History of Middle Tuscarora Presbyterian Church
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History of Middle Tuscarora Presbyterian Church

The idea of writing a history of the church was suggested at the homecoming services held at the Middle Tuscarora Presbyterian Church in August 1940. The pastor, the Rev. Charles Howell, proceeded to appoint Mrs. Millie Beale McClure and Eleanor E. Work to gather material on hand and present the history in August, 1941.

Facts and dates thus gleaned are mainly from the writings of the Rev. David J. Beale (uncle of Mrs. McClure), written in 1868, when his parents and many of the older people of that generation were still alive, and can be depended upon as authentic.

Other information was gathered from "History of the Presbytery of Huntingdon" by William Gibson, D.D. and "Memorial Volume of Centennial Anniversary of Presbytery of Huntingdon" from 1795-1895; also from persons interested in the welfare of our church, especially the Rev. Charles M. Howell.

To all of those persons we express our sincere gratitude, since their respective contributions served as substantial connecting links to material on hand.

From facts gathered we have attempted to write the story of how Middle Tuscarora is fulfilling her destiny. From the wisdom and sacrifices of those who have labored here may we, in these conflicting times, find encouragement which will permit our carrying through the plans placed upon us wherever the sons and daughters of our "home church" may have located.

We should pause and return thanks to Almighty God for His continued goodness to us over the period of the years and to review our course of conduct over that time.

This booklet is dedicated to "The Faithful Servants" of Middle Tuscarora and to the present pastor, the Rev. Charles M. Howell.



Printed 1942



Until the year 1750 the red man had almost undisputed and exclusive possession of this immediate region. Soon after this, however, quite a large number of citizens of the lower counties, particularly Chester, and some Scotch Irish, directly from the north of Ireland, began to make settlements in this valley.

These pioneers were a hardy, industrious and enterprising race. They all seem to have been honest, upright and fearless and many of them were devoutly pious. They had a severity and sternness of manner which was owing, doubtless in part, to their dreadful conflicts with the treacherous savages and their toilsome struggle with the forest. They had strong prejudices, but they were conscientious and open to conviction. They may have been too stern and severe, but they lived under circumstances adapted to develop and foster both.

If their faces were long, their endurance was longer;
With prejudices strong they had principles stronger;
If a scowl on their weather-worn foreheads might lurk,
Remember their labor wasn't holiday work;
They might well be allowed an occasional frown,
Who brought freedom up and the wilderness down;
A solemn demeanor was surely their right,
Who had nature and Satan and Indians to fight.

My authority for saying that previous to the year 1750 the savages had almost exclusive possession of the Tuscarora Valley, is the evidence of tradition of certain old pages in the handwriting of my great-grandfather, Judge David Beale. From this source I learn that Robert Hagg, Samuel Bigham, James Gray and John Gray were the first white men who crossed the Tuscarora Mountain, and that they came over in the year 1749. These men cleared some land and erected a fort, known as Bigham's Fort. It appears that each year witnessed a few accessions to the original number of settlers. These all, in time of danger, took refuge in Bigham's Fort.

Until about 1764 there were frequent troubles with the Indians and occasional attacks during the first years of the Revolutionary War, but toward the close of that struggle, they were driven farther west, so that they never again troubled the citizens of the Tuscarora Valley.

The first Presbyterian church organized in the American colonies was on the west side of the Pocomoke River, about twenty-five miles from Snow Hill, in Maryland. It is known as the Rehobeth Church and was organized some time before 1690. Snow Hill was the second Presbyterian church in the country. Very soon after that three other churches were organized on the eastern shore of Maryland, one at Saint Georges, Del. in 1692, and at about the same time, the first church of Philadelphia; and the first of New Castle, Del., were organized. The first Presbytery organized in the colonies was that of Snow Hill, about the year 1705. Soon thereafter the Presbyteries of New Castle, Philadelphia and Long Island came into existence.

From the minutes of Donegal Presbytery we learn that as early as 1762, when the hoarse cry of the panther was yet heard on these mountains and the warhoop of the Indian still was heard in the valley, the first missionary supply was sent into this region.

To what extent the power of God was displayed at this early date, we have no means of knowing, but it is reasonable to suppose that success did attend the efforts of such self-denying ministers among such a religious and appreciative people.

