Conscious Evolution
This write up was sent to you by someone who cares about you and wants you to be successful in everything you do!

The author is Jerry Longeuay (first publication date January 1988).  He and the person who sent you this book both believe that the future of mankind depends on each individual's success. This book is intended to help mankind progress faster and further then ever before seen in history, through individual achievement and success.  This is an old concept, of which there are dozens of books on the subject.  This book details a different approach that anyone can utilize, regardless of education, background, etc.  Besides the different approach to this subject, this book also includes easy to use motivation techniques and positive thinking exercises. 

This book is best utilized if read straight through.  The book is kept short and sweet for this very purpose.  The chapter names may sound strange or different, hopefully different enough to be remembered!  Find one hour when you can be completely uninterrupted and read this book from cover to cover.

Jerry is affectionately known as the Father of the Conscious Evolution.  Jerry asks that if you have five friends that are worth a couple of dollars each, please make copies of this book and send it to at least five people.  We are all links in the chain of life, please keep this chain going. If you do not want to keep this life chain going, please return this to the sender.

Jerry would also like feedback to this book.  If you find success, don't find it, any questions, need a fresh copy, tell how many people you sent it to (especially if you translated it and sent it to another country), please send all correspondence to Jerry Longeuay, ([email protected]).


Jerry Longeuay has lived a semi traumatic life.   At the early age of four, he had severe third degree burns on his left leg.  In those days, it was uncommon to skin plant successfully.  The Orthopedic Hospital in Los Angeles tried skin transplants, which worked quite successfully.  During the adolescence years, Jerry went through the various children's diseases, and led an uncomplicated life. 

At eighteen, Jerry was involved in a fatal airplane crash that took the life of his instructor.  There is no explanation for Jerry's survival.  Most of his past memory from that point is lost.  On the educational level, Jerry has never had to study hard to obtain good grades.  Mathematics came naturally, but English and Philosophy was steadily worked at.  Jerry received a Bachelors of Science Degree in Physics at Loyola University of Los Angeles in 1975.  The majority of his career has been at Hughes Aircraft Company as a Research and Development Systems Engineer.  Jerry considers himself as a Practical Physicist, inventing practical solutions to everyday problems, physical or mental.  It is with this development that has led Jerry to the theories and philosophies contained in this book.  These philosophies are from experience rather than from education.  This brings a fresh solution to an old problem.  It is also by his development to make these theories easy to understand and apply by everyone regardless of education, life-style or upbringing.





What separates man from mammal? 

Ask five people off the street that question and you'll probably get five different answers. 
Consider this answer:  Conscious Thought. 

Let's examine man versus monkey.  Both have a brain.  Both can be taught to do various actions (i.e., shake hands, walk, etc.) by repetition, which I consider the subconscious.  Yet it is man that teaches the monkey, not visa versa.  What separates man from monkey?  I believe the conscious ability to modify subconscious thoughts or behavior patterns.  Somewhere between adolescence and adulthood, man's conscious thought process starts to grow.  Unfortunately by the time it just starts to grow, most people fall back into the old subconscious style of life they were raised in.  I am not going to try to explain how or why the conscious works, but how to use it more often than it probably gets used. 

Consider the mind in these two states (or dimensions); subconscious and conscious.  You can apply everything you do into one of these dimensions.  That means every voluntary motion and every involuntary motion.  While most people will agree with the mind being two dimensional, most people will also believe that they are conscious creatures, not subconscious beings.  This book not only makes an attempt to show the reader the difference, but to inform the reader how to understand the difference and to expand one dimension - the conscious dimension. 

I want you to think about another possibility concerning the conscious and the subconscious.  I believe the conscious is a present state, whereas the subconscious is a past state.  The subconscious is largely a memory storage unit, collecting data and preserving it.  The conscious can tap into the subconscious to bring out old data and manipulate it.  It is this premise that basic computer design is based upon.

Before we envision life in strictly a conscious state or dimension, let's examine mankind in his present subconscious environment.  The subconscious absorbs information from all your bodily sensors.  These sensors are the ears, eyes, nose, tongue, fingers (touch), etc.  The subconscious accepts anything given to it, ANYTHING, good or bad! 

