Littler Surname Page
The Littler Surname Page

Welcome to the Littler surname page where we hope to work together to find all of our Littler family no matter the spelling variation (Littler, Litler, Lytler, Lytlor, etc) or the location (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and any points in between).

If you are a Littler researcher we would like to invite you to join our discussion/research group on the Littler Surname Mailing List hosted by RootsWeb, the greatest free genealogical site on the Web. Just follow the links below for more information:

I have posted online my personal Littler-Nelson family information beginning with my great-great-grandparents Robert McCandless Littler (1830-1897) and Martha A. Nelson (1835-1873).

Also be sure to check out all the extended Littler information that I have gathered to date including a downloadable GEDCOM.

Warning: Be careful how far you dig or this could happen to you!
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(I'm My Own Grandpa, lyrics: Dwight Latham, Moe Jaffe, music: Dwight Latham, Moe Jaffe)

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since March 8, 2001

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