Newspaper Tidbits for the Theiss Family

Charles Theiss

Charles Theiss visited his sister here Sunday.
Sentinel, November 25, 1909 (Sardis)

Charles Theiss of Steubenville spent part of last week with his parents.
Sentinel, April 28, 1910

Harry and Charles Theiss of Steubensville, visited their parents here last week.
Sentinel, July 21, 1910 (Sardis)

Charles Theiss of Steubenville is visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Theiss.
Spirit of Democracy, April 27, 1911 (Sardis)

Charles Theiss, of Steubenville, was the guest of his sister Mrs. John Shorts over Sunday.
Sentinel, October 26, 1911 (Woodsfield)

Charles Theiss of Steubenville visited here with relatives over Sunday.
Spirit of Democracy, November 21, 1912 (Sardis)
Charles and John Theiss of Steubenville visisted their sister Mrs. Charles Merckle last week.
Spirit of Democracy, December 10, 1914 (Sardis)

Charles Theiss of Steubenville is the guest of his sister Mrs. Chas. Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy, September 27, 1917 (Sardis)

Chas. Theiss of Steubenville is the guest of his parents.
Spirit of Democracy, May 6, 1920 (Sardis)

Clara N. Theiss Shorts

Miss Clara Theiss, of New Martinsville, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Luella Webb.
County Republican, June 13, 1907

Miss Clara Theiss is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Merkle.
Sentinel, January 30, 1908 (Sardis)

On the evening of June 28th at the house of Mr. and Mrs. John Theiss near Sardis, their daughter, Miss Clara, was united in marriage to Mr. John Shorts, of Woodsfield. Only a few intimate friends were present to witness the tying of the nuptial knot, the ceremony being performed by Elder D. Wayne Harkins, of Woodsfield.
Sentinel, July 9, 1908

Mr. and Mrs. John Shorts of Woodsfield are guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Theiss on Fifth avenue.
Spirit of Democracy, September 21, 1911 (Sardis)

Mr. and Mrs. John Shorts returned to their home in Woodsfield Monday afer a weeks visit here with her parents.
Spirit of Democarcy, October 5, 1911 (Sardis)

Mrs. Charles Merckle and children Ihla and Harry visited her sister Mrs. John shorts at Woodsfield last week.
Spirit of Democracy, January 16, 1913

Mrs. John Shorts of Woodsfield spent the past week here with her sister Mrs. Charles Merckle. Spirit of Democracy, June 19, 1913 (Sardis)(too late for last week)

Mrs. Charles Merckle and two children returned home Sunday from a weeks visit in Woodsfield with her sister Mrs. John Shorts.
Spirit of Democracy, July 31, 1913 (Sardis)

Mrs. Charles Merckle and two children returned home Sunday from a weeks visit in Woodsfield with her sister Mrs. John Shorts.
Spirit of Democracy, August 14, 1913 (Sardis)

Mrs. John Theiss and sons Frank, John of Steubenville, and Mr. and Mrs. John Shorts of Woodsfield were guests of Mrs. Chas. Merckle recently.
Sentinel, August 14, 1913

Mr. and Mrs. John Shorts of Woodsfield left for their home at that place Friday after visiting here with relatives.
Spirit of Democracy, December 3, 1914 (Sardis)

Mrs. John Shorts has returned to her home in Woodsfield from a short visit here with her sister Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy, February 18, 1915 (Sardis)

Emma A. Theiss Merckle

Mrs. John Theiss arrived Saturday evening from Steubenvill;e for a visit with her daughter Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy,June 27, 1912 (Sardis)

Geoge Theiss of Steubenville spent Sunday here with his sister Mrs. C. W. Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy August 8, 1912 (Sardis)

Mrs. Charles Merckle and two children were at Steubenville visiting her parents.
Spirit of Democracy,August 22, 1912 (Sardis)

John Theiss Sr. of Steubenville is visiting his daughter Mrs. Charles Merckle at this place.
Spirit of Democracy,September 19, 1912 (Sardis)

Mrs. Charles Merckle and two children Ihla and Henry are home Saturday from a weeks visit at Steubenville with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Theiss.
Spirit of Democracy,November 21, 1912 (Sardis)

ohn Theiss and wife of Steubenville, spent last week at their daughters Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Sentinel,December 5, 1912

Mrs. Charles Merckle and children Ihla and Harry visited her sister Mrs. John shorts at Woodsfield last week.
Spirit of Democracy,January 16, 1913

Mrs. Charles Merckle and Miss Hattie Thompson were shopping in Sistersviile Friday.
Spirit of Democracy,April 10, 1913

John Theiss Jr. of Steubenville spent Saturday and Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy, 15, 1913 (Sardis)

Mrs. John Shorts of Woodsfield spent the past week here with her sister Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy,June 19, 1913 (Sardis)(too late for last week)

Mrs. Charles Merckle, Mrs. Harry Theiss, Misses Hattie Thompson and Sylvia Smittle were Sistersville shoppers Wednesday afternoon.
Spirit of Democracy,July 23, 1913 (Sardis)

Mrs. Charles Merckle and two children returned home Sunday from a weeks visit in Woodsfield with her sister Mrs. John Shorts.
Spirit of Democracy,July 31, 1913 (Sardis)

Mrs. Charles Merckle and two children returned home Sunday from a weeks visit in Woodsfield with her sister Mrs. John Shorts.
Spirit of Democracy,August 14, 1913 (Sardis)

Mrs. John Theiss and sons Frank, John of Steubenville, and Mr. and Mrs. John Shorts of Woodsfield were guests of Mrs. Chas. Merckle recently.

