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NATURALIZED: 82 Carl Engstrom
LOCATION: Douglas County, Minnesota
DATE: October 6th, 1874
MICROFILM: code 12, page 373, reel 3, volume A, numbers ?-???

naturalization final papers
Seventh Judicial District,
October General Term, 1874
In the matter of the application of Charles Engstrom to become a citizen of the United States, Andrew Sandstead and Carl Johnson being severally sworn, do depose and say, each for himself, that he is a Citizen of the United States, that he is well aquainted with the above named Carl Engstrom that he has resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for five years last past, and for one year last past within the State of Minnesota; and that during the same period he has behaved himself as a man of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same.
Subscribed and sworn to in open Court, this 6th day of October 1874
  Andrew Sanstead
Carl Johnson

James Purdon Clerk.

District Court,
Seventh Judicial District,
I Carl Engstrom do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and that I do absolutely and entirely Renounce and Abjure forever, all Allegiance and Fidelity to every Foreign Power, Prince, Potentate, State or Sovereignty whatever; and particularly to the King of Sweden & Norway whose subject I was. And further, that I never have borne any hereditary title, or been of any of the degrees of Nobility of the country whereof I have been a subject, and that I have resided within the United States for five years last past, and in this State for one year last past.
Subscribed and sworn to in open Court, this 6th day of October 1874
  Carl Engstrom

James Purdon Clerk.

District Court,
Seventh Judicial District,
And Now, to wit: At a term of said Court now being held at Alexandria, in and for the County of Douglas in said State, upon the foregoing oath and affidavits, and upon further proof having been made by the production of a certificate that the said Carl Engstrom did, before the Clerk of the District Court for the county of Douglas Minnesota the same being a Court of Record, having common law jurisdiction, make the requisite declaration of his intention to become a Citizen of the United States, and to renounce all other allegiance, as required by the laws of the United States.
It is Ordered by the Court, That the said Carl Engstrom be, and he is hereby admitted to be, a Citizen of the United States.

By the Court:
A true Record, Attest:
James Purdon Clerk.
James Purdon Clerk.

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