Tip Neutralize acid in Newpapers

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This method doesn't stop deterioration completely, but it has shown to make newspaper acid-free (with a test pen) which does help slow down deterioration and will make it safe to add to scrapbooks and albums.

Use this method at your own risk.

To avoid tearing, You should NOT use this method on extremely old, worn, fragile clippings or newspapers.


  • 2 Tablespoons milk of magnesia
  • 1 quart of soda water
  • A shallow container (that you can place the newspaper/clipping into, lying flat)


TRY THIS ON A NEWSPAPER OR CLIPPING THAT IS OF NO VALUE TO YOU, FIRST. This way you will see if it works, know how it is done, and decide if it is worth doing on keepsake articles.

  1. Mix soda water and milk of magnesia into the shallow container.
  2. Let the mixture stand overnight.
  3. Place newspaper/clipping in and soak for about one (1) hour.
  4. Very Carefully remove it.
  5. Place on a clean, flat surface.
  6. Lightly pat the newspaper/clipping with a paper towel, DO NOT RUB!
  7. Leave it to dry.
  8. Test with an acid testing pen, Did it work?!

There is also a spray product called Archival Mist that can neutralize acids.




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