Research Notes for Arnold Surname

Research Notes for Arnold Surname

The following may not necessarily pertain to my family line but were

interesting side notes that I have kept for future reference. They are from
personal correspondence, mailing lists & my finds while surfing the internet.

From: "guy grenny" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 10:13 PM Subject: [SWITZ] Customs in Switzerland - Silvesterjoggi.
Hi  interested Swiss listers, with the dawning of the last morning in the old year , which in Switzerland we call "Silvester" (Silvester being the patron saint for 31 December) - I can't help but think of the fun we had as children on this day. Rooted in mideval superstition is the belief, that whoever gets up last on Silvester day will be the laziest lazybone throughout the coming new year. In our home it was always our oldest brother Guest (Gustav) who as a journalist   typed  into the night to get his stories to the papers before they went to press. So on Silvester morning we'd all gang up and run upstairs to his Dachzimmer (room under the gables), wildly hitting panlids together and shouting : "Silvester Joggi, stand uff! Streck d'Bei zum Bett uus!" (meaning: Silvestjoggi get up, stick your legs out of  bed!" And then we'd all pile on top of him and name   him Silvesterjoggi, eventually pulling  the featherbed and wollen blankets off of him.Then we'd all laugh and celebrate that, once again, it was someone else who was Silvesterjoggi. Have a bright New Year with some wonderful, unexpected discoveries in your research. Es guets Neus! Hanneli

From: <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 6:58 PM Subject: Swiss Surname Directory, Dear Jan Arnold, ere is the information you requested about the Arnold surname.

=====Arnold ============================
Muheim, Josef: Die Hänsler [das sind die etwa 3000 Nachfahren des Ehepaares Josef Bissig (1805-1865) und der Babara Schuler (1815-1882) zu Schwanden im Schächental].  Greppen 1981 - 302 S., Stammlisten, Stammtafeln, Ahnentafeln (enthält auch Nachfahren der Geschlecter Arnold, Gisler und Schuler, alle aus dem Schächental) (in der SGFF-Bibliothek) Die Abstammung der Urner Arnold.  In: Urner Wochenblatt 1925 - Nr. 39 Blaser, Fritz: Unterlagen zu Stammbäumen der Familie Arnold zu Grosswangen, Triengen, Reiden, Mhelsecken, Kulmerau.  o.O. vor 1970 - 6 Hefte (im Staatsarchiv Luzern) Arnold, Anton: Stammbaum der Familie Arnold, Glattenried, Bürglen.  Bürglen UR 1975 - 1 Rolle (in der Kantonsbibliothek und im Staatsarchiv Uri) Fankhauser, Edy: Anton Arnold erforscht das Leben seiner Ahnen [betrifft die Arnold von Bürglen UR]..  In: Urner Wochenblatt 1977 - Nr. 62
Muheim, Josef: Die 'Steinbärgler' von Unterschächen [= Familie Arnold].  Greppen 1978 - 1 Blatt (in der Kantonsbibliothek und im Staatsarchiv Uri) Arnold, Anton: Stammbaum der Familie Arnold [aus dem Kanton Uri], 10 Generationen.  Bürglen 1980 - 1 Rolle (in der Kantonsbibliothek und im Staatsarchiv Uri)
Arnold, Anton: Familienstammbaum des Geschlechts Arnold im Glattenried, Bürglen, 1814 bis Mitte 20. Jahrhundert.  Bürglen UR 1980 - 1 Rolle (in der Kantonsbibliothek und im Staatsarchiv Uri) Source: von Moos, Complete

