FrontPage 2000 Web Techniques

FrontPage 2000 Web Techniques

How to FTP with MS FrontPage 2000
1) Select File, Publish Web
2) Replace the Destination http: with the following ftp line.
3) Modify the directory genealogy_html to match the one you use for your web page.
4) When prompted for your id and password enter what was provided on your new account letter. This is what causes the files to end up in your directory. It may look like your uploading to a common directory, but your not.

Sometimes uploading using Publish Web takes too long for one change. Then I use FTP in IE5: See Web Tips

MS FrontPage 2000 Settings for FreePages
Set FrontPage to only show features compatible with the Rootsweb server (no IIS).

1) On the Tools menu, point to Page Options, and then click the Compatibility tab.
2) In the Servers box, select the server you want. Choose Apache server for Rootsweb.
3) Make sure the "Enabled with Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions" is unchecked.
4) Choose Both Internet Explorer and Navigator as Browsers to support.
5) Webbot (hover) buttons don't work with Webtv so I use FrontPages Table of Contents as an alternate menu for them.

Is it possible to edit the HTML of the shared borders on FP2000? 

1) Select Tools, Web Settings, Advanced, check Show documents in hidden directories.
2) You will see _borders directory. Select the bottom.htm or side.htm.
3) This is your common border and you can edit like you do any page and it will update all the other pages with this code.


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