Minutes of the Macon Baptist Association 1919

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Macon Baptist Association

Minutes of the 77th Annual Meeting

Held with Chariton Ridge Baptist Church

September 10-11, 1919

Next Meeting to be held with Kirksville Baptist Church, Kirksville, Missouri. Beginning at 10:00, Wednesday, before the second Sunday in September.

Introductory Sermon, J. C. Maupin, Alternate, G. A. Mitchell

Wednesday, 8p.m., Young People's Sermon by Dr. Evans

Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Sermon by F. S. White


  • Judge B. R. Williams, Macon.............................................Moderator
  • Dr. G. C. Lyda, Atlanta.......................................................Assistant Moderator
  • W. S. Coulter, Macon..........................................................Clerk
  • E. J. Rogers, Macon............................................................Assistant Clerk
  • C. S. Tuley, Macon..............................................................Treasurer


  • C. S. Tuley ..............................................................................Macon
  • Col. J. E. Reiger......................................................................Kirksville
  • Albert Skinner .........................................................................Macon
  • Dr. G. C. Lyda..........................................................................Atlanta
  • I. M. Walker.............................................................................Macon
  • W. M. Agee...............................................................................Elmer
  • D. S. James................................................................................Bevier

The Executive Board meets in Macon at 1 o' clock, P. M., on the first Mondays of January, April, July and September 1920, and the ministers of the association are cordially invited to meet with them.


  • E. J. Rogers................Macon

  • J. W. Trower...............Bevier

  • R. L Sparrow..............Atlanta

  • M. Grace....................Elmer

  • A. S Harris.................Kirksville

  • C. F. Acree.................Kirksville

  • D. Skaggs........ ..........Novinger

  • G. A. Mitchell.............Clarence

  • W. R. Skinner.............Macon

  • C. T. Lawson................Ardmore.

  • O. P. Holcroft...............Gifford

  • R. O. Harris.................Kirksville.

  • G. N. Margruder.........Atlanta

  • F. P. Bane....................Walnut

  • Martin Ford.................Macon

  • F. S. White...................LaPlata

  • J. C. Maupin................Clarence


  • F. D. Jones.........................Atlanta

  • S. L. Childress.......................Elmer

  • O. C. Perry.....................Kirksville

  • A. Grossenbacher...........Kirksville

  • Donovan...............................Keota


Sept 10th, 1919, 10:00 O'clock A. M.

The Macon Baptist Association met with the Chariton Ridge Baptist Church for the 76th Annual meeting.

Introductory prayer services were led by Rev. W. R. Skinner, after which the Assistant Moderator, Judge B. R. Williams introduced Rev. J. W. Trower, pastor of Bevier Baptist Church, who had been chosen to preach the introductory sermon. Bro. Trower asked Rev. A. J. Thames of Kansas City. Mo., to Offer prayer, after which all the congregation joined in singing a good soul inspiring song. Then followed the sermon from Mica 5:4, subject Christ is Glorious. The preacher was deeply serious. In the preparation of the sermon he had done some clear thinking. He admonished us to get a vision of what we ought to do today. He said the day represents our life, the night death; and this glorious gospel made men free. His words were tender and persuasive. Immediately following the sermon the large congregation joined heartily in singing Nearer My God to Thee.

The Moderator made some appropriate comments on the sermon then called for announcements from visiting brethren. The following brethren responded- Rev. S. M. Brown, Kansas City, representing Word and Way; Rev. A. J. Thames, Secretary, Kansas City district; Prof. Ahrens, Stevens College. Columbia, Mo.; Miss Arretta, Beswick, Women's Work in Kansas City district.

On motion Bro. S. M Brown was asked to preach immediately following the noon hour.

The Moderator appointed the pastor Rev. J. C. Maupin, and the delegates from Chariton Ridge Church, committee on devotional.

Adjourned with prayer by Rev. S. M. Brown.


The Moderator appointed the pastor, Rev. J. C. Maupin and the delegates from Cbariton Ridge Church, committee on devotional.

Adjourned with prayer by Rev. S. M. Brown


At 1:30 the audience was called together by singing. Moderator called association to order for business. Prayer by Rev. G. N. Magrauder, pastor at Atlanta, Missouri. The annual election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: Judge B.R. Williams, Moderator; Dr. G. C. Lyda, Assistant Moderator; W.

C. Coulter, Clerk; Rev. EL J. Rogers, Assistant Clerk; C. S. Tuley


Song by F. D. Jones and daughter. Sermon by Rev. S. M. Brown of Kansas City, subject Intercessory Prayer. In his characteristic way he dwelt on 'asking, and receiving,.' He has not because he asketh not. The sermon was earnest and helpful. Miss Beswick talked of the Women's great part in the Kingdom work, especially the women of the Kansas City district. Rev. A. J. Thames talked interestingly of 175 Million Dollar Campaign.

