Surname Origins


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I thought it might be interesting to look at the family names. I've included excerpts from "Dictionary of Jewish Surnames in Russian Empire" concerning the main surnames in the family:


Ar'e M: from the given name Ar'e (`arye' in Yiddish) {Ar'ya, Ar'ev, Ar'es , Ar'in, Aris, Arian (Arvan), Ar'yan, Arzon, Arie, Ari, Ariazon, Arienson, Aries (Varees, Varies), Ariev, Arievich, Arij, Arion, Arionzon, Ariovich, Benar'e (Benari)}. The original Hebrew form of this given name is `aarjeyh', meaning `lion', a calque from Yiddish name `leyb' (also see Lejb; Weinreich, 641).


Bashev F: from the given name Bassheva (`basheyve' in Yiddish) {Bashevich, Bashevoj}. The original Hebrew form of this given name is `basshevae' (2 Samuel 11:3). Hypocoristic forms: Bashevka (`bashevke' in Yiddish)* {Bashevkin}, Basha (`bashe' in Yiddish) {Bashes, Bashin, Bashman, Bashuk}, Bashka (`bashke' in Yiddish) {Bashkevich, Bashkin, Bashkis, Bashkov, Bashkovich}, Sheva (`sheve' in Yiddish) {Shev (Shef), Sheva, Sheves, Shevkind (Shefkind, Shevkin)}, Shejva (`sheyve' in Yiddish) {Shejvis}, Shevka (`shefke' in Yiddish)* {Shevkes, Shevkin (Shevkind, Shefkind), Shifkevich}, Shejvel' (`sheyvl' in Yiddish)* from Shejva {Shejvelis (Shevelis)}. The given name Basya (`basye' in Yiddish, `basjoh' in the traditional Hebrew spelling) is probably also a hypocoristic form of the same given name {Basenko, Bases, Basevich (Bassevich), Basin (Bassin, Pasin), Basinzon, Basis (Bassis), Baskind (Baskin), Basman, Basyuk}. Variant of Basya: Bosya (`bosye' in Yiddish)* {Bosenzon, Bosin, Bosinzon, Bosinko, Bosis, Boshes, Bosman}. Hypocoristic forms of Basya: Baska or Bas'ka (`baske' in Yiddish) {Baskevich, Baskin (Baskind), Baskis, Baskovich, Bas'kin}, Basel' (`basl' in Yiddish)* {Basel', Bassel'} Hypocoristic form of Bosya: Boska (`boske' in Yiddish)* {Boskes, Boskin, Boskis}. Pet forms of Basya: Basen'ka (`basinke' in Yiddish)* {Basenkis}, Baskel' (`baskele' in Yiddish)* from Bas'ka {Baskelovich}.


Blond (Vilna, Courland) N: blond, light haired [German, Yiddish] {Bliond, Blonder (Londer), Blondes}.


Levi (common in Courland, Tel'shi) K: leywij [Hebrew] Levite {Levij, Levy, Leva, Levo, Lev-Levi, Livi, Lev (Lef), Levits, Levich, Leviev (Lev'ev), Leviman, Levin (Leven, L'vin), Levinov, Levinman, Levinskij (Livinskij), Levenson (Livenson), Levenzon, Levinson, Levinzon, Levison, Levisson, Levizon, Leviyan, Levis, Levov, Levovich, Lejvi (Lejva, Lejvij, Lejvy, Lejvyj); Levinshtam, Levenshtam; Levenberg (Livenberg), Levberg, Levbarg; Levental', Leventul, Leventul'; Levenshtejn (Livenshtejn), Levinshtejn (Libenshtejn-Levinshtejn, Livinshtejn), Levshtejn, Lejvinshtejn; Galevi, Galejvy Alejvi, Alejvij; Delevi, Delev'i}. M: see Lejvi.

Levin (common in Lithuania, Belorussia, Chernigov gub., Poltava gub., Riga, Kiev, Odessa, Ekater. gub.) K: see Levi. M: from the given name Levin {Leven, Levinov, Levinovich (Levinovits, Levenovich), Levinchik (Levenchik, Livinchik), Levenchuk, (Livenchuk), Levinman, Levinskij (Livinskij), Levinson (Levenson, Livenson), Levinzon (Levenzon); Levinshtam, Levenshtam}. This given name appeared in Germany, as a hypocoristic form of Löw (also see Lev) or Levi (also see Lejvi). Normally, it was spelled in German as Levin, sometimes the form Lewin was used. The given name Levin was also used by German Christians as a derivative of Liebwin.