Pedigree Form

Pedigree Chart

The purpose of the pedigree chart is to facilitate lineage comparisons. It should therefore go back as far as possible along your Kelly line, and include as many dates and maiden names as possible.

Information from the pedigree chart will be published on this site only if the participant signs an information release form. (Published pedigree charts will not contain living individuals.)

If your line goes back more than ten generations, submit the first ten and return to this page. Then enter subsequent generations by using the Generation 1 section to enter your 11th generation, the Generation 2 section to enter your 12th generation, etc.

The first piece of information requested on this page is a list of your family surnames. Please include as many or few as you'd like - we welcome the inclusion of any surnames associated with your line. The more we gather, the easier it will be for someone to find you and possibly make a match. Some common surnames have already been found and can be seen in the current surname list.


Other Surnames


Generation 1 - You


E-mail address

Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)


Generation 2 - Your Father


Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)


Generation 3 - Your Grandfather


Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)


Generation 4 - Your Great Grandfather


Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)


Generation 5 - Your 2nd Great Grandfather


Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)


Generation 6 - Your 3rd Great Grandfather


Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)


Generation 7 - Your 4th Great Grandfather


Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)


Generation 8 - Your 5th Great Grandfather


Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)


Generation 9 - Your 6th Great Grandfather


Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)


Generation 10 - Your 7th Great Grandfather


Birth (date/place)

Marriage (date/spouse/place)

Death (date/place)



Application   -   Pedigree Chart Form   -    Release Forms   -    FTDNA Join Request