Christophersen, Pender, Bratt, Goss, Dodge Lines

JonniC's Genealogy and Family Photo Album

This Album is broken into 3 sections - Genealogy, Family Photo's and World Travels
Please select your area of interest and enjoy my photo album.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Genealogy ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Written for and beginning with my Grandchildren,
Sarah Nichole Christophersen, Steven Ray Pender and Christina Lynn Pender.
~~~~~~~~~~~Primary Surnames ~~~~~~~~~~~
Albert, Augrot, Bagley, Belt, Boehme, Bratt, Butterworth, Button, Chatley/Chatterley, Cherry, Christoffersen/Christophersen, Collings, Davis, Dickson/Dixon, Dodge, Ellis, Flowers, Goess/Goss, Grinsell, Hardman, Holly, Howe, Innis, Johnson, Justine, Kay, Keene, LeRoy, Mansfield, McIntyre, Merry, Miller, Morgan, Muldoon, Nuttall, Pender, Pickens, Porter, Priest, Rishton/Rushton, Roberts, Rockwell, Schultz/Schultze, Shaw, Sipes, Staples, Swaney, Thomas, Turner, Ventris, Willis, Windom, Wise, Wood, Yeomans and a whole lot more minor surnames.

~~~~~~~~~~ Family Photos ~~~~~~~~~~
This section is broken out by person and, for those with a lot of pictures,
further broken down by year with links to the major special 'group events'
such as the annual family Christmas, Anniversary and Birthday parties.

~~~~~~~~~~ World Travels ~~~~~~~~~~
My travels and visits with/from various IRC friends.
This section is broken down into Trips within years.

NOTE: There are still well over 2,000 more pictures to be scanned and added but,
with 2,000+ photographs available now, I have a good enough start to be willing to share.

And, if your ever in the Hampton, Virginia area and want a GREAT meal at a reasonable
price check out the Grapevine Restaurant, 2040 Coliseum Drive, Suite 35. It is located
in the Coliseum Square Shopping Center, directly across from the Coliseum Mall. Check
out their Homepage first, see how good they are... The Grapevine Restaurant
But, make sure you are nice to the Chef, he is my son... *Proud Mama Smile*

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