1913 Miss Ruth Langille
1913 Miss Ruth Langille
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Tuesday, September 23, 1913 Bridgewater Bulletin
Miss Bessie Cox, of Weston, has been visiting her sister, Mrs Maynard
Mr and Mrs Watson of Boston, Mass., visited Union Square School on Sept
A number of men have been painting Feindel's Bridge during the last
Mrs Solomon Veinot of Riverdale, will accompany Miss Ruth Langille to
her home at Union Square, where they intend to spend the week end.
On Sept. 22nd, Willie Caldwell, Guy Demone, Rufus Feindel and Willie
Corkum, left for Maine, where they intend to spend the winter.
Stanley Wentzel and nephew of Maplewood, drove thru Union Square on
Thursday, selling moose meat.
On Sept 16th, Mrs Maynard deLong, Mrs Louis Dunn, Miss Bessie Cox and
Master Philip deLong, visited Union Square school.
On Sept 19th, a number of men spent the day in improving the grounds
around the Episcopalian Church.
Miss Genevieve Veinot, who is teaching at Meisner's Section, is expected
home to spend the week end.
On the afternoon of Sep 21st, service will be held in the Episcopalian
Church at Union Square, Speaker Rev. W. Martell.

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