At this time the Moderator appointed Rev. E. J. Rogers, Dr. G. C. Lyda and Rev. F. L. White, to read the letters from the churches.

After reading the letters Moderators called for report on Sunday Schools.


The S. S. is a very important phase of our church work. It is the best means the church has of teaching the Bible and so may probably be called the teaching service of the church. Its value as an agency for soul winning is proved by the fact that 85 per cent of our converts come through the S. S. It should enlist the cooperation of every loyal church member, since it is the fulfillment of the command of Jesus uttered in the Great Commission when he said 'Make disciples of all nations-teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you."

The success of the S. S. lies in the teacher and no S. S. can be better than its teaching force. Therefore we recommend a teacher training course in every church where it is possible in order that" we may do more efficient work.


G. C. Lyda,

Mrs. W. 0. Perkins,

Mrs. J. W. Lyda,

Remarks: By S. L. Childress. Adopted. Committee.

Rules of decorum read by Rev. E. J. Rogers. Bro. Boyer of St. Louis made his announcement in regard to Missouri Baptists Ministers Aid Society. Sister Neal asked for committee on the Baptist Home of Ironton, Mo. Song. On motion we adjourned to 8:00 P. M. Prayer by, W. L. Boyer.


Service opened by singing, Old Time Religion., Prayer by Reverend Sam Donovan, of Ardmore, Mo., Song. Prayer by Rev.G.A.Mitchell, pastor at Claxence. The doctrinal sermon was preached from John 3:16, by Rev. G. N. Magrauder of Atlanta, Mo. It was courageous, strong, clear, orthodox, He was convincing in his Application emphasizing the fact that if we want to be loyal to Christ we must stay by the word of God..

After the sermon Rev. E. J. Rogers called our attention to the 'Macon Baptist Visitor' published by the pastor at Macon. Bro. W. L. Boyer of St, Louis spoke of the work he represents. 'The Ministers Aid Society.

Adjourned with prayer by Rev. W. R. Skinner.


At 8:30 the association was called to order by, the moderator. Devotional service led by Rev. G. A. Mitchell of Clarence. Song. Prayer by Rev. F. L. White. Bro. Mitchell read Eph, 6, commenting on the scripture in a very helpful way. Speaking of the home life and the relation existing between members of the family. Father and son shnold know each other better, etc. Moderator then called for report on Horne Missions. Report read as follows and adopted:


The influence of America in shaping world-ideals today Is unequalled by any other nation. Sound missionary policy requires that we shall really make America Christian. Baptists of the South have in the Home Mission Board an agency of marked efficiency through which they are bringing to bear their combined efforts to that end

A great work of soul-wining still confronts us in the South, where about 20,000,000 persons make no profession of religion, though the South is better evangelized than any other section of the country. Our Home Missionaries lead those of all other denominations.

Rules of decorum read by Rev. E. J. Rogers. Bro. Boyer of St. Louis made his announcement in regard to Missouri Baptists Ministers Aid Society. Sister Neal asked for committee on the Baptist Home of Ironton, Mo. Song. On motion we adjourned to 8:00 P. M. Prayer by, W. L. Boyer.


Service opened by singing, Old Time Religion., Prayer by Reverend Sam Donovan, of Ardmore, Mo., Song. Prayer by Rev.G.A.Mitchell, pastor at Claxence. The doctrinal sermon was preached from John 3:16, by Rev. G. N. Magrauder of Atlanta, Mo. It was courageous, strong, clear, orthodox, He was convincing in his Application emphasizing the fact that if we want to be loyal to Christ we must stay by the word of God..

After the sermon Rev. E. J. Rogers called our attention to the 'Macon Baptist Visitor' published by the pastor at Macon. Bro. W. L. Boyer of St, Louis spoke of the work he represents. 'The Ministers Aid Society.

Adjourned with prayer by Rev. W. R. Skinner.


At 8:30 the association was called -to order by, the moderator. Devotional service led by Rev. G. A. Mitchell of Clarence. Song. Prayer by Rev. F. L. White. Bro. Mitchell read Eph, 6, commenting on the scripture in a very helpful way. Speaking of the home life and the relation existing between members of the family. Father and son shnold know each other better, etc. Moderator then called for report on Horne Missions. Report read as follows and adopted:


The influence of America in shaping world-ideals today Is unequalled by any other nation. Sound missionary policy requires that we shall really make America Christian. Baptists of the South have in the Home Mission Board an agency of marked efficiency through which they are bringing to bear their combined efforts to that end

A great work of soul-wining still confronts us in the South, where about 20,000,000 persons make no profession of religion, though the South is better evangelized than any other section of the country. Our Home Missionaries lead those of all other denominations.


