
Uran Surname Project

The Uran/Urans Surname in the United States

The Uran Surname Project is a genealogical research site dedicated to the Uran/Urans surname in the United States . It is an attempt to gather and distribute information on the descendants of William Urin of Isles of Shoals, Massachusetts, and other Uran lines, who immigrated to the United States prior to 1940.  The Uran Surname Project database currently has 3480 Uran/Urans individuals. If you are a Uran or a Uran descendant, please consider contributing your ancestry or descendancy. Any data submitted to the Uran Surname Project will be cited to the contributor in the final publication and the contributor will be noted on the website. If you need help with your Uran/Urans research, please double click on the following email address and let me know what you need:


Charles J. Vella, Ph.D.

Send any Uran/Urans descendancy data you want to contribute to the Uran Surname Project (I can use Gedcom, TMG, FTM, PAF, Word/WordPerfect/Dos Text formats) to the above email address. I use The Master Genealogist V. 9 as my genealogy program.

Uran Bibliography: Sources and Census Data

Bibliography and Sources for the Uran Surname Project

Uran DNA Project

To volunteer your DNA, go to:

Family Tree DNA
Click on above

The following Uran genealogical index includes all of the known descendants of William Uran of NH. My private Uran Database contains substantially more data (with pictures, census data, bibliographies, and extensive source citations) than the Birth, Marriage, Death information given on this website. There are thousands of Uran descendants in the database.

Double clicking on any surname in blue in any index will transfer you to their descendants or ancestors.

Master Index

Surname Index




Search for any name in the Uran Database (names in parenthesis are more specifically searched):

Search the Uran Database by specific name
(Double Click the above line)

If you discover any information that you believe to be in error, please email me the corrections. If you discover any duplicate individuals, please let me know.

Privacy Policy: If you want to remove any living individual in the online Uran Surname Project, simply let me know.

Uran Surname Web Links

Genforum Uran site

Genforum Urans site

LDS Family Search
Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter

Here's how to subscribe to Uran List Server on Rootsweb: Send a message to

 [email protected]

that contains (in the Body of the Message) the command "subscribe" and no additional text (if you have difficulty removing your signature lines, you can put the word "quit" on the line after "subscribe").

You will receive a Welcome message providing full details for sending messages to this group.


Charles J. Vella, Ph.D.

[email protected]

San Francisco, CA 94131


Site maintained by


Charles J. Vella, Ph.D.

Copyright (c) 2004-2021 by Charles J. Vella, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

©Copyright Information: All rights are reserved. All rights regarding the material, information, data and presentations used on this website, which are the property of the Charles J. Vella, Ph.D., are reserved. Permission is hereby granted to individuals and non-commercial organizations to copy and use the material for personal use and non-profit use ONLY. The material on the website is NOT to be reproduced in any manner for profit or for commercial presentation, NOR is it to be used by any persons or organizations engaged in commercial "for profit" activities.