You might ask yourself how does the subconscious remember or retain information passed on to it from the present conscious state.  Unfortunately for most of us the answer is repetition.  Very few people can retain data instantly.  And for almost every infant or child the answer is definitely repetition.  How many times have you repeated some action so you could remember it again, say remembering a new phone number?  You can come up with hundreds of examples with infants or children.  For example, an infant learning how to talk.  How many times did you repeat "mommy" to your infant?  How about a child learning how to add?

Repetition also leads to another compromise in life - the dreaded rut or what management calls the comfort zone.  Once a person has repeated an action several times, retained that action into the subconscious, thereby making it a future reaction, that person inevitably becomes very comfortable performing that action.  This could be as simple as having that first cup of coffee first thing in the morning, to something as complex as performing one's work without thinking about it.  Once you are used to performing an act subconsciously, you essentially slip into a state of subconsciousness.  You can perform the act without consciously realizing it.  How many times have you driven the same streets in the same fashion, arrived there, and can't remember how you got there?   You are almost asleep – you are subconscious.  When this natural subconscious act is interrupted by an external event, people react violently (and usually don't realize it). 

Look at any action you have taken in the last 24 hours.  Did you make a conscious action or was it a reaction to other events?  All involuntary actions are in actuality, reactions.  Take your heart beating for example.  Do you actually control the beating of your heart, or is it done by reactions, controlled through you subconscious?

There are many things that need to be subconscious reactions.  Your daily body functions are a prime example (i.e., heart beating, lungs contracting, etc.).  Being able to walk or talk is another example of daily body functions, but with a very complex sequence of events.  Have you ever thought about how many muscles are activated just to walk, let alone balance yourself standing up?  Do you do this consciously?  I doubt it.  But it is nice to know that your subconscious is doing the workload for you.  And that is the primary function of the subconscious - to reduce the workload that your conscious mind would normally have to take care of.  Could you imagine how busy your present conscious mind would be if you had to take care of just the normal day to day bodily functions your subconscious takes care of.  The subconscious does a beautiful job of unloading all the mundane, repetitive acts that you perform on a daily basis. 

If you are still not convinced, take out a sheet of paper and make two columns, label one column ACTION and label the other column EVENT.  Write down your conscious actions in the last 24 hours.  Next to action, write down what was the event that made it happen. 

Examples of a conscious action would be when someone asked you a question you didn't know the answer to, or a question you had to think about for a few seconds.  You can't use questions that you reply to without thinking, this would be considered a reaction, not an action of the conscious mind.  Most people are creatures of habit (subconscious repetition).  To exercise the conscious state you need to do something different.  Now that you have examined your actions/reactions over the last 24 hours, go back in time and examine your life as far back as you can remember.  Has anything changed?  Are you a conscious creature or subconscious creature of habit? 

Now go back and look at your parent's life.  Do the same principles apply?  Think back to their parents, and so on.  Now look at the events.  Were they things that would normally happen in your day to day life?  Was the event something DIFFERENT?  Here it is folks, the magical secret - it was something different that made the conscious take over instead of the subconscious performing its usual reaction.  And here is where the problem lies. 

Any conscious action can be equated to any event that is different from what is stored in your subconscious mind.  Follow this back to the beginning of time when man separated from his fellow subconscious creatures.  This concept of evolution is based on traditional thinking (subconscious) that has never been argued with yet.  How many times have you heard the old adage "that's the way everyone else has done it for years"?  Mankind has not yet understood that he has the conscious ability to change subconscious reactions to everyday events.  When you think about the current conscious state of mankind over the last million years we have been on earth, we are just starting to evolve consciously.  Mentally we are infants (consciously).  We are just starting to understand what we can do with our brains, and look at what mankind has accomplished in just 100 years.

I believe the largest reason behind our slow conscious evolution, is the fact that subconscious living has been inbred in all of us since we were born.  Since we are born with only basic survival instincts, we need to learn day to day living (walking, talking, etc.).  As infants and as children, repetition is the largest part of the learning cycle. 

