Jones/Thomas and Osgood/Kell Family Tree

Jones/Thomas and Osgood/Kell Family Tree

The primary families covered here are the Jones/Thomas families of Wisconsin/Minnesota and the Osgood/Kell families of Missouri/Minnesota.

The Jones and Thomas families both emmigrated from North Wales in the 1840's. After their arrival in the United States, they migrated to Wisconsin (at first Racine then Dodge, Jefferson, Columbia Counties). In the early 1900's, many moved on to Minnesota, Michigan, Florida, New York, Massachusetts and Maryland.

The Osgood family was located in Lewis County, Missouri and branched out from there to Minnesota and other states in the early 1900's. They may have originally come from Massachussetts prior to their move to Missouri.

The Thwing family emmigrated from England to Boston, Massachussetts in the mid-1600's. From there, they branched out in several directions. My interest is in the families that moved to Woolrich, Maine in the late 1700's and then on to Wisconsin and Minnesota in the late 1800's.

Finally, the Kell family was located in Lewis County, Missouri.

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If you have further information about any of these families, please contact:
[email protected]

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