Mills County Judgeship

I was unable to find an obituary for
Judge Mohler but did find this mention of his sucessor as Judge

Mills County Judgeship

Brownwood Bulletin- Thursday, July 19, 1894

From Microfilm BB #1 Brownwood Library


The commissioner's court was in session for the purpose of electing a county judge to the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Mohler. On the third ballot P.H. Clements was chosen to serve the remainder of the term. The court certainly made a wise choice in this selection as Mr. Clements is a well known as one of the most conservative men in the county. He has had experience in official life, which properly qualifies him for the discharge of the duties of the office to which he has been chosen. He has served two or three terms as County Commissioner in this and Brown Counties, and was the first county clerk of Mills County. He has an extensive acquaintance throughout the county is fully conversant with the duties of this office, is a public spirited; liberal and progressive gentleman, and will give satisfaction to all reasonable people. Accept our congratulations, friend Clements, with our best wishes for your future success and prosperity.

Mills County sued by Brown County

It could not of been an easy time to have served as Judge for the newly formed County and while records for the early years (1887-1900) are scarce, I did find this article about the conclusion for the a law suit which Judge Mohler certainly must of known about and perhaps was involved in somehow.

Brownwood Bulletin- Thursday, June 7, 1894

From Microfilm BB #1 Brownwood Library


The case of Brown county against Mills county involving the pro rata part of indebt ness due by Brown County at the time of the formation of Mills county was decided in favor of Brown county and a verdict of $17, 694.73 rendered against Mills county. While Mills county has looked upon this as unjust and even iniquitous it has been regarded by our people purely as a business matter involving business rights and the court has fully sustained this view. Of course we sympathize with our neighbor county in taking on an organization at such a time in such a way as to incur so large an indebtedness, but having done this there is no excuse an attempted repudiation of a distinct agreement. But we are neighbors and can't afford to fall out about differences of this kind, but should accept good naturedly the finding of the court- - - on the law and the evidence.


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