We have reason to believe that the first sermon pronounced in this valley was preached by the Rev. John Beard, near the site of Waterloo on a "week-day" about the middle of April, 1762. This sermon was followed by others. At length a rudely constructed platform was erected at that place, from which several other ministers preached to the noble pioneers, who, with rifle in hand, stood ready at once to hear the gospel or to ward off a savage foe.

Subsequently, similar platforms, called tents, were constructed and preached from on the Kirk farm near East Waterford; on the Innis farm near McCoysville, and on or near the present site of the Lower Tuscarora Church.

The minutes, strange to say, do not give the date of the formation of any churches and when they allude to preaching here it is as follows:

November 1762, Rev. John Beard appointed to supply Path Valley the second Sabbath of April and a week-day at Tuscarora.

April, 1765, Rev. John Hoge, to supply two Sabbaths at Tuscarora, and three more at discretion.

In October, 1768, we have the following record:

Mr. John Craighead, to supply the upper part of Tuscarora the third Sabbath of November, and in October, 1769, Rev. John Duffield, to supply the fourth Sabbath of March at Lower Tuscarora.

These are the first instances in which Upper or Lower Tuscarora is mentioned.

In 1789 we find Rev. McGill at Cedar Springs and Tuscarora, whether Lower or Middle, or both, does not appear. Tradition has it that he preached at both Middle and Lower Tuscarora for some time and that for some reason his labors not proving acceptable to Middle Tuscarora, he discontinued them there, while Lower Tuscarora enjoyed his services until 1795.

It seems that from the time Rev. McGill ceased preaching here (about 1791) until 1800 Middle Tuscarora united with Upper Tuscarora in the support of a stated supply, at least neither of these churches had a regular pastor between 1791 and 1800, and the records of the Carlisle Presbytery show that supplies were sent at least in 1790, 1791, and 1792 to these churches.

In the year 1800 this temporary arrangement between Upper and Middle Tuscarora having ceased to exist and Lower Tuscarora being without a pastor, Middle and Lower Tuscarora again united their interests under the pastorate of Rev. John Coulter. The first mention of our church by its proper designation of Middle Tuscarora, in the old records, occurs on October 7, 1790.

In 1792 the following notice of an application for preaching appears "a supplication (for supplies) from the people about the (Middle meeting House) in Tuscarora Valley." Now, although Middle Tuscarora is less frequently mentioned, in these records, than Upper or Lower Tuscarora, and at a later date, we are persuaded, that it was not a colony or off-shoot from either of them, but that it had all along a separate existence and dates back as far as the Lower Tuscarora Church.

We feel sure that our church was not formed out of Lower Tuscarora, as some have supposed, but for the following reasons:

First; We have never seen or heard any fact given, or reason assigned, against the statement that they were separated from the first.

Second; Apparently reliable, uncontradicted tradition points to divine services on the Kirk farm at East Waterford by the same ministers who came from Path Valley by way of Upper Tuscarora on preaching tours extending as far north as Lower Tuscarora.

Third; Apparently trustworthy and uniform tradition teaches us that Rev. McGill began his labors over the united congregations of Lower and Middle Tuscarora about the year 1789.

Fourth; We know that there was a church building in which the Middle Tuscarora congregation worshiped before the close of the eighteenth century. This edifice was said to have been quite old in 1800. It is to this structure, evidently that allusion is made in the above copy of the application for supplies in 1792 in which these words are used--"the Middle Meeting House in Tuscarora Valley."

Fifth; The churches of Middle and Lower Tuscarora were equal component parts of the Presbytery of Huntingdon from its organization.

The Rev. John Coulter was the first minister whom we know certainly to have been regularly installed of this church. The Rev. Coulter was ordained and installed August 14,1801. Middle Tuscarora Church had sixteen members and four ruling elders--Joseph Stewart, Alexander Work, Robert Crone and David Hackendorn. Three hundred and fifty-seven members were added to the church during the thirty-three years of Rev. Coulter's ministry and three additional elders were elected, namely, --James Anderson, George Stewart and Samuel Wallace. Rev. Coulter died June 22, 1834 aged 60 years. He started the first Sunday School and was the first temperance in the valley.

He preached his first sermon on the first day of the week, which was the first day of the month, which was the first day of the year, which was the first day of the century, January 1st, 1800, from the text, "Woe is me, if I preach not the Gospel."

