Limburgs Volkslied

Gerardus Leonardus Hubertus Krekelberg. Weaver, later schoolteacher at Vlodrop, Limburg, The Netherlands. He was a poet and wrote the words to the Limburg Anthem.The English 'translation' cannot do justice to this song which is well known nationally and sung on many occasions. Music is By H.Thijssen

  Waar in 't bronsgroen eikenhout

Waar in 't bronsgroen eikenhout,
't Nachtegaaltje zingt;
Over 't malse korenveld,
't lied des leeuwriks klinkt;
Waar de hoorn des herders schalt,
Langs de beekjes boord;

Daar is mijn Vaderland;
Limburgs dierbaar oord !
Daar is mijn Vaderland;
Limburgs dierbaar oord !

Waar de brede stroom der Maas,
Statig zeewaarts vloeit;
Weeldrig sappig veldgewas,
Kostlijk groeit en bloeit;
Bloemengaard en beemd en bos,
Overheerlijk gloort

Waar der vaadren schone taal,
Klinkt met heldre kracht;
Waar men kloek en fier van aard,
Vreemde praal veracht;
Eigen zeden, eigen schoon,
't Hart des volks bekoort

Waar aan 't Oud Oranjehuis,
't Volk blijft hou en trouw;
Met ons roemrijk Nederland,
Een in vreugd en trouw;
Trouw aan plicht en trouw aan God,
Heerst van Zuid tot Noord.

Where in the bronze-green oakwoods,
The nightingale signs;
O'er the mellow wheatfields,
The lark's voice rings;
Where the shepherd's horn resounds,
Borders along the brooks

There is my Fatherland;
 Limburg, beloved resort !
There is my Fatherland;
Limburg, beloved resort !

Where the wide stream 'river Maas,
Stately flows to sea;
Luxuriant succulence of the fields;
Beautifully flowers and grows;
Garden, meadow and the woods,
Exquisitely glimmer

Where forebears fair tongue,
Rings clear and strong;
Where one proud and brave by nature,
Alien pomp despises;
Own customs, own beauty,
Enchant our peoples heart.

Where to the House of Orange,
People stay loyal and true,
With our illustrious Netherlands,
In trust and joy as one,
True to duty and faith in God,
Prevails from South to North.

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