Foreign Missions Bevier Church
Home Missions Atlanta Church
State Missions KirksvilleChurch
District Missions Rev. R. O. Harris
Orphans Home Sue City Church
Christian and Ministerial Education Mt. Salem Church
Sunday School Atlanta Church
Ministerial Aid La Plata Church
Temperance Clarence Church
Obituary Revs. E.J. Rogers, W. R. Skinner, R.O. Harris
B. Y. P. U. Kirksville Church
Womans Work Mesdames G.C. Lyda, B.R. Williams, W.S.Coulter
Publication Sue City Church
C.F. ACREE & N.C. SUMMERS (Committee)


This is a day of books and magazines. It is not simmmmply a question of reading, but of what to read. The press of today is moulding public opinion and forming character. Our denomiational publications will give us world wide informatin as to the conditions and needs of all people.

We therefore recommend a more extensive reading of the Word and Way. The Missouri State Bulletin, Home and Foreign Field and the Macon Baptist Visitor, also "Baptist Home."


Read and discussed by S.L. childress and Rev. G.N. Magruder. Adopted.


In the 12th chapter of Mark our Savior commands that men should love or serve God with heart, soul, mind, and strength setting forth the words mind and soul in anemphatic manner. Such is the Bible authority for Christian Education. Yet in our plan for education we wish to lay stress on that part of education which has to do with the relation of the individual to hsi God and to other individuals.

This part of educaiton is reached by the home church and the Christian school. The courses of study in the great colleges and universities lay stress in mental and physical parts of the human being. but this is not complete. The human being is a trinity. The soul must be trained, when this is done along with mental and physical training then we have completed education. We therefore as an association hereby record our approval of the $175,000,000 programs, north and south, and call especially upon all our churches, societies, and individuals to exert every effort to secure in this association subscriptions sufficient to more than cover whatever may be our part in the $1,500,000 for education and benevolence in the drive now one, ending with the first week in December.

Submitted by Mt. Salem church

Read and talked to by Dr. Millian, Pres., of Hardin College. Dr. Crouch, Pres., of LaGrange College. Adopted.

President Crouch requested that there be five members from this Association, at least one of them being a lady, elected as members of the Board of Control for LaGrange College.

The Following named person were elected to this position: Rev. E.J. Rogers, Macon' Dr. G.C. Lyda, Atlanta; Judge R.M. Pickell, Kirksville' J.J. Wells, Novinger and Mrs. W.S. Coulter, Macon. Later as J.J. Wells could not serve the Board appointed D.S. James of Bevier to take his place.



On hand Sept 10, 1918.......$154.06

Masengale Interest.............241.27

Borrowed from bank..........230.00










Mt. Salem................................61.25

Mt. Tabor.................................20.00

New Salem................................5.00

Sue City...................................10.00




Union chapel...........................20.00

Union Grove............................15.00

Special Collection..................60.95



Paid Out

Rev. R. O. Harris..................$814.00

Book and Stationery,,,,,,,,,,,.....5.45

W. S. Coulter, (Clerk).............10.00


Printing Minutes....................33.30

to Massengale Fund...........100.00

Interest on same.....................6.32

Note to be Paid.....................230.00

Interest to be paid.................14.13



  C.S. Tuley, Treasurer
Your Auditing committee has carefully gone over the books of the treasurer and find them correct in every respect.
We Find that there has been collected........ $1,218.95
Paid out.............................................................. 974.82
Cash on hand.................................................... 244.13
Owe to Bank..................................................... 244.13



Executive Board Selected

Church pledges for District Missions taken by Pres. Crouch



Chariton Ridge.........93.50







Mt. Salem..................50.00





Massengale Fund.........250.00


J.C. Maupin.....................$10.00

D. S. James.......................10.00

Mrs. Mary Clawson..........5.00

H. F. Hallett..........................5.00

Wm. Attey.........................15.00

Joe Magers........................5.00

Cash collected for debt of the board.................$62.80

Remarks from Pres. Crouch and Bro. Boyer.

Adjourned to 1.30.

Prayer by Rev. F. S. White


1:30. Song service led by Rev. F. S. White. Devotional led by Rev. W. B. Watts, his remarks were based on 21st chapter of John. Moderator called for report on Foreign Missions: The following report was read and discussed by Rev. G. N. Magrauder, Rev. A. C. Acree, Dr. Million and Rev. W. B. Watts.



