Hogg, Hoge, McKee, Lytle, Graham, McCullough, Sturgeon, Dunbar, Stitt, Harnish, Vance, Robinson, Potts, McBride
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A Genealogy of the Hogg - McKee Family
of Juniata County Pa

The Descendants of Robert Hoge or Hogg of Tuscarora Valley, Pennsylvania
Including the families of Lytle, McCullough, McKee, Sturgeon, Dunbar, Graham, Stitt, Harnish, Vance, Robinson, Potts, McBride

Being a copy of a manuscript prepared by Dr. Egle about 1900 for publication in a second volume of his "Pennsylvania Genealogies." Dr. Egle died before this material was published. The original manuscript was purchased from Miss Catherine I. Egle by Leonard Lytle of Detroit, Mich., and this copy, with additional matter, made by him in August, 1921.

(Additions and corrections to Robert Hogg Manuscript made by Leonard Lytle, 2433 Elmhurst, Detroit, Mich., August, 1946.)

I visited the McKee Graveyard in July, 1921, and found it overgrown with vines and bushes. The stones are in fair condition. I set down the following inscriptions. One or two graves appeared to be marked with field stones. There was one fragment of a red grave stone but I could not make out the words.

Robert Hoge d. Jan 28, 1798, aged 80
Letitia Hoge d. Mar. 8, 1812, aged 88
John McKee, d. Nov. 10, 1830, aged 76
John McKee, d. Nov. 1l, 1829, aged 36 yrs 7 mos & 12 days
Martha, wife of Andrew Mayes, d. Sept. 5, 1828, aged 31 yrs 29 days
Sarah Graham, d. June 26, 1828, aged 65
Elizabeth, wife of Wm McKee d. Oct 7, 1833, age 37 yrs 19 days
George McCullough is buried beside Sarah Graham in an unmarked grave.
Robert Hoge is said to have been related to Jonathan Hoge and the other Hoges from Hogetown, near Carlisle. Dr. Egle says in Notes & Queries, first series, 1899, page 215, "The Virginia & Penn. Families of Hoge are related. Mr. R. A. Brock of Richmond Va. can furnish data." The Frank Allaben Genealogical Company of 37 West Thirty-ninth St., New York, has made a search on the Hoge Family and I understand has considerable material.

Notes Contributed by Miss Jessica Ferguson of Harrisburg, PA.

Egles' History of Dauphin Co., Pa. p. 16, gives a list of Scotch Irish signing a petition to Governor of New England Colony for permission to settle there. Being refused they came to Pennsylvania and settled chiefly around Donegal. Robert and James Hogg were signers.

Robert Hogg was appointed Overseer of Poor, Milford Township, March 26, 1770 by Court at Carlisle before Jonathan Hoge, Esq. Reappointed March 25, 1771. See Quarter Sessions book 3-4, p. 82 and 127.

On March 25, 1775 Robert Hogg was appointed Constable for Milford Township. See Quarter Sessions Book 3-4.

See History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys, Vol. 2, for numerous mentions of Hogg, Lytle, McKees and others. See especially pages 123, 501, 647, 729, 756, 780, 796, 800, 821 and 833. Also see History of Shenandoah Valley, and the Scotch Irish by Hanna, Vol. 1, p. 457, Vol. 2, p. 419 "Hogg does not mean a pig or sow but a lamb a year old."

A copy of the Warrant for the Robert Hogg land obtained from the State Land Office at Harrisburg is dated April 1l, 1763. On the margin is written "The land for which this warrant is granted having been settled upwards of eight years ago. Interest and Quit Rent is to commence from 1st of March, 1755."

In 1922 I visited Mr. Wm. Graham of Spruce Hill, Juniata Co., Pa. He said he was not related to Hamilton Graham but knew George McCullough was a Revolutionary soldier and that he was buried in an unmarked grave beside his wife Sarah in the McKee Cemetery. Mr. Graham and other patriotic citizens had made a practice of placing a flag on the McCullough grave on Decoration Day for many years past.

Mr. C. T. McCoy, Lancaster, Ohio, wrote me that he had a book ready to publish (in 1925) covering the direct descendants of Moses Sturgeon, who married Anna McCullough (See page 2 of Robert Hogg manuscript). He says that Mrs. Margaret Townsley made a large collection of the Sturgeon history and that she sent this to Dr. Egle who arranged it. After Dr. Egle's death this material was purchased from his daughter by a Sturgeon descendant. Mrs. Townsley died in Chicago, June 1915. Moses Sturgeon died May 7, 1850.