Google Translation:  German/English

Muheim, Josef: The Hänsler [that are those about 3000 descendants of the married couple Josef biting (1805-1865) and the Babara Schuler (1815-1882) too shrank in the Schächental]. Greppen 1981 - 302 S., master lists, family trees, geneological tables (contains also descendants of the Geschlecter Arnold, Gisler and Schuler, everything from the Schächental) (in the SGFF library) the descent of the Urner Arnold. In: Urner weekly paper 1925 - No. 39 Blaser, Fritz: Documents to family trees of the family Arnold to large cheeks, tri tightnesses, Reiden, Mhelsecken, Kulmerau. o.O 1970 ago - 6 booklets (in public records Luzern) Arnold, Anton: Family tree of the family Arnold, Glattenried, Bürglen. Bürglen UR 1975 - 1 role (in the canton library and in public records Uri) Fankhauser, Edy: Anton Arnold investigates the life of its ancestors [the Arnold of Bürglen UR concerns] for… in: Urner weekly paper 1977 - No. 62 Muheim, Josef: The “Steinbärgler” of Unterschächen [= family Arnold]. Greppen 1978 - 1 sheet (in the canton library and in public records Uri) Arnold, Anton: Family tree of the family Arnold [from the canton Uri], 10 generations. Bürglen 1980 - 1 role (in the canton library and in public records Uri) Arnold, Anton: Family family tree of the sex Arnold in the Glattenried, Bürglen, 1814 to center 20. Century. Bürglen UR 1980 - 1 role (in the canton library and in public records Uri) SOURCE: of Moos, Complete

=====Arnold ============================
ARNOLD. The name of many families in Cantons St. Gallen, Luzern, Solothurn, Uri, Wallis, Zug and Zürich. This three page article can only be briefly summarized here. Canton St. Gallen: The family is seen as early as 1300.  Three individuals are briefly profile and the family shield is described.  Canton Luzern: Widely found in the canton.  Five individuals are briefly profiled.  Canton Solothurn: An old burger family in Stadt Solothurn, stemming from Johann of Aarau, burger of 1546.  The family shield is pictured and described.  Six individuals are profiled (five briefly).  Canton Uri: Widely found, seen as early as 1365 and with ties to the families in cantons Luzern, Schwyz and Nidwalden.  The family shield is pictured.  Some 33 individuals are briefly profiled.  Canton Wallis: An old family found in Simplen.  Alois Arnold of Brig (1803-1865) is profiled.  Canton Zug: Two individuals in the early 1500s are profiled.  Also, three individuals of the surname, born in Germany, are profiled.  [HBLS, v. 1, pp. 442-444] [abstract] Source: Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon, Partial