We believe the opportunities for real service and evangelism in our foreign field is greater today than at any previous time in the history of Missions. The world ahs been shaken and torn by war. May, we believe, have lost faith in the old forms and creeds and ready for the vital and living message of Jesus Christ.

A great five year program has been launched by the Baptists for the Kingdom of God. It is a challnege to every church and every member of every church to respond with what he has for this great campaign.

We recommend individual consecration and earnest preparation insures sincere giving of our possessions and great devotion to the cuase of Christ in our Foreign Fields.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Kirksville, Mo, Rev. C. F. Acree, Pastor

Mrs. Neal Made a good talke in behalf of the Old Peoples Home at Ironton, Mo., a collection of $16.00 cash was taken and some pledges. Rudolph Miller and J. C. Maupin took life memberships.


Report given by C. S. Tuley, discussed by Rev. E. J. Rogers. Adopted

A collection was taken and a part of it was to be used in paying of the expense of Mrs. M. L. Heifner, wife of the beloved Rev. M. L. Heifner, to the Mayo HOspital

The following pledges were taken.

Rudolph Miller.............10.00

Dr. Lyda......................10.00

J. C. Maupin................10.00


B.R. Williams...............10.00

I.M. Walker.................10.00

Mrs. Dr. Lyda..............10.00

Mary A Richardson......10.00

Mary Clawson.............10.00

Wm. Attey...................10.00

Albert Skinner..............10.00

John Epperson..........5.00

E. J. Rogers...............5.00


J. W. Trower.............5.00

C. S. Tuley................5.00

Lon Hayney...............5.00

Joe Magers................5.00

Virgil Butler................5.00

Harvey Bailey.............5.00

C.B. Seaver...............5.00

E. S. Lyda..................5.00

A short talk by Rev. W. R. Skinner.


This "Society" is in every way worthy of our prayerful, financial support, because it is composed of true, and tried, competent, successful, faithful, Baptists, who judiciously, and economically, use the money placed in their hand, to give relief to aged, dependent, Baptist ministers who have wrought faithfully, and well, until incapacitated by age, or infirmity. These men counted not their lives dear unto themsselves, but gave their all in doing duty, so as to make possible the privileges we now enjoy. Humanly speaking, many of our Educational, Philanthropic, and Religious institutions, would have failed, had not these "Ambassadors of God" thrown themselves into the conflice against the forces of SIn, and Satan. Shall we be forgetful, and ungrateful, for their heroism, and sacrifices, and leave them, and their widows, in their old age to feel keenly the want of appreciation, and the comforts of life? Nay, Verily.

Other denominations are caring nobly for their dependent Ministers; shall we, as Baptists, be less considerate of our own? God forbid. Shall we, nt, by our prayers, our liberal contributions, and our bequests, make it possible for this "Society" to send more comfort, and gladness, into the hearts, and homes, of more of these deserving, dependent, "Veterans of the Cross"? For some of them it must be done quickly, or it will be forever too late.

We recommend, that as Churches, Sunday Schools, "Ladies Aid", and B.Y.P.U. Societies," and Individuals, we pray for this great Cuase, and for Bro. W. L. boyer, "Secretary" of same; and also help, by takeing "Life Membership.;" and putting it in our "Church Budgets" and giving a Free Will Offering.

Let us place this great, worthy, needy work in the fron,t where it so justly belongs, and God, even our God, will smile upon us.

Send remittances to W.L. Boyer, "Financial Secretary."
5506 Maple Ave. St. Louis, MO.
G. I. Mitchell
W. L. Boyer

Report discusses by Dr. MIllion and M. S. Boyer



We your Committee on obituaries submit the following report: As an association we have lost by death during the past year 30 brethren and sisters namely:

Rev. M. L. Heifner, Macon

Rev. D.B. Epperson, Chariton Ridge

Rev. A. M. Parrish, Bevier

Mrs. Maggie Agee, Chariton Ridge

Miss Tres Surbeck, LaPlata

Bro, Raymond Hopewell, La Plata

A.A. Richardson, Mt. Tabor

Mrs. Ross Mitchell, Bevier

Joseph Evans, Bevier

Mrs. Frank Newlin, Bevier

Owen Page, Bevier

Ben F. Brock, Mt. Salem

Susan A. Moore, Mt. Salem

Mariah A. Waller, Mt. Salem

Nancy A. Lucas, Mt. Salem

Susan E. Butler, Mt. Salem

Sarah E. Marsh, Mt. Salem

Mable Lawrence, Mt. Salem

Mrs. Margaret Clarkson, Atlanta

C. D. Slighton, Enon

Anna Griffin, Enon

Mrs. Louise Thompson, Sue City

Mrs Gertrude Decker, Macon

Dr. W. W. Martin, Kirksville

Alta Kent Mackey, Kirksville

Mrs. M. L. Beeman, Kirksville

Mrs. Jesse Foley Mussick, Kirksville

John Chambers, Clarence

Mrs. Harry Tuggle, clarence

Mrs. Virginia Taylor, Clarence

We, the members of this Association feel very keenly the love of these brethren and sisters, and especially our three faithful and consecrated ministers of the Gospel, whose lives have been mainly spent in this Association.