Sentinel, 14, 1913
Mrs. Charles Merckle and two children and Miss Sylvia Smittle are visiting relatives and friends in Woodsfield.
Spirit of Democracy July 30, 1914 (Sardis)

George and John Theiss of Steubenville were guests of their sister Mrs. Charles Merckle Thanksgiving Day.
Spirit of Democracy,December 3, 1914 (Sardis)

Charles and John Theiss of Steubenville visisted their sister Mrs. Charles Merckle last week.
Spirit of Democracy,December 10, 1914 (Sardis)

Mrs. John Shorts has returned to her home in Woodsfield from a short visit here with her sister Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy,February 18, 1915 (Sardis)

Mrs. Theiss of Steubenville is visiting her daugher Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy,February 18, 1915 (Sardis)

George Theiss of Steubenville spent Sunday here with his sister Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy,February 25, 1915 (Sardis)

Mrs. Charles Merckle was called to Steubenville Saturday on account of the illness of her brother, Frank Theiss.
Spirit of Democracy,April 1, 1915 (Sardis)

Mrs. Charles Merckle and two children are home from a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Theiss in Steubenville.
Spirit of Democracy,June 21, 1915 (Sardis)

Frank Theiss of Steubenville is visiting his sister Mrs. Charles Merkcle.
Spirit of Democracy, 1, 1915 (Sardis)

Charles Merckle and family were at Woodsfield Saturday.
Spirit of Democracy,July 1, 1915 (Sardis)

Mrs. Charles Merckle and 2 children are home from a weeks visit in Steubenville with her parents.
Spirit of Democracy, 13, 1916

Mrs. Charles Merckle and 2 children are home from a visit in Steubenville with her parents.
Spirit of Democracy, 7, 1916

Mr. and Mrs. Theiss of Warren, Ohio are guests of his sister Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy, 28, 1916

Mrs. Chas. Merckle and children are spending Christmas with her mother, Mrs. John Theiss of Steubenville.
Sentintel,December 28, 1916

Charles Theiss of Steubenville is the guest of his sister Mrs. Chas. Merckle.
Spirit of Democracy,September 27, 1917 (Sardis)

Harry Theiss and family and Mrs. John Theiss, of Warren, Ohio were recent guests of Mrs. Charles Merckle.
Sentinel, 27, 1917

Mrs. John Shorts, of Woodsfield, was a guest of Mrs. Charles Merckle over Sunday.
Sentinel,September 12, 1918

Frederick Theiss and Parthenia Nesbitt Theiss

Miss Teena(?) Nesbitt, of Sardis, O., is visiting Miss Dollie Wagner, of West Wheeling.
Wheeling Register, July 28, 1877

Mrs. Fred. Theiss has been visiting her relatives and friends the past winter. She intends leaving for her home in Colorado, next week.
Monroe Gazette, May 7, 1891

Mrs. Fred Theiss left for her western home last week.
Monroe Gazette, June 11, 1891, Sardis, Ohio June 8, 1891

Mrs. Theiss and daughters have returned from Colorado.
Monroe Gazette, December 10, 1891 (Sardis, Dec. 5)

John Nesbitt and bride of Nebraska City are at the old homestead; also a sister, Mrs. Fred Theis, and children, of Arizona.
Monroe Gazette, August 2, 1894

Mrs. Fred Theiss after an extended visit with relatives here, left for home in Nebraska last Tuesday.
Wheeling Register, October 7, 1894 (Sardis)

Mrs. W. Webb was called to Arizona last week by the serious illness of her sister Mrs. Fred Theiss, nee Nesbitt.
Spirit of Democracy, June 30, 1904

Mrs. W. Webb arrived home Sunday morning from Arizona where she had been called by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Fred Theis. She was accompanied by her sister who had so far recovered as to be able for the trip. She, with her son, will sojourn at the Nesbitt home until fully restored to health.
Spirit of Democracy, July 28, 1904

Miss Emma Wells, an Oestopath nurse was called to care for Mrs. Theis. Her sisters Mrs. Moore of Parkersburg and Mrs. R. T. Richardson of New Martinsville have also been at her bedside.
Spirit of Democracy, August 25, 1904 (crowded out of last week)

Mrs. Fred Theis, who has been so critically ill at the Nesbitt home seemed to be somewhat better.
Spirit of Democracy, August 25, 1904 (crowded out of last week)

Fred Theis accompanied by his son Henry arrived Thursday from Chloride, Arizona, being called here on account of the serious illness of his wife at the Nesbitt home.
Spirit of Democracy, September 22, 1904

On Saturday morning occurred the death of Mrs. Fred Theiss at the home of Miss Margaret Nesbitt where she has been ill for the past three months. Funeral services Monday afternoon, interment in Sardis cemetery.
Spirit of Democracy, October 20, 1904 (deferred for lack of room)

Dr. S. C. Griffith and Fred Theis were at Woodfield last Tuesday and Wednesday.
Spirit of Democracy, November 17, 1904 (received too late for last week)

Fred Theis and son Henry left Friday for their home in Chloride, Arizona after a six weeks visit with relatives in this vicinity.
Spirit of Democracy, November 17, 1904 (received too late for last week)

Fred Theiss, of Pittsburg, spent Christmas with J. D. Nesbitt and sister.
Sentinel, December 31, 1908

Fred Theiss of Pittsburg spent Christmas here with relatives.
Spirit of Democracy, December 29, 1910 (Sardis)

Fred Theiss and sons Henry and James of Pittsburg spent Christmas here with relatives.
Spirit of Democracy, January 11, 1912