A CORRECTION: to statement in manuscript that John Lytle married a daughter of John Hite. This statement has caused me a great deal of trouble. Mrs. Townsley accepted it as correct and I have found it re-stated in other places. Relying on this I at one time sent out some charts showing the original ancestor of my Lytle line to be John Lytle, married to Rachel, a cousin of President James Buchanan.

If the last lines of the history statement are made to read as follows they will express the facts as proven by me after a thorough search. "Mary Lyon, one of Hite' s step- daughters was the third wife of John Lytle, Jr. who ran the ferry at Mifflintown and who afterward moved to Hollidaysburg. He was a brother of Robert of Alexandria and Hollidaysburg, of James who moved to Ohio and of David who moved to Waterloo, NY.

In 1939 I learned through Miss Henrietta Baldwin of Mifflintown, Pa. that the county had put a stone marker on George McCullough's grave.

Winchester Virginia and Frederick County Records

No Hoge estates.
1748 James Hogg (of Frederick Co) 300 acres to Isaac Hite
1793 Martin Hogg Had land transaction
to John Hogg Had land transaction
1794 James Hogg Had land transaction

The Hoge family was well represented in Western Penn. at an early date. The following names appear for Fayette, Green and Washington counties in the Horn Papers, Vol. 3. This volume contains a collection of maps showing the early land surveys.

Hoge, David
Hoge, David Sr.
Hoge, Abner
Hoge, Elizabeth
Hoge, George
Hoge, Isaac
Hoge, John
Hoge, Jonathan
Hoge, Jonathan Esq.
Hoge, Joseph
Hoge, Solomon
Hoge, Thomas
Hoge, William
Hoge, William

Pennsylvania State Land Office Records

George McCullouch recd. a warrant for 15 acres in Oxford Twp. Chester Co. April 21, 1775. Patented to same.

There were two warrants to G. McCullough in 1751 for 30 and 50 acres in Colerain Twp., Lancaster Co. There were 306.8 acres retd in each case and the Patents went to John Eckman. Cumberland Co. Wm. Gray, 300 acres Lack Twp. In Tuscarora Mt., 1789. Patented 1815 to George McColough (spelled this way).

Robert Hogg, Lack Twp, 1763. Of this 105 acres to John Patterson 1816, 106 acres to same in 1821. 48 acres in 1832 to George Graham et al.

Robert Hogg 200 acres Milford Twp (now Juniata Co.), adj. Barren Ridge 1788. No disposition shown.

James Hogg on Middle Creek 1755, no disposition.

David Hogg, East Pennsboro, 1762. Patented to Jonathan Hoge.

Patent, 1702, George Hogg, City lot, warranted 1702, Newcastle Co.
Patent 1762. Wm Hogg, wtd 1749, Berks Co.

In 1942 the Compiler presented the Dr. Egle manuscript on the Hoge family to The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1, p. 457: Hanna in "The Scotch Irish," mentions Thomas Hogg in Ross and Thomas Hogg in Studingshire as persecuted for their Presbyterianism about 1667.
Vol. 2, p. 419 "Hogg" does not mean pig or sow but a lamb a year old.
See "History of Shenandoah Valley" for Hogg data. Mr. Jeffry W. Taylor, Greensburg, Pa. is interested in the McBride family.

Data Contributed by Rev. Charles H. Neff, Tennent, NJ

"In a history of Huntingdon Presbytery it is stated that Robert Hoge and two other men were the first white men to cross the mountain into Tuscarora Valley. There was a William Hoge who came to New Jersey with a group of Scottish exiles about 1685. He served on the Grand Jury in this county in 1700 and later went to Virginia. He had a son the Rev. John Hoge who preached in Virginia and after 1762 in Pennsylvania and was well-known. Then there was a Moses Hoge, born 1752 died 1817, one of the early Presidents of Hamden Sidney College in Virginia."

Augusta Co., Virginia Records

1775 Peter Hog, administrator of Thos. Hog. Estate.
1779 Inventory of Thos. Hog estate, covers a list of French books, signed 1775 by John Poague, Joseph Bell, John Patterson and Thos. Poague.
1765 Peter Hog, Grantee from John Poage.
1765 Peter Hog, Grantee from John Poage and Mary.
1802 Peter Hog, Grantee from Alex Nelson.

The story of Robert Hogg as published in the History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys, Vol. 1, pages, 796-797. (This History published in 1886).

"Robert Hogg, claimed by some writers to be one of the first settlers, had a large tract of three hundred and ninety-three acres warranted April 11, 1763. It is choice land, and is now held by John L. Patterson, George Patterson, William Patterson, Christ Yoder, James Fitzgerald, the latter's mill being on the tract.