=====Arnold ============================
AG Laufenburg a, Obermumpf 1936 D, Oberrohrdorf 1917 D, BE Walkringen 1836 D, BL Allschwil 1944 D, BS
Basel 1844 (Wigoltingen TG), 1860 D, 1892 (Nebikon LU), 1902, 1911 D, 1915, 1918 D, 1919 (Altdorf UR), 1919 D, 1924 (Altdorf UR), 1926 D, 1928 (Altdorf UR), 1928, 1931 D, 1932 (Altdorf UR), 1932 (Kulmerau LU), 1932, 1935, 1939 D, 1946 (Langnau bei Reiden LU), 1953 (Bürglen UR), 1961 (Donzhausen TG), 1961 D, 1962 (Bürglen UR), GE Chêne-Bourg 1910 D, Genève 1901 (Schlierbach LU), 1914 D, 1945 (Reiden LU), 1950 (Simplon VS), 1954 (Wikon LU), 1961 (Altishofen LU), Genhod 1941 GB, GL Glarus 1913 (Richenthal LU), GR Chur 1856 (Wettswil am Albis ZH), JU Beurnevésin 1917 A, Courtedoux a, LU Adligenswil 1934 (Schlierbach LU), Aesch 1924 (Schlierbach LU), Alberswil 1924 (Schlierbach LU), Altishofen a, Ballwil a, 1924 (Schlierbach LU), Büron 1924, 1930, 1934 (Schlierbach LU), 1941, 1961 (Schlierbach LU), Dagmersellen a, 1957 (Altishofen LU), Egolzwil 1946 (Nebikon LU), Eich 1946 (Schlierbach LU), Emmen 1924, 1928 (Schlierbach LU), 1943 (Ballwil LU), 1943, 1947 (Kulmerau LU), 1948 (Richenthal LU), 1948 (Schlierbach LU), 1951 (Kulmerau LU), Escholzmatt 1924 (Gunzwil LU), Ettiswil 1944 (Schlierbach LU), Fischbach 1950 (Sursee LU), Gettnau 1937 (Schlierbach LU), Geuensee 1924 (Schlierbach LU), 1958 (Richenthal LU), Gisikon 1929 (Schlierbach LU), Gunzwil 1825 (Schlierbach LU), Herlisberg 1924 (Schlierbach LU), Hildisrieden 1962 (Herlisberg LU), Hochdorf 1924 (Schlierbach LU), 1927 (Ballwil LU), Hohenrain 1924 (Schlierbach LU), Inwil 1924 (Schlierbach LU), Kulmerau a, Langnau bei Reiden a, 1926 (Richenthal LU), Littau 1948 (Schlierbach LU), Luzern 1924 (Gunzwil LU), 1924 (Kulmerau LU), 1924 (Neuenkirch LU), 1924 (Reiden LU), 1924 (Schlierbach LU), 1925 (Altdorf UR), 1925 (Seedorf UR), 1927 (Seelisberg UR), 1931 (Gunzwil LU), 1939 (Schlierbach LU), 1947 (Altdorf UR), 1947 (Emmen LU), 1947, 1948 (Schlierbach LU), 1955 (Emmen LU), 1960 (Kulmerau LU), 1961 (Triegen LU), 1962 (Seedorf LU), Malters 1924 (Nebikon LU), Nebikon b, 1938, 1945 (Richenthal LU), 1960 (Triengen LU), Neudorf 1956 (Schlierbach LU), Neuenkirch a, 1947 (Schlierbach LU), Nottwil b, 1948 (Schenkon LU), Oberkirch 1939 (Richenthal LU), Pfaffnau 1924 (Schlierbach LU), Pfeffikon 1961 (Schlierbach LU), Rain 1945 (Triengen LU), Reiden a, Richenthal a, 1951 (Pfaffnau LU), Rickenbach 1938 (Schlierbach LU), Rothenburg 1924 (Richenthal LU), 1956 (Inwil LU), Schenkon 1924 (Schlierbach LU), 1944 (Richenthal LU), Schlierbach a, Sempach 1947 (Kulmerau LU), Sursee 1924 (Schlierbach LU), 1938 (Dagmersellen LU), Triengen a, 1924 (Kulmerau LU), 1924 (Schlierbach LU), Uffikon 1957 (Kulmerau LU), Vitznau 1927 (Schlierbach LU), Wauwil 1924, 1961 (Nebikon LU), Weggis 1941 (Bürglen UR), Wikon a, 1956 (Reiden LU), Willisau Land 1924 (Neuenkirch LU), Willisau Stadt 1906 (Kulmerau LU), Winikon 1958 (Schlierbach LU), Wolhusen 1948 (Schlierbach LU), NE Saint-Aubin-Sauges 1890 (Dulliken SO), SG Amden 1954, 1959 D, SH Neuhausen am Rheinfall 1916 D, SO Dulliken a, Solothurn 1546 (Aarau AG), 1950, 1957 (Basel BS)
TG Arbon 1934 D, Donzhausen 1892 D, Horn 1894 (Salmsach TG), Krillberg b, Neuwilen a, UR Altdorf a, Bürglen a, Flüelen 1833 (Seedorf UR), 1851 (Unterschächen UR), Isenthal a, Schattdorf a
Seedorf a, Seelisberg a, Sisikon a (Spiringen UR), Spiringen a, Unterschächen a, VD Lausanne 1904 F, 1956 (Langnau bei Reiden LU), Vevey 1959 (Simplon VS), VS Brig 1907, 1917 (Simplon VS), Ried bei Brig a, Sierre 1871 *, Simplon a, ZG Baar 1942 *, Menzingen a, Zug 1898, 1901 (Menzingen ZG), 1953 D, ZH Bauma 1931 D, Erlenbach 1955 D, Feuerthalen a, Hombrechtikon 1923 (Schlierbach LU), Horgen 1935 (Schlierbach LU), Humlikon a, Meilen 1912 D, Oberrieden 1954 *, Thalwil 1920 (Altdorf UR), Uster 1914 D, 1949 (Seedorf UR), Wädenswil 1934 D, Winterthur 1886 D, 1932 (Spiringen UR), Zell 1916 D, Zürich 1835 (Baltenswil ZH), 1886 D, 1888 (Feuerthalen ZH), 1908 (Humlikon ZH), 1918, 1922 D, 1927, 1928 D, 1930 A, 1934 D, 1934 (Ballwil LU), 1938 (Unterschächen UR), 1947 (Neuenkirch LU), 1948 (Schlierbach LU), 1948 (Winterthur ZH), 1949 (Bürglen UR), 1950 (Donzhausen TG), 1951 (Ballwil LU), 1951 (Bürglen UR), 1951 D, 1953 (Oberrohrdorf AG), 1954 (Altdorf UR), 1955, 1958 (Bürglen UR), 1959 (Neuwilen TG), 1959 (Unterschächen UR), 1960 (Donzhausen TG), 19, Source: Familiennamenbuch 1989, Complete

