larm Austin compiled a family tree for the third John De Larm and his family. Her work in the 1950's propelled me to a great start on the family tree, allowing me to focus on the wives' genealogies.  I appreciate the excellent start her work provided for me. (Click here to see a PDF of Ethel's work.)

I am the editor for two other websites: genealogy for the town of Hague, NY; and the genealogy of the D'Alisera family. The "What's New" section will also list enhancements to all three websites.

Over the years, Brenda, Rich, and a host of other researchers have help solve this gigantic puzzle. I have made numerous errors along the way and they have always helped me clean it up! I appreciate their help and cannot thank them enough for their efforts


Date last updated: November 28, 2017   (Maintained by Bruce De Larm)    hits since 12/07/06

   Link to Hague, Warren Co., NY      Link to the D'Alisera Family

©2008-2017, Bruce De Larm. These records are protected by copyright laws
and may not be copied or reproduced without permission.