Featuring HAVILAND / DE HAVILLAND and SIRMONS / SIRMANS surnames and collateral families, and ROYALTY and MAYFLOWER INCREASINGS.

by Christopher Sirmons Haviland - - - - -

This web site [work in progress] will be a repository of genealogies showing all Descendants I have in my database from several of my major common ancestors. I am removing living people with the exception of public figures whose genealogies are already published. If you find living people in any of these genealogies, please contact me immediately so that I can remove it.

There are two groups of descent genealogies: Definitive and Relevant.

  1. The Definitive Genealogies are on-going projects to record and post all known Descendants from a particular ancestor that I can. If you have any information to contribute to one of these, contact me.
  2. Relevant Genealogies have no intention of showing all Descendants from an ancestor, but rather only contain descendants that are of interest (such as U.S. Presidents, etc.). The Relevant Genealogies may be less accurate than the Definitive Genealogies in general, due to conflicting information.

Almost all of this data is based on secondary and tertiary sources, so if you want to use this information and you don't know where it came from, you can contact me to find out if I know. If I can give you that information (sometimes I don't even know!) then you should go directly to that source and try to find the primary sources it based itself on. Good genealogy work only uses secondary and tertiary sources as a guide for what may be true, not what is true. I am working on several Relevant Descendants which will be proven down to me, but I still have a few generations to document with primary sources.