He was born in Ireland in 1774, licensed to preach by Presbytery of New Castle in 1798, and came as a missionary to Tuscarora Valley in December, 1799.

When Father Coulter came to this church there was not a temperance society in the land; when it was about as common to use intoxicating beverages as it was to drink water. [unreadable] judges, ministers, women--everybody drank. If a wife, a husband or child was to be buried, rum must be furnished for the occasion. The family that failed to conform to this shameful and well-nigh universal custom was considered mean and stingy. If a minister was to be installed there must be free whiskey for all concerned. Among young people at least to "get tipsy" was very respectable, indeed. Nor was the Tuscarora Valley an exception to the general rule.

Weeping relative would pass the bottle around at the house of mourning. Some families "treated" the friends of the deceased, as they stood around the grave, after the body of the departed had been let down into the "narrow house." It may be some extenuation then as now, and not as much strychnine in the whiskey but surely then, as now, it was a sin and a shame to pollute the atmosphere of God's House with the fumes of a bar-room.

Oh, what a stench this must have been in the nostrils of the Almighty! So thought Father Coulter, and setting as example himself, he insisted that the church was, and of right should be, a great temperance society. Rev. Coulter organized the first temperance society in the valley in 1831 at Lower Tuscarora Church, with 159 members. He completely set himself to purge the membership from engaging in the manufacture, sale and use of alcoholic drinks. He deeply felt and firmly believed that strong drink was a curse eclipsing every other evil in the community, and almost, alone, he made a dead set against the iniquity. Of course he incurred the ill-will of many, but he had counted the cost, and so went forward. He was the first man in the valley (as far as we can learn) who banished rum from the harvest field. Everybody said, "No man can cut his harvest without liquor--the thing is simply impossible; the men can't stand it."

Few, except one Henderson, would consent to help him harvest without whisky. The die was cast, and Rev. Coulter was bound that his grain and hay might rot before he would give way to so improper and sinful a demand. He said he would give "plenty of good buttermilk."

Henderson and one or two others agreed to help the preacher "for pity's sake." True to his promise, as he always was, Rev. Coulter furnished plenty of buttermilk, carrying it to the field himself. Whilst the Reverend gentleman was absent from the field for more buttermilk, "the hands" would regale themselves in the shade, over flagons of "old rye" which had been clandestinely furnished by one of their number. When Rev. Coulter returned to the field he was surprised to find his "best help" unable to perform his part any longer, being completely intoxicated. Unsuspecting as "the cloth" generally are, the perplexed preacher returned home, calling out to his wife: "Jane Jane! What's the matter with your last churning? Why, Henderson is as drunk as a fool on that buttermilk."

The Rev. Coulter was a faithful, earnest, intelligent and successful preacher of the Gospel, a man who gave himself for his Master's service, one who never feared the face of man and one who never smoothed down the precepts of Holy Writ to suit the hearers. His name stands identified with the church beyond that of any other man. "Though dead, he yet speaketh."

The Rev. James M. Olmstead, D.D., of Saratoga county, New York, was the second pastor of Middle Tuscarora. He was installed pastor in November, 1834, and continued until January, 1837. During Dr. Olmstead's pastorate, two elders were elected and ordained--Joseph S. Laird, Esq., and Mr. James Coyle. There were twenty-two accessions to the church during this pastorate. Dr. Olmstead was an eloquent preacher and a faithful pastor. He did not shun to declare the whole counsel of God. He preached "Christ and Him Crucified."

After the resignation of Dr. Olmstead in 1837, the pulpit was supplied by the Revs. Collins, Keting, Hutchinson, Moore, Gray and Smith.

It was the autumn of 1840 that Rev. John Fleming began his labors at Middle Tuscarora Church, and was formally installed in the pastoral office. Mr. John Barton, Mrs. Thomas Laughlin and John Coulter, Jr., were elected ruling elders. Mr. Fleming was a Pennsylvanian by birth. He received his classical training at Jefferson College and pursued his theological training at Princeton Seminary. Rev. Fleming left this pastorate in 1842. As a preacher, Rev. Fleming was wont to speak "the truth in love" with a quiet animation peculiarly his own always drawing from the pure well of English undefiled."

