January 1896 through October 1896

JANUARY 31, 1896

- E.E. Wonderlin is in Missouri on business.

- Chas. Arnold, of East Peoria, is visiting at G.W. Arnolds.

- Ellis Watson and daughter Litta returned from the south Saturday night. Mrs.
Watson’s health is much better and she will remain till spring.

- Rev. A.S. Covert goes to Mason City Sunday to fill the appointments of Rev.
Chas. A Taylor, who is conducting the revival services at the Presbyterian

FEBRUARY 28, 1896

- Miss Jennie Thiss is visiting in Normal.

- E.E. Knight has removed to Foosland.

- New spring stock of wall paper and shades at E.M. Stuckey & Co.

- Miss Mattie Puett will be home on the 29th to engage in music teaching.

- Fred Neely who is employed on the Heyworth Reporter, spent Sunday at home.

- Miss Vira Gilmore, of Lexington, is visiting her brothers, J.N. and C.H. Gilmore.

- Nelson Jones, a well known citizen of Towanda, died Wednesday. He was a
brother-in-law of J.N. King, of Anchor, and of A.C. Conger, of Fletcher.

MARCH 6, 1896

- Mr. Lampka is quite sick.

- Dan Shine has hired to his father for next year.

- Frank Curtis is expected from Nevada in a few days.

- Frank Davis has been hired as janitor at Lawndale church.

- Truman Henline has returned from Indianapolis, where he spent the winter.

- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Warner are the proud parents of a new baby girl.

- Mrs. Lindsey Morris’ father and two sisters from Ohio are visiting here.

- Alec Irwin has moved near Fairbury, and Bert Hensely has moved on the place.

- Misses Gracie and Rose Henline spent a few days with their sister, Mrs. A.J.

- Johnnie and Edith Dameron entertained a number of their young friends last
Friday evening.

- Harry Furgeson, who has been working for T.J. Kent the past year, has hired to
Irving Burns for the coming season.

- John Fagan has returned from a weeks visit to Gridley and has brought home a
wife. John thinks he is safe now from wanting for a house keeper.

- Jesse Davis has returned from his three weeks visit to Pennsylvania. His
mother died while he was there.

- Mr. Hines, who for the past year has lived on part of the Robinson farm, has
rented a farm of 160 acres “over behind Chenoa.”

- Mrs. Jake Smith, of Kansas who has been visiting relatives here and at
Fairbury, is now visiting her sister Mrs. Wilson at Normal.

- Ed Mitchell is moving onto the place where Wm. King has lived the past year,
and Mr. King has moved two miles west of Lawndale church.

- Buckeye School had their pictures taken Tuesday by Lee Hensely. He is doing
good work with his camera and deserves a liberal patronage from his friends in
this neighborhood.

- Fred Pike will move near Cullom this week. He will run 240 acres there next
year, his father having bought 160 acres. Walter McMacken will move with him
as he has hired to Mr. Pike for the year.

- Wm. Hanna and Miss Mary Brown, near Chenoa, will be married Wednesday,
Mar. 4th at the home of the bride’s parents. They will go to keeping house soon
as the groom has rented his father’s farm in Yates township.

JULY 3, 1896

- Miss Maude Darr spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Ira Taylor, of Colfax.

- Miss Sander, of Salem is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Bender.

- Seth Henline received word that Bonnie Belle, the race mare formerly owned
by him, has beaten two of the best horses in Iowa.

- Misses Vena and Gracie Henline went to Bloomington Thursday, where they
will spend the Fourth and visit their aunt, Mrs. H.W. Vincent.

JULY 17, 1896

- Al Pike, of Cullom is visiting friends here.

- Belle Chapman, of Chenoa, is visiting here this week.

- Lillian Sanham, of Chenoa, visited Flossie Spangler this week.

- There will be a surprise party at A. Hensley’s Saturday evening.

- Paris Beach and wife and son, of Chenoa visited relatives here last week.

- Miss Gracie Henline entertained a number of her friends and gave them a
turkey roast dinner Sunday, it being her seventeenth birthday.

- Several from here attended a lawn social at Frank Wise’s last week. The
grounds were brilliantly lighted with torches and Chinese lanterns and a splendid
time was experienced by all present.

SEPTEMBER 11, 1896

- C.G. Ritchie was fined $3 Wednesday for jumping on the train. Mr. Ritchie
dropped off at the east end of town, where he has business, but the marshal had
arrested others, so he did not feel free to overlook the matter.

- The hunters left for Arizona Wednesday morning, having been delayed several
days in their preparations. The party includes Ezra Henline, Ira Taylor and Frank
Reaugh. They started south from here and have their route all laid out. They
carry blankets and cooking utensils and will be independent from the start.

- George Wood and Allie Wood were arrested Saturday for jumping on and off
the passenger train while in motion, and were fined $3 each. The offense is a
common one, and would cost lives here as it does elsewhere if it is allowed. The
authorities do well by taking the matter in hand. Let no guilty man escape.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1896

- Mrs. J.H. Sohn has a son. It was born an orphan, it’s father having died last spring.

- W.D. Hawk has secured an interest in the Bunn grocery store and is now
behind the counter.

- E.S. Corpe and wife returned Saturday from a pleasant  tour of two months in
Indiana, Ohio and Michigan.

- A.F. Henderson has been appointed administrator of the estate of Mrs.
Henderson and guardian of the minor children.

- J.S. Wiley, of Decatur, was here this week visiting his mother and friends. He is
traveling for a Chicago grain firm.

- The Stuckey drug stock was moved to Fairbury yesterday, where E.M. Stuckey
and E.E. Meharry will own and conduct it in partnership.

- R.E. Hatcher went to Chicago Tuesday.

- Seth Henline is recovering from an attack of malarial fever.

- Mrs. Perry Crumbaker is suffering with pleurisy.

- Colbert Ward’s baby has been quite sick, but is better.

- Mrs. Loger, southeast of town, is dangerously sick, but improving.

- Oliver Hatcher, of Chariton, Iowa, is here visiting his brother, R.E., Hatcher.

- Mrs. Frank Plott is very sick with inflammation of the stomach. She is slightly
improving, but is not yet out of danger.

- Will McClure and Miss Minnie Burnett were married in Bloomington last night
by Rev. Gilliland. The bride is a Bloomington young lady.

- Merton Fielding returned to the deaf and dumb school at Jacksonville
Wednesday accompanied by his mother. He will remain nine months.

OCTOBER 16, 1896

- The Center school was dismissed for the rally Thursday.

- A party was held at Mr. Skelton’s Wednesday evening.

- Miss May Burns, of Indiana, is visiting relatives here.

- Mrs. Allie Wood and daughter Sundayed with her parents.

- Miss Maggie Jones, of Chenoa, called on friends here Tuesday.

- J.N. Kilgore is building a new corn crib on his place four miles north of Colfax.

- Misses Grace and Blanche Spawr have been visiting Miss Maud Darr for several days.

- Mrs. H.W. Vincent and son, Burton, who have been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Seth Henline, returned to her home in Bloomington Monday.

OCTOBER 30, 1896

- The jury in the Henline will case decided that David Henline was mentally
incompetent at the making of his last will and the codicil to it, and they are
therefore set aside. This leaves Mrs. Smith the 40 acres of land deeded to her,
the other 800 acres going to the lawful heirs. It is not known whether the case
will be carried any further or not.

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