Cleveland City Directory



Cleveland City Directory

For the years

1837 and 1838


Principal Hotels and Coffee Houses



American House, I. Newton, 42 Superior St.

Cleveland House, A. Selover, Public Square

Cleveland Centre House, Cleveland Centre Block

City Hotel, Perry Allen, Seneca Street

Clinton House, William Harland, Union Lane, corner St. Clair St.

Eagle Tavern, Richard Cooke, Water St., corner St. Clair St.

Franklin House, B. Harrington, 25 Superior St.

Farmers' and Mechanics' Hotel, George W. Sanford, Ontario St., corner Michigan St.

Globe Tavern, Isaac Van Valkenburg, Merwin St.

Washington House, William Martin, 31 Water St.

Coffee Houses

City Coffee House, John Bennet, 21 Water St.

Cleveland Recess, E. Adams & Co., 64 superior St.

Shakespeare Saloon, Joel Hood, 9 Water St.


Note: The American house, 42 Superior St. occupies the whole of the

upper stories in that splendid building, recently erected by our enterprising

 fellow-citizen James Kellogg, Esq. and known as Kellogg's Block. It is

decidedly one of the most magnificent establishments in the United States.

The Cleveland Centre House, too, when completed,

will add much to the respectability of the city.






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