"Robert Hogg's daughter, Mary was married, September 15, 1778, by Rev. Hugh Magill, to John McKee, and they occupied part of the mansion tract. Their children were Robert, Thomas, William, Mary, James, John, Martha, David, Logan and Sarah. They all left Tuscarora Valley except William, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Laird, in 1816. Mrs. Samuel Cooper, of Port Royal, and Mrs. M. Forsyth, of Derry, Mifflin County, are daughters. John McKee laid out on his land a lot for a church and grave- yard. No church was ever built here; but the ground was used for a grave-yard, and here Robert Hogg and wife, Letitia, John McKee and others are buried. It is known as "McKee's graveyard," and is on the farm now Christ Yoder's. Here, therefore, repose the remains of one of the pioneer adventurers into Tuscarora. There is a story that at the time of the taking of Bigham's Fort, Mrs. McKee and her father (Robert Hogg) were taking some goods across the mountain on a cow, and were seen by the Indians, who let them pass, because they did not wish just then to alarm the fort.

"Although William Maclay surveyed and returned for Hogg three hundred and ninety three acres under his warrant, yet this was more than could be held under it. One John Kennedy thought he would like to lay a warrant on the surplus. Hogg entered his caveat and they were cited to appear July 29, 1765. Kennedy not appearing, Hogg was heard. The decision was, "That Hogg made an improvement on the place in dispute long before Kennedy obtained any warrant for the same, and was driven off by the Indians; therefore Hogg is to have three hundred and ninety-three acres, provided he take out a new warrant for one hundred and fifty acres, but this must not interfere with John Gray." Hogg sold the benefit of this grant to John McKee June 7, 1786, who warranted one hundred and fifty-one acres inside of Hogg's old lines. The time Hogg was driven off by Indians must refer to 1756, when Bigham's Fort was taken. The reader will note the special tender regard for Hannah, widow of John Gray, that the lines of her survey remained unchanged, and that she be not troubled with any interferences.

"The name of this old pioneer was spelled Hogg in former days. He came from East Pennsborough, in Cumberland County, where numbers of the family spell their name Hoge. Jonathan Hoge was long active and useful in the early days of this state. The tombstones say Robert Hoge died January 20, 1798, aged eighty years. Letitia Hoge died March 12, 1812, aged eighty-eight years. John McKee died November 10, 1830, aged seventy-six years. His wife, "old Mrs. McKee," of the famous law-suit, and only daughter of Robert Hoge, died in the West. There is an old path here, crossing the mountain, which was known as Hogg's, and later, McKee's Gap, though there is no depression in the mountain."

Leonard Lytle has an extensive collection of data on his own family. He has also collected much information on some 22 Lytle families not known to be related.

In the History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys there are many references to the Hoggs, Lytles, McKees and others. I give, herewith, my index to the 1st Volume there being no mentions that I can find in the 2nd Volume.

John Lytle of Fort Freeland112-13
Samuel Lytle,
War of 1812
William Lytle,
War of 1812
Robert Hogg,
War of 1812
William Hogg,
War of 1812
John Lytle's Mill426
Hoggs Gap427
Robert Little Jr.450- 58
Robert Stark Little499
Robert Lytle499
Thomas & John McKee
bought tannery
William Lytle,
Rev. John Coulter513
Captain John Little,
John Graham586
John McKee623- 625
Matthew Kenney634
William & Hugh McKee647-8
Charles Hoyt (Hite)673
John Lytle,
Joseph Lytle,
John Lytle,
subscribed for Church
Robert Hodge (Hogg)728
James Kenney728
Charles Kenney729
John Litle729
Robert Little, Sr.
Supervisor Lack Twp
Robert Hogg,
Assessment 1767
James Kenney,
Assessment 1767
John Little,
Assessment 1767
Robert Little,
Assessment 1767
John McKee732
Capt John Little or Lytle
2 references(l762)
John H Little
Robert Hogg
and Robert Littel 1768
John Little(1774)750
John Lytle,
Grist Mill
John Lytle,
Saw Mill
Robert Lytle,
John McKee, Sr.,
Buchanan Lytle Hite753
Robert Hogg756
Lytle's Mill758
Robert Lytle,
located 1767
Charles Hite761
John Lytle Mill,
ran 35 years
James Kenney
of Chester Co
never lived on land
John and David Little
3 references(l766)
John, David
and Robert Little
Robert Little,
Justice of Peace
Little's (later Lytle
buried on Johnson's farm)
Migration to Ohio
Records of Births & Deaths790
James Kenney took land
James Kenney took land796
Hogg, Robert
full story
John McKee796
McKee' s Graveyard796
McKee Lawsuit800
John Lytle
ran ferry
Thomas McKee809,810
Sturgeon, McCullough821
Jonathan Hoge833
David Hoge833
Mary (Polly) Lytle834
James Lytle,
school teacher
Old Books of Store856

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