January 1907 through December 1907

FEBRUARY 7, 1907

                           Mrs. Ezra Henline

   Last Monday afternoon at her home in Colfax occurred the death of Mrs. Ezra
Henline, at the age of 60 years. She had been a great sufferer for a long time
and death eased her sufferings and claimed her as it's victim. She had been a
woman of good character and strong constitution, and will be missed among her
neighbors and friends. Mrs. Henline who maiden name was Nancy Jane Taylor,
was born near Colfax Feb. 3rd, 1847, and died Feb. 4th, 1907. On September
9th, 1864, she was united in marriage to Ezra Henline. To this union one child, a
son, was born, who died in infancy. Mrs. Vina Williams came to live with Mr. and
Mrs. Henline when bu three years old and her home was with them until he
marriage. Mrs. Henline was the oldest of a family of thriteen, seven girls and six
boys, all of whom save one survive her, a sister having died while quite young.
She leaves her husband, Mrs. Williams and many warm friends to mourn her
loss. She had poor health for more than a year, but during the last four months
of her life she suffered greatly yet bravely. She was remarkable patient during
her illness and, although she was anxious to get well to go with her husband to
their new home in Kansas, she spoke calmly of dying. the funeral services were
held at the Christian church on Wenesday at 10 a.m. and were conducted by
Rev. N.H. Robertson. The interment took place in the Wiley cemetery.

FEBRUARY 21, 1907

- Last Thursday twenty-two of the many friends and relatives of Grandma Wood
gathered at her home to remind her of her birthday. All took well filled baskets
and a bountiful supper was served and every one enjoyed the evening, but none
more than did Grandma. She was presented with serveral valuable and useful
presents. Mrs. Wood is seventy-one years of age and has been a resident of
Colfax twenty-six years, in fact was one of the first residents of Colfax.

- Mrs. John Lyons, Jr. returned to her home in Bloomington Saturday after a
trhee weeks visit here at the home of her father, John Scholl.

- John Scholl is moving to the Alex Gillan farm.

FEBRUARY 28, 1907

- Bunyan Quick and wife have moved into the tennant house on the John Scholl
farm in the extreme southwest corner of Martin township and will work for Mr.

- Miss Lizzie Scholl went to Bloomington Tuesday to visit at the home of J.T.

MARCH 7, 1907

- Anyone wanting brickwork and plastering done, call F.T. Woodard, Colfax, or
phone 111.

- Grant Hare, a former Colfax boy, who now offices at the court house in
Bloomington, was here doing surveying of a tract of land lying between J.M.
Reynold's and Arch Harpole's, belonging to J.J. Wiley.

- Mrs. B.F. Woodard, accompanied by her three youngest sons, and by Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Woodard, departed Tuesday morning for their new home in Idaho.
The best wishes of many friends go with them.

MARCH 14, 1907

- Isaac Wood has moved to the farm near Melvin, Ford County recently
purchases by J.S. Ward of Colfax. The Press will keep Mr. Wood informed of the
happenings around Colfax.

- Mrs. John Lyons went to Bloomington Tuesday for a weeks visit at the home of
her son, John in that city.

APRIL 4, 1907

- Born on Saturday, March 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutson, a daughter.

APRIL 18, 1907

- Mrs. Roy Gray and little son of Evansville, Ind., returned home yesterday, 
after spending five weeks here at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Thos. 
Blair, and her friends Mr. And Mrs. BF Ellis.

- Mr. And Mrs. Chris. Herald of Pekin are spending a few days here with Mrs. John 
Kelley. The two ladies are sisters. 

- Mrs. L. Stout of Stanford came Saturday to spend a few days at the home of her 
mother, Mrs. Emma Outlaw.

- Miss Alice Heagler of Chicago visited her brother, Frank Heagler, the latter 
part of last week.

- Mr. And Mrs. Earl Meeker visited from Friday to Monday with relatives in 

- Mrs. Adeline South and her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Ridgway, both of South 
Dakota, arrived two weeks ago for a visit at the home of the former's nephew, 
GB McReynolds. Mrs. Ridgway departed for her home last Friday, being called 
there by the illness of her two sons.

- Mrs. Seth Henline believes she has made more pies during the year 1907 than 
any other woman in Lawndale township. Her record shows 325 pies made during the 
year, and as fruit has been scarce it hasn't been a good year for pies either. 
Who can beat it?

- Dan Ashabran is spending the winter with his sister, Phebe Downey.

- Mrs. Alex Erwin returned last Saturday evening from a five weeks stay at the 
Kelso Sanitorium in Bloomington where she underwent an operation. She was taken 
to the home of LL Plott where she remained several days before going to her home 
near Fairbury. Mrs. Erwin has had very poor health for several years and her many 
friends will be glad to learn she is at last recovering.

MAY 2, 1907

- Miss Jeanette Lyons is spending the week at the home of her brother, John Lyons,
Jr. in Bloomington.