The Rev. Andrew Jardine was the fourth regularly installed pastor of Middle Tuscarora.

The Rev. Jardine was born in Scotland in 1785. In early childhood his sight was injured and his person deformed by a stroke of lightening. On this account, perhaps, he was deprived of the amusements of boyhood, but devoted to books and retirement. He was matriculated at Edinburgh University, where he graduated with honor. He was licensed to preach in 1832 and came to this country in 1834. The Rev. Jardine came to this valley in June, 1842. He was installed pastor in October 1843. During the whole of Rev. Jardine's ministry here, which continued for sixteen years, there were [unreadable] persons added to the church roll.

Rev. Andrew Jardine in common conversation was accustomed to speak very rapidly; too rapidly to be understood by one not familiar with his Scotch brogue.

During the first winter of his labor here he met, near Bealetown, a little boy on his way to school (with books under his arm). He stopped the lad (for he was fond of children) and said, "Well, me lad, and what lessons are ye takin'?" The boy looked in distress but answered "No sir." Rev. Jardine tearing his eyes wide open, lifted those heavy brows, put the question in another form by saying, "What branches are ye pursuin'?" The boy said promptly, "Yes, Sir." The venerable divine, not to be outdone, put his interrogatory a third time. When little Jesse, comprehending its import no better than before, took to his heels and "ran like a whitehead."

Jesse Beale (the little boy) was an uncle of Mrs. Maggie Laird McCulloch, of Honey Grove, Pa. (School teacher).

It was during the first year of Rev. Jardine's ministry here that the edifice at McCulloch's Mills was erected. During the building of the house of worship divine services were held in Noss' and Woodward's barns.

Few men in the ministry or out of it could talk so fluently or understandingly on every subject from the construction of a limekiln to the knottiest points in theology.

The Rev. Jardine withdrew in 1858.

During the winter of 1859-1860 Dr. George W. Thompson and Dr. J. J. Hamilton held special services at McCulloch's Mills for six weeks and sixty-two persons united with the church and some thirty others elsewhere.

The Rev. J. J. Hamilton became and continued pastor from May, 1860, until June, 1862. Four ruling elders were elected--William L. Beale, James Smith, John Laird and Thomas Martin.

The Rev. David J. Beale was the sixth pastor of the church. Two years elapsed between the pastorate of Dr. Hamilton and the Rev. Beale.

The Rev. Beale, a licentiate of Huntingdon Presbytery, supplied during his vacation at Princeton from May 1st, 1864, when the Rev. Beale entered upon his labors as pastor-elect. He was ordained to the full work of the ministry and installed pastor of the church at an adjourned meeting of the Huntingdon Presbytery of East Waterford on August 11, 1864, being exactly sixty-three years after the ordination and installation of the Rev. John Coulter.

The Rev. Beale was born July 1, 1836, in the village of Bealetown, within the bounds of the congregation, of parentage "honest and well allowed." From the earliest recollection he wished to be a minister, and from the time of publicly professing religion, he felt that "woe is me if I did not preach the Gospel." Before the age of nine years he had read "Locke, On the Human Understanding," and could accurately repeat the shorter Catechism. After attending the village school for several years, Rev. Beale entered Tuscarora Academy, then under the management of Prof. David Wilson, in the autumn of 1850; then he followed Prof. Wilson to his new academy at Airy View, which was founded in 1852. Until August, 1855, his winters were spent at the academy as scholar and teacher. The summer of 1856 and the winter of 1856-57 were spent at Airy View, also. During the summer of 1857 Rev. Beale heard a select class in his father's house, and recited Latin and Creek twice a week to Rev. Andrew Jardine, then pastor of the home church. In September, 1857, Rev. Beale matriculated at Jefferson College and graduated August 7, 1861. He passed to Princeton Seminary in March 1862. Completing the seminary course, he was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Huntingdon Presbytery, on the 16th of April, 1863 and became pastor of Middle Tuscarora in August, 1864.

On the 2nd of May, 1865, the Rev. Beale was married in Bellefonte, Pa. to Miss Mary Moore and shortly afterward moved into the first parsonage this church ever provided for a pastor.

During his ministry more than one hundred persons were added to the church. The brick church at East Waterford was built. He also organized the church at Peru. At this time E. L. Anderson, W. C. Laird, S. McConnell Beale, Absalom Rice and David R. Barton, Jr. were elected elders. He resigned in December, 1868, later to become pastor of historic St. George's, Delaware, founded in 1692.

