Greville's A to Z
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Searching is set for exact spellings - use "*" to expand your searches 


Search Newspaper Transcripts here
Search Penrith District Registers here

Enter a surname, town or any other word eg: "Jones" or "Shellharbour"

Wildcard searches can expand the number of matches for a particular request. The * character is used as the wildcard character. For instance, searching for wh* will find the words what, why, when, whether, and any other word that starts with wh.

Entering John Smith will find all records with John or Smith eg: John Jones, Smith St

Searching for *her* will find the words here, whether, together, gathering, and any other word that contains her anywhere in the word.

"wh* are" will find the phrases where are, what are, why are, etc.

Search for Australian place names in the Gazetteer of Australia 2001, which is a compilation of over 274,000 geographic names in Australia provided by members of the Committee for Geographic Names in Australia

*NOTE: Remember that these are copied directly from printed lists. If there are transcription errors, they would have occurred in the original transcription by the publishers from handwritten lists, probably compiled and submitted by local postal employees of the time. I imagine that the "Fregaskis" in this list (Obley) could well have been "TREGASKIS", but because of the nature of my role as transcriber, I feel that I am obligated to copy what is actually printed in the original document. After all, who am I to say that such a name as "FREGASKIS" didn't exist?

The only amendments of this type that I have made have been in the case of my own ancestor James COLLEY of Lawrence, whose names was listed as COLLY, and the YABSLEY family of Coraki, who were listed as YALSLEY. There was one address in Clarence Town too, but I mentioned that at the time, and the reason for the change.

So, if you're looking for someone and they're not where you think they should be, try looking for them under possible variations of their names, or go through the whole town list and surrounding towns, and you might spot them with their name misspelt.

Of course, having said all that, it doesn't rule out the occasional typing error that I'm sure must slip through now and then. KP