February 1892 through June 1892

FEBRUARY 12, 1892

- A new furnace was placed in the Catholic church this week. The old one was 
pronounced worthless and taken out.

- John Dameron was in Chicago this week with his nine-year-old daughter, Candis
having an operation performed on her eyes.

- W.B. Knight has bought Ed Mitchell’s interest in the threshing-machine,
corn-sheller, etc. which they owned in partnership.

- The grandest play of the season entitled “The Last Loaf” will be given at the
Opera House Thursday, March 3 for the benefit of the Y’s.

- The meetings at the M.E. church closed Wednesday night, there having been
about twenty-five conversions and twenty additions to the church. Rev. King at
once commenced revival services at Anchor.

The Epworth League of the M.E. church has been reorganized with W.V. True
as president, F.E. Bonifield vice-president and Dell Hamilton secretary. It will
meet Sunday evening. It will be the only meeting at the church that evening on
account of the revival at Anchor.

- Henry Coup is building a new house south of the coal shaft and will move to

- John T. Henline has nearly finished a revolving book-case for his own use
which he has been working on at odd times for a long time. It is a fine piece of
furniture, but John says it has cost him a month of solid toil.

- Cunningham & Son have rented Mrs. Meister’s ice house and will store therein
two carloads of Michigan ice for their soda fountain and kindred luxuries. They 
will partition off a portion of the salt-house for ice cream tables when summer

FEBRUARY 26, 1892

- Ed Crouch has sold his interest in the meat market to his brother Otis from near
Fairbury, and will return to his farm.

- The Catholic entertainment Friday night drew a crowded house, and many
tickets were sold to people who could not attend.

- Harmon Henline loaded his household effects last Monday and moved with his
family to his new home in Jefferson, Iowa.

- Frank Powell intends to build another story onto his building as soon as the
weather will permit. The Colfax Lumber Co. has the contract.

- The noon passenger for Chicago last Friday broke down just after crossing the
Mackinaw bridge, by the leaking of a flue. All the water ran out of the boiler and
after the leak was mended it had to be filled by hand.

MARCH 4, 1892

- Mrs. A. Wood fell from her front porch Friday evening while in a fit of dizziness,
breaking her leg below the knee. Dr. Langstaff was called and found the fracture 
difficult to handle, being close to the joint, but it was successfully reduced, and is
healing well, but the patient suffers considerably.

- Calvin Rayburn, of Bloomington, was here yesterday in his canvass for the
state’s attorneyship, and was quite favorably received by local republicans. Mr.
Rayburn is a native of Ohio, and studied law under Captain Rowell and
Ex-Governor Hamilton, graduating a the Wesleyan law school. He never has
asked for an office before, but is well known as a staunch republican, an able
lawyer and a man of integrity.

- The performance of The Last Loaf by home amateurs at the Opera House last
night was highly satisfactory to the houseful that saw it. The drama itself is well
written with a good moral, and the acting was fully up to the average of what we
are accustomed to, even leaving out the fact that the company are not
professionals. The stage waits were filled with a set program of vocal and
instrumental music which was very enjoyable, especially the comic song by the
male quartet.

APRIL 1, 1892

- B.F. Payne has returned from Hot Springs with his health much improved.

- Dr. Evans uses the electric vibrator in extracting teeth. Gas or other
anesthetics if preferred.

- The ladies nominated D.A. Clark for school director at their caucus yesterday
evening. They will also vote on school trustees in a separate ballot box at the
township election Tuesday.

- The carload of corn for the Russian famine sufferers has been raised
amounting to over 400 bushels and will be shipped today. Some have not yet
delivered their donations, but Harry Newell loaned grain enough to make up the

MAY 13, 1892

- George Crowder, our colored citizen, was badly hurt in a well one day this
week, two of his ribs and an arm being broken.

- Ben Ball and family, Henry Halls and Dick Callard and wife started back to
England this week. The departure of the latter was hastened by an I.C.
locomotive killing their pet dog, thus severing the last tie that bound them to the
land of the free and made life pleasant.

MAY 20, 1892

- Mrs. Ernest Wonderlin is very sick with malarial fever, which she took just as
she was recovering from measles, but is now a little better.

- Dan Wood is in the market for a baby carriage, a fair damsel of some five or
ten odd pounds having taken up her residence at his fireside.

- The county convention of the W.C.T.U. will commence at the Colfax M.E.
church next Friday afternoon, May 27, and continue over Sunday.

- The death of Wm. Armstrong will necessitate a special election to fill the
vacancy in the village board, the time and place of which will probably be
decided at the next meeting, which occurs June 6th.

- Miss Delia Willhite and Miss Nellie Keefe have started in the dressmaking
business in the rooms over Dr. Langstaff’s office, where they will be pleased to 
meet all who wish anything in that line.

- The noon freight east was wrecked at Chatsworth yesterday, the track having
been loosened by the rains. Six cars were thrown into the ditch and the whole
road tied up till midnight.

JUNE 3, 1892

- Johnnie Cunningham has struck a job in Chicago, in a drugstore with a soda
fountain attachment. We need scarcely expect to see him in Colfax any more
except as a visitor.

- The creamery company met Saturday and completed its permanent
organization with A.F. Henderson president, J.P. Arnold treasurer and J.R.
Arnold secretary. The other directors are A. Harpole, P.J. Decker, W.V. True,
J.W. Arnold and H.C. Henline.

- A carload of powder has been received by the coal company and the powder
house will be moved from across the creek. The managers seem to have been
over-cautious when it was built and placed it beyond the requirements of safety
or convenience.

-If Charley Brockway appears in a few days in a dazzling blue suit with brass
trimmings it will not be necessary to ask him when he joined the militia. It is only
the edict of the Illinois Central railroad company which requires that all agents
shall wear uniform.

- A. Harpole has been defeated in his suit agains the township for damages in
the vacation of the cemetery road.

- The Aid Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Franklin next Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30. Let every member attend, as it is for the election of officers. 
- Mrs. A. Chapman, Sec’y.

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