=====Arnold ============================
{Aarnold}, & Feuerthalen, Humlikon, $ Petrus [filius] domini Arnoldi 1266 Bologna/Zürich, die Arnolt 1304 Erlatingen SH, Cuonrat Arnoltes hofstat 1306 Basadingen TG, Arnoldes huobe um 1307 Winterthur
Arnolt und sin gemeinder [1310] Rudolfingen (Trüllikon), Cuonr[at] Arnoltz 1321 Andelfingen, Johann Arnolt, laie 1437 Veltheim, Hans Arnold von Humlikon oo 1582 Andelfingen Anna Waldvogel, von Neunkirch SH, Mstr. Johannes Arnold, der Schuhmacher, gebürtig von, Schiltach aus dem Würtenbergischen (1741-1819) oo 1771, Maria Margaretha Spleiß von Schaffhausen (1751-1828), in Feuerthalen, @ < ahd. arn 'Adler, Gewalt, Macht' und waltan 'Gewalt haben, herrschen'. Erni, Source: Zürcher Familiennamen, Complete

Google Translation:  German to English

{Aarnold}, & Feuerthalen, Humlikon, $ Petrus [filius] domini Arnoldi 1266 Bologna/Zurich, the Arnolt 1304 Erlatingen SH, Cuonrat Arnoltes yard-did 1306 Basadingen TG, Arnoldes huobe around 1307 Winterthur Arnolt and sin in common that [1310] Rudolfingen (Trüllikon), Cuonr [RK] Arnoltz 1321 Andelfingen, Johann Arnolt, a layman 1437 Veltheim, Hans Arnold of Humlikon oo 1582 Andelfingen Anna forest bird, of Neunkirch SH, Mstr. Johannes Arnold, the shoemaker, native of, scold oh from the Würtenbergi (1741-1819) oo 1771, Maria Margaretha splice of work living (1751-1828), in Feuerthalen, @ < ahd. arn “eagles, force, power” and waltan “force have, to prevail”. Erni, SOURCE: Surname of Zuerich, Complete

=====Arnold ============================
UR, since 1365, 37 ind., SG, since 1313, 3 ind., LU, since 1564, 5 ind., SO, since 1546, 6 ind., VS, since 1803, 1 ind., ZG, since 1513, 3 ind., Various cantons, since 1803, several ind., Source: Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon, Partial

=====Arnoldt ===========================
Arnold, Source: Familiennamenbuch 1989, See other spellings

=====Huldi =============================
BS Basel 1935  (Romanshorn  TG), SG St. Gallen 1787  (Romanshorn  TG), TG Oberwangen 1912  (Romanshorn  TG), Romanshorn a, ZH Zürich 1949,1954  (Romanshorn  TG), Source: Familiennamenbuch 1989, Complete