"good deeds live after this life is spent," and this can be truthfully said of one who lived and served so nobly. Through the years the members of this Christian family bear testimony to an ever living Christ.

The seventh pastor was the Rev. S. S. Wallon, installed August 4, 1870; resigned in 1878. On January 14, 1871, Iriah Wise, James Milliken, James Louden and Lemuel Ramsey were installed elders.

The Rev. Wallen was a timid, bashful man. He was installed pastor of the church on the 4th of August, 1870, and on the 6th baptized sixteen children, accompanied by their parents. Grandmother Beale related how his hand shook when he raised it above the heads of the children to be baptized. The names follow: Millie Jane Beale, David McDonald Barton, Almira Jane Maffett, Nancy Barnard Stephenson, Martha Elverd Barton, Anna Mary Laird, Charles Wallen Louden, David Torrence Neely, Rachel Jeanette Wise, Margaret Josephine Campbell, Liza Edith Bell, Lottie May Anderson, Mary Laird Anderson, Allison McCoy McRinley, Rachel Minnette Drolsbaugh and Margaret Ellen Maffett.

Rev. S. A. Davenport served Middle Tuscarora Church from April, 1880, until October 1, 1883, when he, resigned to accept a call to the Aisquith Street Church, Baltimore, Md. During this ministry W. C. Laird, having returned from Mifflintown, was re-elected and Abram Noss and John T. Work were elected and all were installed elders.

An interval of six and one-half years followed without a settle pastor, when, in March, 1890, Rev. Davenport was re-elected pastor in union with the Lower Tuscarora Church at Academia. Middle and Lower Tuscarora churches had each supported its own pastor since 1834.

During a revival season in 1894-1895 forty-five persons were added to the Middle Tuscarora charge. On February 12,1898, Messrs. Joseph H. Landis, Thomas Murphy and J. M. Barton were elected elders. After a very successful pastorate, Rev. Davenport resigned in 1898.

In December, 1900, Mr. Jacob Heinbach and Mr. Lemuel McKinley became elders.

Rev. Harnish came as pastor in the fall in 1899. Rev. Harnish resigned 11 November 1903.

Rev. Wesley M. Hyde was called as pastor in October, 1904. In 1906 the membership of the two Sunday Schools was 139 and at that time McCulloch's Mills Christian Endeavor reported 47 members.

On January 29, 1916, David M. Beale and Seward J. Stitt were elected elders.

Until 1916 McCulloch's Mills and East Waterford were one church. At that time they became separate organizations under one pastor. There were 41 members at East Waterford and 129 at McCulloch's Mills.

After 17 years of service Rev. Hyde resigned, November, 1921.

No words can express the esteem in which Rev. Hyde was held by this congregation better than those written by Mrs. Joseph H. Landis, as follows: "Saturday, October 1, 1921, was the day for a farewell visit of East Waterford and McCulloch's Mills to the home of their pastor, Rev. Wesley M. Hyde, at the parsonage at Academia.

"The welcome given was cordial and sincere, and the old rambling of parsonage, denuded of much of its furniture, adapted itself well to the crowd of people who swarmed into it." Rev. and Mrs. Hyde, their daughter, Miss Etta, and son, Dr. Frank, gave themselves up to entertaining these friends from whom they expected to be parted so soon, after a close association extending over a period of seventeen years. After the meal was served the people found social enjoyment outside and through the house, when, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" was heard, and gathering near, the hymn was sung with fervor. Then, the pastor, to his people expressed himself and his Heavenly Father in the words of that great Psalm, the 103rd, and afterwards, to his and their Heavenly Father, in a prayer of thanksgiving and praise and earnest petition for continuance of God's loving kindness and tender mercy and guarding and protecting care for all present; for every member of their families, present or absent; for all the people over all this field where he has gone up and down for seventeen years, winter and summer, preaching the "Blessed Gospel of the Son of God." Magnifying His holy name, cautioning sinners, comforting and strengthening believers, baptizing our children, burying our beloved and dead, growing old among us, by example recommending the doctrines he professed. And now, fare the well, thee and thine, and may "God be with thee till we meet again."

