The Love Group

               Genealogy by Genetics

                            The Love Surname Group

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Project Background

The Love Surname DNA Project was created to establish a database of Love DNA haplotypes to determine which Love lineages share a common ancestor. The project was started in 2003 because many Love surname researchers had exhausted traditional genealogy research methods without identifying their elusive Love ancestor, this project combines genetics and genealogy in an effort to break through the proverbial "brick wall".

Project Goals

Our Project goal is to share information and bind as many Love families together as possible. An exact match in the Y-DNA 25 marker test indicates a strong probability of a common ancestor within the past 7 generations. It may be possible to determine who that common ancestor was with good family history research and documentation, and by sharing information with members in each group represented in the Project.

To be successful in our project goal we ask that each member submit a genealogy report. The genealogy report will be published on our website; therefore, we will not publish private information of living individuals without express written consent from each member of the Project.

Love female descendants may participate, and are encouraged to do so. If you are a female interested in the Love Family DNA Project please try to enlist the participation of your father, brother, uncle or male cousin who is a Love.

Join Our Project

If you are new to researching your Love genealogy or feel you haven't researched your family back far enough please don't let this persuade you in not having the DNA testing done. You may be one of the participants who match with a group already in existence within the project and this will give you an advantage in researching your family history.

The International Society of Genetic Genealogy This society is a non-commercial non-profit organization. There are NO dues or fees to join, it is entirely self-supporting by its members. YOU choose what you wish to give. Whether it's your time to give a presentation or host a workshop at your local genealogical society, or create photocopies to promote the society at a convention, it is up to you. You will not be asked to spend your time or contribute in a way you do not wish to. You may never end up participating in that manner, but may just join to learn and network, and that is okay too. I recommend you check out this organization and see what they have to offer that could help you with your research.

Administrator: Fred Love, L.O.M., Retired

© 2012 The Love DNA Group