If you don't understand the above text, please check out before sending us questions. You may tell your friends of the SSD, located on

From: Timothy J. O'Neill, To: [email protected], Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 8:50 AM, Subject: Re: [ARNOLD] ARNOLD's in Minnesota
I can tell you that it starts with a Kasper Arnold from Hurden Germany born ABT 1560.  It then goes on to list many more Arnolds from Germany.  I believe the line that I come from is the George Arnold Line, born July 3 1837 in Stein Am Rhein Switzerland - married to Mary Wolter, born 27 February 1853.  They were married in Stillwater MN, 28 Jan 1872.
Children of George and Mary:  Generation 10 from Kasper Arnold
John Arnold - 5 May 1873/5 Jan 1881
William Arnold - 22 March 1874/15 October 1945
Theresia Arnold - 11 January 1876/13 October 1933
Joseph Arnold - 24 March 1878/9 August 1949
Josephine Arnold 24 March 1878/7 April 1938
Rosalia Arnold - 15 March 1880/1 January 1881
Martin Arnold - 11 November 1881/26 September 1963
George Arnold - 2 October 1885/2 November 1967
Louise Arnold - 26 November 1887/24 May 1892
Mary Arnold - 6 January 1893/13 November 1977
Michael Arnold - 8 July 1896/10 November 1896
The book is just a compilation of Richard Arnold's outstanding efforts to trace the ARNOLDS.  I don't know who Richard is yet, but I hope that he is still around so I can see if there is anymore work that has been done - I have approximately  300 pages of stuff to go through - as I find out more maybe I can link to some of the others on this ARNOLD list. Timothy J. O'Neill, [email protected], [email protected], Genealogy Page -, Researching: O'Neill, O'Neal, Hampton, Pedersen, Root, Nistler, Dust, Geers, Braden, Arnold, Kopeste

CH simply stands for Switzerland. Confoederatio Helvetica (lat.) =  Swiss Confederation. I believe the Romans tacked that name on us, something like "Helveticorum"? (The big guns at SwissGen should give you the site where its all explained correctly.) "Helvetia" is also represented in the form of a stately woman, a symbol not unlike "Lady Liberty". But  in any form, Helvetia means Swiss and Switzerland. In Europe each country name is abbreviated to one or two capital letters, so placed on the back of automobiles,  for instance, in a specific spot, you can instantly recognize what European countries they are registered in. So on all Swiss cars you will see the friendly "CH". Gruesse von Hanneli
CH means Confoederatio Helvetica... Best regards, Eric Nussle, [email protected]  /

From: "Adrián Arnold" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000
My branch of Arnold is from Ried-Brig, canton Wallis (or Valais), Switzerland (german speaking, not french) and begun between XIII and XV century, apart of this I haven't any information. But Arnold is a very common surname, I don´t think that the branch of german became in english branch or vice versa, or the same with other countries of Europe, I think that each branch start in diferents village. In Swiss there are many differents branchs of Arnolds with nothing in common (excepts the surname, obvious). Is the same case with Smith, Schmitt, Fisher, Fischer, and in surnames from my language, spanish, too (Fernández, González, etc.) all patronimic surnames that they have differents origin in Spain. Regards, Adrián Arnold, Argentina

From: "Jim Arnold" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000
I wrote to this list at least a year ago about finding a village in Switzerland called Altdorf which the locals believe is the ancestral home of the ARNOLDs. The occupants of the cemetery are about 1/3 ARNOLDs, going all the way back to the 1300s. The story is that the ARNOLDs were a clan of Germanic warriors who fled Hungary in early Medieval times when the Magyars invaded from the east. The valley Altdorf is situated in (called "the Schacental, I believe, and it looks like a scene from "Heidi") is fairly small, and ARNOLDs are supposed to have emigrated from there to all over Europe, including England (as ARNOLDOs in Italy and ARNAULDs in France). ARNOLD is one of the most common names in the German part of Switzerland. Altdorf is also the home of William Tell (there's a statue in the square), and an ARNOLD was one of his two confederates. Who thought they were part Swiss, and even Hungarian?