Rev. B. W. Kossack was called in April, 1922, and resigned March, 1923.

During this pastorate Dr. McClure, of Altoona, held evangelistic services and fifteen persons were added to the church.

Rev. Joseph Milliken Woods became pastor in 1923 and March 12, 1925, resigned as pastor of Middle and Lower Tuscarora churches, to make effect May 24, 1925, to engage in mission work in Shantung Province, China.

In March, 1925, John W. Hart, and elder elected and ordained in the Upper Tuscarora Church at Cross Keys, was elected an acting ruling elder of the Middle Tuscarora Church at McCullochs Mills.

In the fall of 1926, Rev. Woods was called for a second pastorate. This relationship continued until March, 1930, when Rev. Woods accepted a call to the Presbyterian church, Phoenixville, Pa.

October 13, 1930, Rev. Charles R. Howell was installed as pastor of the charge and is the present pastor.


In the past ten years there have been many changes taking place in the Middle Tuscarora Presbyterian church. Many of our most faithful workers have received calls to the Church Triumphant, leaving vacancies which have been difficult to fill. Others have moved to other communities and in some cases taken their letters with them. Were it not for the fact that several have also been received into the church who have proven faithful our work would be much more discouraging.

Each year for the past ten years we have held Vacation Church School for the boys and girls of the community. At times we have had thirty or more in attendance and for some of these children it has been their first religious instruction.

Each year we have held a week of special services with a visiting minister preaching. At this time an attempt is made to visit as many homes in the community and the church family as possible.

There has been a constant attempt to have some type of meeting and service for the young people and their friends. This has been on a week night and followed by a social time together. Several of these meetings in the past year were especially well attended with young people visiting from the East Waterford church.

We have our usual Children's Day and Christmas programs as well as the union Thanksgiving churches with the two nearest churches cooperating.

Several years ago the special room was added to the church. This has proven very useful for social gatherings and festivals. In 1940 the exterior of the church was painted for the first time in over thirty years and the interior was redecorated at the same time.

For four consecutive years we have had homecoming services, with many old members and friends of the church in attendance, including former pastors, a son of a former pastor, and a young man who has gone out from this church into the ministry. Moderators of Synod and of Presbyteries have been our speakers.

With a faithful few giving of themselves in a most commendable loyalty, this church stands face to face on this hillside with the little red school house and only in God's great Kingdom shall be known the actual fruits of our labors. The history of the past of our church deals in much larger numbers, yet who knows what remarkable contribution to today's world some person influenced by this church may make?

Ministers who have gone out from this church were: Rev. James Coulter, Rev. David J. Beale, Rev. John Laird, Rev. John P. Coyle and Rev. David T. Neely, and we also claim Rev. George McCulloch Landis and Rev. Cecil Palm, who, although they went to other denominations, were faithful in this Sunday School and church.

A history of the church seems so incomplete without speaking of others beside the ministers and elders.

Mr. W. C. Laird was an earnest, faithful superintendent of the Sabbath School, and when he went to Tyrone, Mr. Joseph H. Landis was elected to take his place and he served for forty-one consecutive years and at his death Mr. David Beale was elected and is still serving as superintendent.

Mr. James M. Beale, father of Millie, June, Lila and Frank, led the choir for thirty-seven years. The choir sat in the gallery and he used a tuning fork long before we had an organ, and since his resignation no one has ever been elected to take his place.

We dare not mention any of the teachers, lest we forget some, but we can remember many consecrated Christian teachers who used their talents here for many years. And there were those who served by their presence. Some who were always here--summer or winter, rain or shine, they were in their places. "They have done what they could."

Rendered at homecoming, August, 1941, we heard in song about the place in which most of the people of whom we have talked are spending eternity--a trio by Lila M. Beale, Mrs. Stella M. Drolsbaugh and Mildred R. McClure:

My heavenly home is bright and fair,
I feel like traveling on!
Nor pain, nor death can enter there.
I feel like traveling on.

It's glittering tow'rs the sun outshine,
I feel like traveling on!
That heavenly mansion shall be mine,
I feel like traveling on.

My Father's home is built on high.
I feel like traveling on!
Far, far above the starry sky.
I feel like traveling on.

When from this earthly prison free,
I feel like traveling on!
That heavenly mansion mine shall be,
I feel like traveling on.

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