MCKEMIE One Name Study - Awards


This is where we will display the awards the MCK One Name Study page has won. It's a small collection at the moment....:)

" exceptional job. It is very consise and easy to navigate. You are providing a great wealth of information to fellow genealogists. It is my honor to present you with the GenQuest Award of Excellence..."--Tammy Usrey,
"...We applaud your site's ease of navigation, obvious hard work, and invaluable content. It is with great pleasure that we give you the Genealogy Award for the McKemie One Name Study.--Lynne Miller,, 09/25/2004.
"Congratulations!! Your website has won "Kentucky is My Home!" Excellent site award. I am honored to present you this award. I know how much love and labor and hard work it takes to make a website and wanted to honor you with that thought. Thank you for so willingly sharing your information with others .--Sue Ann Morrow, 08/07/2005.