During the education process, you are exposed to different things daily, which nurtures the conscious state and helps it grow.  Unfortunately the learning process is repetition since that is a traditional concept and what people have been doing since the beginning of our time.  Once the education process is stopped, most people fall back into doing what is comfortable, which is almost always not different.  You do not need to continue the education process to keep the conscious state growing. 

The problem can compound further.  Upon examining reactions of other people to different stimuli, I believe that when confronted with a very sudden, unexpected, different event, people try to "fit" a past subconscious reaction to the present situation, even if the past reaction is only close as a response.  Old cliques are good examples.  A man says to his wife one day "I'm leaving you."  The woman's' reaction may be "You're throwing five years of marriage down the tubes."  In most marriages, there are a lot of good times even with the bad times, not to mention the fact that the last five years just don't disappear.  A conscious response might have been "at least there were some good times in the last five years."  It is usually a very unexpected negative situation that will bring out a reaction like this, but the principle remains - few people consciously think about what they say when the situation is different than normal.

Subconscious reactions can be explained in two time zones; present time (which is referred to as the conscious reaction state), and future time (which is referred to as the subconscious state using traditional concepts).


Consider one of the first things taught to an infant - how to crawl.  Think about this for a moment.  Most people instinctively teach their children how to crawl before teaching them how to walk.  What good does crawling accomplish for a child other than getting dirty knees to get across the room?  Some people may say it exercises the legs for the next step of learning how to walk.  Why do people first teach their infants how to crawl?  Because that's what everyone else does.  It's what their parents did, their parents before them, etc.; inbred repetition from mankind. 

As my first conscious experiment, I chose not to teach my children how to crawl, instead I taught them how to walk.  I exercised their legs as if they crawled, but standing them up vertically, not horizontally (like crawling).  The result after four children - no noticeable difference.  Nothing had changed, no adverse reactions, no complications, very normal ch-ildren (if children are ever normal). 

Instead of using a traditional concept, I made the conscious decision to bypass the old method. 

This is the solution to subconscious reactions.  Make a conscious decision on whether you want to use a traditional concept, or not use it, or come up with a new different solution. 

Man's evolution has been the by-product of several dozen conscious thinkers.  For example, where would Americans be if Christopher Columbus accepted the traditional concept of a flat world?  Everyone thought the Wright brothers were crazy because "... if man was meant to fly, he'd have wings!".  And the greatest conscious thinking man of all time founded the Theory of Relativity just by consciously thinking about how the Sun kept burning.  (By the way, Einstein flunked Mathematics in High School.)  While some men may be able to understand some things better or faster than other men, they have one thing in common - they make the conscious decision to use a traditional concept (or reaction), not use it, or make a new one.  Almost all of the greatest inventions and discoveries were not accidents.  They were conscious actions.  Every person on Earth is capable of making conscious actions, which separates man from mammal. 

Even the traditional concept of superiority takes on a different meaning in the conscious way of thinking.  Take a man in the jungle and a doctor for example.  Each provides for his family.  Each makes conscious actions to adapt to new events.  Just because the doctor has more education, does not make him superior to the jungle man.  Give the jungle man the same education and he becomes the doctor.  There is no difference between the two in the conscious thinking aspect of life. 

Hopefully you now understand the power of conscious thinking or action.  Other people have made incredible leaps in life by just thinking consciously.  Let's now see how you can unleash this powerful force.


The conscious action to subconscious reaction or traditional concepts is the same, you must teach the subconscious to consciously evaluate the reaction or traditional concept and then decide if you want to use it, etc.  Traditional concepts allows you to have some time to consider making a conscious action, versus an immediate event that will take some practice to be able to think quick enough to make a conscious action.  First let's examine the solution for traditional concepts and then we will apply the techniques to reactions.  We will approach this in three steps. 