MAY 9, 1907

- Miss Katie Scholl is spending the week in Bloomington at the home of her sister,
Mrs. John Lyons, Jr.

 MAY 23, 1907

- Mrs. O. Hollingsworth and little son left Tuesday morning for Cissna Park, 
where they will spend two weeks visiting with her sister Mrs. Mary Powell.

- Mrs. Sarah Henline left yesterday for a month's visit with her daughter, Mrs. 
David Gillan, at Burlinton, Kansas, and her brother, LR Wiley, at Elmdale, Kansas.

- Mrs. Claude Hastey of Anchor visited over Sunday here at the home of her 
parents, Mr. And Mrs. Frank Garner.

- Mr. Marquis and daughter Margaret of Bloomington were out Monday looking after 
the farm interest.

- Mrssrs. Alf Sawyer and Wm. Strunk of Gibson were here on Monday calling on 
Frank Sawyer.

- Mrs. HG Gilmore and son Claire spent a few days this week visiting her parents 
in Bloomington.

- Iral Dameron visited his sisters, Misses Bertha and Faye, in Bloomington Tuesday.

- Mr. and Mrs. HS Laughery and Mrs. AM Hicks went to Tremont Frieday to attend the 
funeral of Mrs. Laughery's mother.

- Misses Daisy McReynolds and Jennie Woodard were guests over Sunday of their cousins, 
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wiley, in Bloomington.

- Mr. and Mrs. WW Tanner of Anchor and Mrs. Tanner's sister, Miss Blair of Fairbury, 
attended the Eighth Grade Commencement here Tuesday evening.

- Allie Wood and family have moved to the property opposite the electric light plant, 
recently vacated by Logan McClellan, who moved to a farm near Cooksville.

JUNE 20, 1907

- Jeanette Lyons married Warren Fuller in Bloomington today.

JULY 11, 1907

- Frank Vincent and wife of Bloomington spent the 4th with relatives in Colfax. Mr.
Vincent is one of the prominent photographers of the county seat.

AUGUST 1, 1907

- Mrs. Wm. Smith and Mrs. John Shoup of Minier spent last Friday and Saturday here 
with their sister, Mrs. Elmer Parmele. Mr. Parmele and family returned with them 
Saturday, going to Lilly to spend Sunday with his brother. Mr. Parmele's two oldest 
children are spending the week in Minier.

- Mrs. Harry Vincent of Bloomington has been here since the 4th of July visiting 
with her sister, Mrs. S. Clark and Mrs. Seth Henline. Last Sunday Mr. Vincent and 
son, Bert and the latter's friend, Clarence Woolrab, came out from Bloomington to 
spend the day. Mr. Vincent and family, accompanied by Mrs. Clark and family and 
Allie Wood and family, went to the country home of Seth Henline, where an enjoyable 
family reunion was held. Mesdames Vincent, Henline and Clark are spending a few days 
this week with their sister, Mrs. Bud Woodward, at Fairbury.

- On Monday of this week a change occurred in the ownership of the West End Barber 
Shop. Last fall Scott Horner bought the shop from CH Weidner, for whom he had been 
working, but owing to poor health all this spring and summer he has been compelled 
to seek another climate, last week he sold out to Chas. Kauffold. Mr. Kauffold had 
been in the employ of CM Gilmore the past four years and is known to all the barber 
trade as an experienced and competent workman. Truman Henline will work for Mr. 

AUGUST 23, 1907

- Mrs. SR Salzman of Bloomington is here visiting her sister, Mrs. CM Forsyth.

- Harry Corpe and wife drove to Carlock yesterday to spend a few days with relatives.

- Miss Maude Payne was a guest of friends in Ottinton Sunday and attended the Chautauqua.

- Miss Anna Anderson of Bloomington is visiting here with her parents, Mrs. And Mrs. 
AA Anderson.

- Henry Wright of Anchor was in town on Tuesday and had his name placed on the Press 
subscription list.

- Miss Florence Shontz of Bloomington visited a few days at the home of NW Kyle, 
returning to her home today.

- Miss Bertha Miller of Sioux Falls, S.D., who has been here visiting her sister, 
Mrs. OH Knight, started home Monday.

- Miss Carmen Wright of Fairbury visited from Saturday to Monday here with her sister, 
Mrs. Frank Sawyer. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Wright, who spent last 
week here.

- Fred Neely spent Sunday with his father, OF Neely, in Colfax, returning to his work 
in Chicago Monday. He had been spending a week at the Old Salem Chautauqua at Petersburg.

- Mrs. Ira Taylor entertained last Friday her friends, Mrs. SE Davis and Mrs. Wash. 
Berry of Anchor, Mrs. Belle Walker of Chicago and Mrs. HL Henline of Graymont, Ill.

- Miss Addie Henline and niece, Miss Ilene Wood, are spending the week in Bloomington 
at the homes of the former's sisters, Mrs. Harry Vincent and Mrs. Grant Hare.