From: <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2000 6:42 PM Subject: [ARNOLD-L] Arnold queries
Now accepting queries, family group sheets and pedigree charts for the March issue of ARNOLD ANCESTRY, an off-line paper newsletter. This newsletter is sent to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, the Allen County Library and other major genealogical libraries, so please include a postal address so the readers without e-mail access can reply to you.Submissions can be sent by e-mail ([email protected]) or to Kinseeker Publications, PO Box 184, Grawn, MI 49637, Vicki Wilson Kinseeker Publications ,
Disclaimer: This is a call for submissions only. ==== ARNOLD Mailing List ====

I have a crest that is suppose to be the Arnold coat-of-arms. It can be viewed at Can anyone tell me if this is "for real"? If it is - what does the latin mean. I think it has something to do with "lots of land". thanks, Myron Arnold [email protected] ;

Myron, looked at the crest on your web page.  A friend of my fathers made a beautiful one for him about 30 years ago that is almost identical to it, although it doesn't have the latin banner.  I can't tell you if it is "for
real" or not because Healdry is a bit more complicated.  A good site to read up on the subject can be found at Please let us know if you find anymore information about the crest. Sincerely,  Jan Arnold-Blotz

I have a copy of the same coat of arms, the motto translated is "GLORY IS A PASSING THING". Just thought I'd pass this info on. Velma Arnold

How the Familienamenbuch der Schweiz (FNBS) is used in the Swiss Surname Directory - This series of volumes shows the origin (where and when) of citizenship for Swiss families at about the date the FNBS edition was issued.  The main change in the more recent edition was the addition of detailed data for families which had moved into towns and cities in this century.  Given the increased mobility of the population in this century it is a useful addition. The real key to this book is that a very large majority of Swiss families will still be found in or near their historic origins (pre-1800).  They often will have expanded from that base, and sometimes may have died out in a particular ancestral town, but they are often still found in the same area. So FNBS data (from whatever edition) gives you a very good idea of the areas of Switzerland which deserve closer scrutiny.  The volumes do not show you where a family used to have citizenship but is no longer present.  Nor do they show surnames which have disappeared by emigration or "daughtering out."  They also do not show families of a given surname which may be living in a given town but whom retain their citizenship at their original town.Regards, Mike Hobart

Arnold, Emil    1897-1974 - Kommunistischer Aktivist und Publizist, Nationalrat
Basel: Staatsarchiv des Kantons Basel-Stadt (Adresse und Liste der Nachlässe - Adresse et liste des fonds - Indrizzo e lista degli fondi).  Unterlagen zur Person, Briefe, Diverses, Akten zur politischen Tätigkeit, Bildmaterial, Lebenserinnerungen, Sammlung von Dokumenten zur Arbeiterbewegung, Typoskripte und Vorarbeiten zur Artikeln, Zeitungsausschnitte. — 0.5 m. — Unpublizierte Findmittel. — Signatur: Privat-Archive 854. — Benutzungsbeschränkungen.

Arnold, Kaspar    1836-1879 - Bezirkslehrer, Rektor

Aarau: Staatsarchiv des Kantons Aargau (Adresse und Liste der Nachlässe - Adresse et liste des fonds - Indrizzo e lista degli fondi).  Briefe, Diverses, persönliche Papiere, Lebenserinnerungen, Drucke. — 0.1 m. — Signatur: Nachlässe.

