Cleveland City Directory



Cleveland City Directory

For the years

1837 and 1838


Rail-Road Companies


Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh

Rail-Road Company

John H. Willey, President

Charles Whittlesley, Secretary

Edmund Clark, Treasurer

Executive Committee:

David Tod, William R. Henry, John W. Willey


David Tod, Elisha Garrett, William R. Hussey, Horace Canfield,

John W. Allen, Edmund Clark, John W. Willey


A. C. Morton is Principal Engineer, under whom a corps

of Engineers are on active duty.


Cleveland and Newburgh Rail-Road Company

William Milford, President

J. C. Fairchild, Secretary

Nicholas Dockstader, Treasurer

Evecutive Committee:

Aaron Barker, Nicholas Dockstader, Reuben Champion,

 J. C. Fairchild, O. S. St. John


William Milford, Benjamin Harrington, C. M. Gidings,

Nicholas Dockstader, Reuben Champion, Frederick Whittlesley,

Aaron Barker, John w. Allen, Gurdon Fitch


Ahaz Merchant is Principal Engineer, by whom the surveys necessary

have been made, and the construction of the road commence under

the superintendence of the Exectutive Committee.


Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Rail-Road Company 

This Company has not yet appointed its officers.


Cleveland and Bedford Rail-Road Company

This Company has not yet appointed its officers.







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