Step One:  Consider your brain a muscle.  The more you exercise your gray muscle, the better it performs, just like any other muscle in your body.  A conscious action is usually triggered by something different happening to you.  Your first exercise is to do something different every day to flex that gray muscle.  Do at least one different thing every day.  BE A PEPPER! 

A different action does not have to be complex, just different.  It can be washing yourself differently, take a different way home (or to work), etc.  A good friend of mine (Joe Fitzpatrick) will occasionally say a word backwards.  For example, he'll say "...that's a good dog.  Which is god backwards."  I'll hang a picture upside down one day and wait to see who notices it.  It would also help to put up signs around you until you feel comfortable doing different things.  Put up signs on your bathroom mirrors, on your refrigerator, or even on your car dash. 

Step Two:  The second step is to vary the different thing day to day.  Do not do the same different thing every day - this will not accomplish anything! Your life is basically a chain of events (reactions) that you want to take conscious control of.  By doing something different every day (repetition), you are teaching your subconscious to use your conscious state.  You are making a chain to break the chain.  This is why it is so important to vary the different thing you do each day.  If you do not vary the different thing, it will become a subconscious reaction, not exercising the conscious part.

Step Three: The last step is to do the different thing during your most routine event.  It takes a conscious effort to do something different during a routine event.  This is the hardest part to becoming a more conscious person.  At this point you have made conscious action a subconscious way of life.  You now have conscious control to make a decision on subconscious reactions. 

For traditional concepts, you have lots of time to evaluate and then decide if that is what you want to do.  Once you consciously control traditional concepts, you can use the same technique for events that require immediate response.  In that split second before normally reacting to something, evaluate the reaction and decide if you want to use it.  A good example of this is a stand up comedian.   Comedians that are improvisational have to think very, very fast to come up with those funny comebacks when someone says something quite normal.  This is one of my own exercises.  Not only do I get the gray muscle exercising, but it also makes people laugh.  If you practice flexing your gray muscle on traditional concepts, your subconscious will be able to flex the same way for events that require immediate response. 

Some events may occur so fast that your subconscious will override any conscious intervention, which is fine.  A good example of this would be a car cutting in front of you while you are driving.  Your subconscious survival reactions step in and perform as best as your subconscious is capable. 

These three steps will be very uncomfortable until you have repeated them into your subconscious.  You will probably forget about doing them due to your own level of motivation.  The next few chapters will help your motivation.


When it comes to motivation, I classify people into three categories. People who say they CAN'T, people who say they'll TRY, and people who say they will DO it. 

DO type of people say things like "It will be done!" or "I can DO that!".  I believe that the DOers in life make up about 5% of the human population.  The DO attitude is a get it done regardless of the obstacles in the way (without hindering other people's rights).  When faced with an obstacle in their path to their goal, DOers might not try to fight it directly, sometimes they find a way around the problem (a new solution to an old traditional concept!).  They use the same principles outlined earlier for conscious evolution.  As you might have guessed, DOers are people that think consciously about their actions.  Look around you at the most successful people you personally know.  Do they sound like they have conscious control of their lives?  Do they always get the job done? 


This is the creed of the DOer.  Someone I said this to said "oh yea, let's see a man have a baby!"  Experiments of this nature are in progress.  Within one century you will probably see this occur. 

TRY type of people say things like "I'll try to get it done today" or "Maybe I can do it".  I believe that the TRYers in life make up about 65% of the human population (the majority).  TRYers are good people, it's just that they don't understand the power of their conscious dimension, or how to use it more often.  TRYers do use their conscious, but are usually not aware of it.  This book was written especially for them.  Imagine world progress if only 5% of the TRYers became DOers.  Our evolution should at least double its speed and intensity.  What separates TRYers from DOers?  TRYers usually are afraid of failure.  The traditional concept of failure gets modified when you think consciously.  In the conscious evolution, failure is only a stepping stone to success.  It is a learning process to benefit from.  There is no true failure that can stop a DOer, TRYers must realize that and continue on. 

