Heraldic Shields
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Heraldic Shields

Name Meaning Image COA Example

Chief Dominion, authority, wisdom, achievement in battle Dolan
Pale Military strength, fortitude Delaney
Bend Representative of a Knights scarf - signifies Defence Quigley
Fess Signifies the Military Belt - represents Honour Nagle
Chevron Represents the roof of a house - signifies Protection, faithful service Tully
Cross Christian, one who had served in the Crusades Nolan
Saltire St. Andrew's cross, signifying Resolution, Resolve McHugh
Pile represents wood used in bridge-building - signifies construction, building Caldwell
Canton Representative of a flag 'added' to the arms, and may contain a charge granted by a Sovereign McEnchroe
Bordure Represents Honour, as used to differentiate between family members McAllister

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since July 08, 2001