A Compilation of Information on the Descendants




Wythe County Virginia and Pulaski County Kentucky


Mitchell K. Muse and Diane A. Muse

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In October 1999 we began what we thought to be an easy and simple task of tracking down my family heritage. We made some assumptions that my family would be able to assist us in providing names, locations of present and past relatives. Boy did we get a rude awaking in the lessons of Genealogy.

We soon learned how to be Genealogical Investigators and over the last year we followed a dimly lit trail from Kansas to Missouri to Illinois and into Kentucky. We logged many hours of road and research time in visiting Courthouse's in these States, not to exclude the endless hours on the phone with relatives, searching the Internet and the National Archives in Atlanta for answers and leads. We approached our research with the attitude "We Believe It, If We See It"

The information that we uncovered, copied or transcribed over the months helped us to answer the questions we had. What we have done here on this site is to provide fellow MUSE family researchers, with our findings of fact that we uncovered and to help remove some of the misinformation that can found floating around in cyber space. We know that some of the information we present in our family tree is not 100% and we expect feedback that will help us set the story straight.

We have named this page "Kentucky Muse's: A Compilation of Information on the Descendants of Richard Muse of Wythe County Viriginia and Pulaski County Kentucky" for a specific reason. First off, my roots hail from the Blue Grass State and second, we found that very little in depth research had been conducted on the Muse's of Kentucky. We have included the resources we have used in our research and our opinions about them. What we present here is a study of the Kentucky Muse's of Pulaski County Kentucky that descended from Richard Muse and wife Margaret. This research is not all-inclusive and like everything else will be an on going project. Richard Muse is a descendant of John Mewes Senior of Virginia and there are numerous published resources and information on the Internet that expands on the generations before him.


Do not take what we have presented here as Gospel, but investigate your own family leads. Please let us know if what we have presented is correct or set us straight. We are very much trying to aviod the dissemination of bad information. We have compiled this information based on our own interpretation of the records we uncovered.


It is our short and long term goal to invite fellow Kentucky Muse Researchers to contribute to this site and expand upon the information we have already presented.


Over the months I have had an Internet Mentor. She has taken time from her busy schedule to give us advice and keep us straight. We have never met her in person, but she is a noted Muse Genealogist in her own right. Without her indirect participation on this project, I don't think we would have gone this far and would have probably given up. Thanks Lou.

We almost forgot our manners. One person we would also like to thank, that like us is a direct descendant of Richard Muse and stands out as a Muse Genealogist of Kentucky Muse's. She assisted us and shared information over the months and was there during our research trip in Kentucky. She is Linda Grider of Russell County Kentucky. You are a good friend and outstanding teammate.. Thank you for your down home hospitality, help and participation. The many months that we communicated over the net helped to keep us straight and made our visit to Kentucky that much more enjoyable. Thank You Linda!

To Rootsweb for allowing us to share this information to the World. Thanks Rootsweb.

Come On in and Visit for a Spell