One difference between the DOer and the TRYer, is that the DOer will usually find a new solution to the problem, while the TRYer will stop until someone shows him a new solution.  Once the TRYer thinks consciously, he will also find the new solution.  That doesn't mean don't stop trying!  If you feel you have hit a wall that you can't pass through or around, do something different to exercise that conscious state.  Walk backwards, change the way you approach the problem, try something different - it works! 

The next chapter will help the TRYer to solve problems of this nature.  Failure affects DOers differently than TRYers.  DOers do "fail", I have, but when you know you've done everything possible (and usually more), there is little pain when you don't reach your goal.  Usually a failure to a TRYer results in tremendous pain and several steps backwards in progress.  There is another obstacle keeping a lot of TRYers from becoming Doers, and that is distraction. 

Life is a distraction!  This is everything from work, to putting food on the table, to listening to the TV.  I also call this the Survival Stage of life.  Distractions usually make people slip into the subconscious way of life, and you're back to that old cycle again.  When faced with a recurring distraction (i.e., anxiety, fear, etc.) remember this phrase:

 There are more things in life to worry about and as soon as I find one I'll let you know!
    - Jerry Longeuay, circa 1976

To date, I haven't found one to report.  Problems are only events that don't have the solution yet.  The solution will come.  The greatest problem, death (some people may say taxes), is inevitable, so why worry?  This is not to say take a cavalier attitude in life.  Just don't get distracted by problems and spend your entire life on them.  If your problem persists, and you can't solve it, try something different, slide by the problem and at least reduce its complexity.  More on this subject in the next chapter. 

CAN'T type of people say things like "that's too hard, I CAN'T do that", "I don't have the will power to do it!", or "I'm not smart enough to do that."  I believe that the CAN'T type of people in life make up about 30% of the human population.  CAN'T type of people really can't do things because they just told their subconscious they CAN'T.  It goes right back to repetition and the old subconscious.  Whatever gets repeated will eventually get programmed the subconscious.  If CAN'T people look back at their childhood, they may have heard things to give them a CAN'T attitude.  Things like "you'll never amount to anything" or "you CAN'T do that, you're too small (too big, too old, too young, too stupid, too lazy, too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, etc.)". 

It's a shame too, since most people don't realize that at an early age the subconscious is open to absorb everything that is heard and seen, while the conscious has not yet developed to screen out these items.  If the conscious state was developed very early, it would evaluate those statements, and accept, deny or modify them as necessary.  The best example is today, if someone said you were too tall or too short to do the job, would you believe them?  I doubt it.  Almost everything in a persons subconscious is imbedded during the young years (0-10).  All those negatives; fear, anxiety, hatred are pressed into the youth by relatives, friends and neighbors. 

Look at the famous example of the Hatfields and McCoys.  Only the parents fight, not the children, and the parents don't even know why they are fighting - "that's the way it has always been" - that's how they are raised.  Take the infants of any two families that hate one another.  Do the infants fight or play?  Look at the conscious thinking people you personally know.  Do they have any hatred towards their fellow man?  I doubt it.  The reason behind this is that when you consciously evaluate an old traditional concept, you realize there is nothing to substantiate what was inbred (programmed) into you.

You only have to go back a few decades to see worldly examples; Japan versus the US, a very costly war in lives.  We are now brothers, thanks to a lot of conscious thinkers.  Presently America is now friends with China, two countries with totally different political philosophies.  Once enemies, now friends.

The subconscious can impede mankind's progress through subconscious reaction and negative traditional concepts through each individual. People can grow and become DOers!  The change may not occur overnight.  What has been inbred over several years may take as long if not longer to change, it depends on each individual's motivation.  The next chapter can help your motivation and any goal you wish to accomplish. 


Motivation is the road to success.  You have the tools to get there, now for the push in the right direction! 

I find that visualization is the best personal motivation technique.  Some people may find that this is hard for them (my wife for one).  Many, many companies use this tool, it's very simple - see yourself performing your goal and reaching your goal.  This is how I do it: 

First you must understand your goal. Your goal has to be something that you can attain (being a DOer, getting a degree, a job, financial gain, etc.) in your lifetime.  Don't try to make your goal unattainable (walking on the Sun), this technique won't work.  You can have several goals at the same time, some can be short term goals, others long term goals.  If you can, write down your goals. 