- Jerry Kincaid has been visiting this week with his parents at Greenview, Ill. 
His brother Homer has been here assisting in the Home Bakery during his absence.

- Lee Thompson went to Watseka yesterday morning to visit relatives for a week.

- Mr. and Mrs. Scurlock went to Pontiac Saturday for a several days' visit.

- Mrs. HG Gilmore was in Bloomington from Friday to Sunday visiting relatives.

- Mr. and Mrs. George Renz went to Eureka yesterday to visit his brother a few days.

- JW Crites was in Bloomington and Lexington last Friday and Saturday on business.

- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Builta of Arrowsmith were Sunday visitors at the home of GW 

- Mrs. Arch Travis came Monday evening for a short visit at the home of her sister, 
Mrs. Joe Nelson.

- Elmer O'Neal and friend, Miss Nancy Smith, are visiting in Southern Illinois with 
Mr. O'Neal's parents.

- Miss Mae Massey of Normal was a guest of Misses Bertha and Faye Dameron a few days 
the latter part of last week.

- Mrs. UZ Gilmer returned last Saturday evening from a two weeks visit with her father, 
Mr. Hopkins, in Washington, Ill.


                                    Hare - Henline

   On Saturday afternoon, Aug. 10, in Bloomington, occurred the marriage of Grant Hare of 
that city and Miss Vena Henline of Colfax, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Henlline. 
The young couple will make their home with the groom's parents for some time yet.

                                   Betsberg - Puett

   Yesterday morning in Kansas City, Mo. Occurred the marriage of Miss Beulah Puett and Mr. 
Ernest Betsberg, both of Bloomington, the young couple having left for Kansas City the 
evening before. Miss Puett formerly lived in Colfax, where she was raised from childhood 
and where she has a large number of warm friends. Mr. Betsberg is a Bloomington boy and 
is a painter by trade. The young couple will make their home in Kansas City.

- Miss Addie Henderson is visiting in Shirley at the home of her brother Arch.

- Chas Wills and family of Bloomington are visiting at the home of the Wills Brothers 
north of town.

- Mrs. NW Kyle is entertaining her friend, Mrs. Wm. Loyce of Chicago, who is here for 
a two weeks visit.

- DD Sailor and son John visited over Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 
L. Sailor, in Normal.

- Grandma Wiley and Mrs. Sarah Bradford and daughter, Miss Della, are camping this 
week at the campmeeting at Normal.

- Myron Parmele and three children of Bloomington spent Tuesday in Colfax at the homes 
of his brother, Ed and Elmer Parmele.

- Lyman Canady resigned his position as foreman at Ingram's Livery. Mr. Ingram decided 
the fair's a failure and there's no place like home.

- Denzil Taylor, assistant at the I C depot, is spending the week with relatives at St. 
Louis and Alton. His sister Nellie will return with him.

AUGUST 30, 1907

- Mrs. Grant Hare of Bloomington spent from Saturday to Monday at the home of her parents, 
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Henline.

- Mrs. Dan Wood returned Tuesday from Chicago, accompanied by Miss Mary Pendergast, who 
has been in the city for several weeks.

DECEMBER 12, 1907

				C C Whitelock

   C. C. Whitelock, a former resident of Colfax and vicinity, died last Thursday, 
December 5, at Durango, Colo. The sad news reached Colfax Frieday that Mr. Whitelock had 
passed away suddenly of heart disease. Only last September he visited Colfax about six 
weeks with his wife and daughter. Deceased was born in Ohio, April 10, 1844, and was 63 
years old at the time of his death. He was married to Miss Lou Henline April 30, 1867, 
and to this union were born six children. One, a son, died in infancy, and the others, 
with the wife surviving are: Mrs. Cleveland Fowler of Colfax; E.D. of Durango, Col.; 
L.E. of Pittsburg, Kan., and A.F. and Miss Clara of Manhattan, Kan. There are also two 
grandsons. He also leaves one half-brother, Dr. Harris, of Anchor, and one sister, 
Mrs. Mary Skaggs, of Arkansas. When a young man he joined the Christian Church. The 
remains arrived at Colfax Wednesday morning and the funeral will be held at Evergreen 
this afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. N.H. Robertson, pastor of the Christian 
   The two sons, Everson and Frank, and the daughter, Clara accompanied the remains to 
Colfax, and the son Lewis is expected here in time for the funeral.

DECEMBER 19, 1907

                                  Canute - Scholl

   Wednesday, December 18 at 8 o'clock am, Miss Lizzie Martha Scholl and Mr. John Canute 
were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony at the pasonage of St. Joseph's church, Rev. 
Father Gabriel officiating. William Mulcahey acted as best man and Miss Bertha Mae Scholl 
shared the honor of bridesmaid. The young couple will go to housekeeping on a farm 
southwest of Colfax about the first of March.

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