Repertorium der Handschriftlichen Nachlässe - Répertoire sommaire des fonds manuscrits - Repertorio sommario dei fondi manoscritti. Page created on 23.12.96, data from the 1992 ed.  Nächster Personenname - Nom de personne suivant: Arpeau  Personenregister, A - Index des noms de personnes, A - Indice delle persone, A Titelseite - Page de titre - Pagina del titolo

Google Translation:

Arnold, Emil 1897-1974 Communist activist and journalist, national council Basel: Public records of the canton Basel city (address and list of the Nachlsse - address et would list the fund - Indrizzo e lista degli fondi) Documents to the person, letters, various, documents to the political Ttigkeit, pictorial material, life memories, collection from documents to the workers' movement, Typoskripte and pre-working to articles, newspaper cuttings. 0,5 M. Unpublizierte identification means. Signature: Private-archives 854. Benutzungsbeschrnkungen.

Arnold, Kaspar 1836-1879 District teacher, rector.  Aarau: Public records of the canton Aargau (address and list of the Nachlsse - address et would list the fund - Indrizzo e lista degli fondi) Letters, various, persnliche papers, life memories, pressures. 0,1 M. signature: Nachlsse..  Repertory of the handwritten Nachlsse - Rpertoire sommaire of the fund manuscrits - Repertorio sommario dei fondi manoscritti. PAGE created on 23.12.96, DATA from the 1992 OD. Nchster family name - Nom de by-suns suivant: Arpeau Person register, A index noms de personnes, A Indice depression persone, A Title page - PAGE de titre - page del titolo

GROVEPLACE CEMETERY Town of Chil, New York. This cemetery is located on the southeast corner of Chil Avenue and Marshall Road. The tombstones in this cemetery have been copied twice before. In July 1928 a six page list of inscriptions was made by Mary T. Douglas of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Then in 1973 a 26 page list of inscriptions was made by the Gates-Chil Middle School Yorker Club. These two earlier lists were combined and checked by Richard T. Halsey against the tombstones during the months of June through August of 1992. This lists also adds approximately 3700 more inscriptions including some from the1800s.

ARNOLD Rennie V.; 1891 - 1923
CHARCHOLLA Patricia A.; Sgt., US Marine Corps; Sept. 30, 1923 - Apr. 30, 1974

Arnold Adrian [email protected] November 09, 1999
Hi Jan, Thanks for your E-mail with the question about the surname Arnold. Yes, I am also  an Arnold, but we are from Uri in the middle of Switzerland, where Arnold is the most numbered surname. I don't know if there was an Arnold from Uri who was going to Brugg/Basel and then to US. Sorry, perhaps it is not really helpful for you, but by the big number of Arnold's in Switzerland it is really difficult to know, from which part they are. Perhaps are there some people who are looking professionally for this subjects who can help you more. But if you have more questions to me, do not hesitate to contacting me. I am 29 years old, my profession is Ingenieur of agronomie (agriculture) an I am working for an agricultural journal here in switzerland called "Schweizer Bauer"n ( I am living in Bürglen, Kanton Uri (nearby Luzern) and working in Bern, the capital of Switzerland. Nice to hear from you Best wishers, Adrian (adi) Arnold


Von: Jan Blotz, Antwort an: Jan Blotz, Gesendet: Freitag, 24. September 1999 17:19 Uhr An: [email protected] Betreff: Interested in same surname
Hi, My name is Jan Arnold-Blotz.  My grandfather, Ernest Arnold, came to the US from Switzerland in the early 1900's at the age of 15.  He was from Brugg/Basel.  I would like to find family in Switzerland. Sincerely, Jan

Margaret R Welsch [email protected] September 25, 1999 9:21 AM
Hi Jan:  My Arnold ancestors came from Schlierbach Luzern.  Sorry. Margaret Welsch

Carol Hadsell [email protected] September 24, 1999 9:39 AM
Jan, My GGgrandfather Joseph Arnold was probably born in Basel c 1843 and came to Canal Dover Tuscarawas Co, Ohio c 1851 with his family. He had a brother John B. and sister Mary born in Switzerland.  He also had a sister Eva and Brother August Adam born in Ohio. The family was Catholic I have no info on them in Switzerland, but there is always a chance that our lines cross somewhere that I am unaware of at this time If any of this sounds familiar let me know. Carol

Flag - Switzerland

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