If you can, try to break your goal down into smaller parts.  If your goal is becoming a doctor, a smaller part is getting your BS degree, a smaller part of that is passing your freshman year in college, a smaller part of that is passing a course on biology, and so on, and so on.  The farther you can go in dividing your goal into smaller parts the better. 

You can now SEE your goal.  SEE IT as often as possible.  Why?  Remember what your subconscious does all by itself?  It retains repetitive information.  The more you consciously SEE your goal, the more it gets retained into your subconscious.  The best retention exercise is to think about your goal as you go to sleep.  At this point all external distractions are minimized, and your subconscious can concentrate on what is given to it, your goal.  As you SEE your goal, SEE all the parts, from the smallest part you have broken it down, all the way up to your final goal.  If you have a problem SEEing all the parts to your goal, concentrate on the goal.  See yourself reaping the benefits of your goal.  Enjoying your goal to the fullest!

Try to DREAM about your goal.  Try to DREAM about the smallest part, going in sequential order on how you are going to accomplish your goal.  You can even make this day dreaming if you have problems doing it as normal night dreaming.  Remember that during the waking hours there are more distractions (life in general) that get input into your subconscious through your sensors (especially the ears).  At night, as you go to bed it is probably a lot quieter with less distractions. 

Then start living your goal, BE IT! Your subconscious can not distinguish between what you program into it, from what you have physically experienced.   You have just trained (programmed) your subconscious that you have done this before (even though you might not have).  By SEEing and DREAMing your goal, your subconscious thinks you have done it before, and now can BE IT again, like a reaction.  This time you have controlled your reaction process, instead of it controlling you.  You have again mastered conscious control of your subconscious computer. 

And there are other ways to consciously control your subconscious computer.  You can use your subconscious computer to solve problems that your conscious may not have the time or capacity to solve in day to day living. Remember your conscious state is a present state.  The solution may be buried deep in your subconscious, where it may take a long time to find it.  Your subconscious can perform all the functions you conscious use during your waking hours, but at night!  Try this technique the next time you have a problem and haven't found the answer consciously.  As you go to bed, tell your subconscious (out loud if possible - the more sensors being used, the better the reception into the subconscious) what the problem is and that you want an answer when you wake up.  Sounds strange, but it almost always works for me.  After you have done this a few times, your subconscious is now trained to solve problems for you at your command while you "sleep". 


The philosophies contained in this book is not the only way to becoming a conscious acting person.  There are other ways.  I feel that this approach is the easiest and fastest.  Another way, which I do not recommend, is the "school of hard knocks".  Another friend of mine went through many traumatic events in her life, mostly emotional not physical.  For her, it was either wear an extra long-sleeved white coat with ties in the back or become a conscious thinking person.  She evolved on her own. 

There are countless stories of unrest and fraternal strife in the world.  All you have to do is pick up any newspaper and read about it.  Every year the newspaper gets bigger and bigger.  Wouldn't it be great to pick up the newspaper and the only thing on it was the date? 

Imagine what would happen if our world was attacked by inhabitants from another world.  Do you think all the present border or cold wars would continue?   Or do you think that all nations would pool their technology and resources together to fight the outsider?  We would all become one civilization through a traumatic event.  Does it have to take a traumatic event to change mankind's way of thinking?  That inhabitant from the other world is actually inside of us; the negative traditional concepts that have been inbred in mankind since the beginning.


As each person reads this book and becomes a conscious thinker, one day mankind will finally evolve consciously. 

All negatives will either be dissipated or resolved.  No war, no diseases, no negatives, no need to physically consume energy (we'll get it from the Sun).   One day man will understand the unity of the universe!  It starts with the smallest YOU!

Our Sun is about 1 billion years old.  Man has been on this planet for about 1 million years.  The Sun will supernova in another 27 billion years.  This may sound like a lot of time, it isn't, we have to start somewhere, and now is as good a time as any.

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