Juniata People in Earlville, Illinois
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Juniata People in Earlville, Illinois

Port Royal Times
Thursday, September 10, 1885


Johnstown, Pa., Sept. 1, 1885.
Mr. Editor: A few weeks ago I visited relatives in Illinois. I reached Chicago at 6 p.m. My destination was Earlville, LaSalle county. --No train would take me there until about noon next day. A through train, however, which did not stop at Earlville, was about to leave for Burlington. Recalling the saying that "next to gold comes brass," I telegraphed the Superintendent of CR&QRR asking him to stop the express train at Earlville. The affirmative reply came just in time to crawl into the coach. About 1 o'clock in the morning I reached the beautiful little prairie city. There was no one at the station except a boy telegraph operator who didn't know "where the hotel was." I tramped up and down the place a full half hour successful in arousing all the dogs and none of the landlords. Finally I found myself standing in front of the "Wallace House." I said "Hello!" up went a window and out came a head. "What's the matter?" said the man inside. "Matter enough," replied the man outside, "I'm a stranger in a strange place, and I want lodging." "All right." "Is George Beale still alive?" said I. After replying that he was, mine host said "if you know Mr. Beale perhaps you are from old Juniata, back in Penna." -- "Perhaps," said I. "Well then you ought to know our people," continued the Innkeeper. "What's your name?" I asked. "Boozle--Billy Boozle; son of Henry Boozle," said he. "Let's have your hand," said I, "for the sake of old Tuscarora. Yes, I knew you and your father and your grandfather." He showed me to the best room in the house, and I thought for awhile that he meant to sleep with me. I said "I would see him later, and tell him the rest." In the morning we had a good breakfast, for which my friend Billy would not allow me to pay a cent.

Another prosperous Tuscarora boy David L. Barnard, a worthy ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church, accompanied me to the residence of my sick uncle, to visit whom my trip west was made. I found him very ill, indeed, but able and anxious to converse about "the people back at the old home." I spent six days most pleasantly with him and his wife (aunt Jane, my mother's sister) and his daughter Adaline. We discussed nearly every family "between the river and roundtop," and uncle's physician said the nephew's visit did his patient more good than all the medicine.

I called on Mr. Henry Boozle, and saw the Bowers', the Harris', the Kelleys and almost all the Tuscarora people whom I knew. The Presbyterian church at Earlville, is largely composed of people from Juniata county, Pa.

I spent, with my cousins, James and Samuel Beale, an hour or two in the graveyard. I stood by the graves of Miss Hannah Beale, Miss Lena Boozle, the Henrys, the Glovers, the Flemings, the McClains, and others, who were born in Juniata. Many of your readers will be interested in the following inscriptions which I copied.

Sarah, mother of John McLaughlin, who died Feb. 8, 1860, aged 91 years and 6 months.
John McLaughlin died July 12, 1866, aged 67 years.
Jane McLaughlin died Feb. 18, 1878, aged 70 years.
Benj. F. Reynolds died Sept. 9, 1872, aged 64 years.
Alexander Harris died February 14, 1875, aged 75 years, 4 months and 11 days.
Effie Harris, born in Juniata county, Pa., March 29, 1862, died at Earlville, Aug. 8, 1882.
Abner F. Beale died Dec. 18, 1863, aged 24 years, 9 months and 23 days. Served under Col Mulligan, in Missouri; and afterwards in the 53rd Reg., Illinois Vol. As Orderly.

I have time only to add with emphasis the remark that the Juniata people in LaSalle county, Ill,, are a thrifty, intelligent and hospitable folk reflecting great credit upon their old friends and relatives East. Most truly yours, David J. Beale

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