Respectfully submitted,




Be it Resolved, that we, the messengers and and visitors of the Macon Baptist Association assembled with Chariton Ridge Baptist Church wish to express our hearty thanks for the kind hospitality, generous entertainment and splendid feasting we have received during this session.

We suggest that this resolution be adopted by a standing vote.




In view of the dissatisfaction expressed by a number of the people of Missouri and, of Macon Association of the double alignment plan adopted by this state governing its co-operation work with the Northern and Southern Baptist Conventions.

Believing that a majority of the Associations are in harmony with the Docturnal teaching and practice of the Southern Baptist Conventions indicaed by their practice and gifts.

Resolved, that we the Macon Baptist Association assembled in annual session with the Chariton Ridge Baptist Church Sept. 10-11th that it would be to the best interest of the denomination, that Macon Association represented by their delegates, align themselves officially and singly with the Southern Baptist Convention, with the understanding that each church shall still be entirely free to direct as it may deem wise and proper the application of its gifts to Home and Foreign Missions, and that such action on the part of any church should not be made a test of the affiliation with or membership in the- association.

Resolved, further- that we discourage- the receiving of alien Baptism, and the consideration of church federation.

Discussed by Rev. E. J Rogers, Lon Hayner, Rev. G. N. Magruder and Pres. Crouch.


On motion Bro. W. R Skinner was appointed as delegate to the General Association meeting in St. Louis, October 21, to 23, and the treasurer ordered to-pay his expenses.


You committee on Temperence, is glad to report that we now have state wide prohibition by federal law, we are hoping and praying that it will be entirely wiped out of the state and the United States in 1920. It behooves us as Baptist to encourage the enforcement of law, and see to it that Prohibition does prohibit.

Sixteen nations have recognized the value of prohibition and have taken steps to banish alcohol as a beverage, the world will soon be against alcohol as a beverage, let us pray that God may hasten that day.





Atlanta.-G. N. Magruder, Dr. G. C. Lyda and wife, D. H. Steele and wife, Lloyd Fraze, C. T. Snow, Mrs. J. W. Lyda, Mrs. Wm. Perkins and F. D. Jones.

Bevier.-J. Trower, D. S. James, David Edwards, Paul Grimes, W. E. Roberts, Sam James, Sarah Walters, Maggie James, Edith Hopkins, Emma Thomas, Myrtle Reed, Mrs. William Newlan.

Chariton Ridge.-R. S. Sparrow, Susie Sparrow, Tom Williams,

J. D. Robinson, John Epperson

Clarence.-G. A. Mitchell and wife, Wm. E Phillips, Everet Swinney.

Enon. Arthur Jackson, A. M.k Holman, John Brown, R. E. Holman, James Dameron, J. F. Moore.

Elmer- S. L. Childress, Alma Dale, L P., Atteberry, Wm. Agee, .Mrs Wm. Robinson.

Friendship.-R. 0. Vanskike, A. J. Overstreet, Arthur Skinner, A. J. Lantizer and wife, Mrs. A L. Purdy, Richard Paris, and I. M. Walker.

Kaseyville.-W. P. Jackson, Sarah Summers, Nannie E. Ratliff, Carrie Perrin, Bode Sever, Vic. Ratliff.

Kirksville.-C. F. Acree, W. C. Summers and wife, Miss Grace West, R. M. Pickell and wife, W. H. Jones and wife, Miss Maida Cole and A.Grossenbacher.

LaPlata.-F. L. White and wife, R. R. Coffman and wife, Dr. Saunders and wife, Sam Gash, J. G. Magers, Mrs. Joe Spencer. Mrs. W. H. Reyner.

Macon - E. J. Rogers, W. R. Skinner, C. S Tuley, B. R. Williams and wife, W. S. Coulter and wife, Rudolph Miler, Leslie Vanskike, Geo. Butter, S. P. Miller, Mayme Swinney, M. F. Brock.

Mt. Salem.-C. M. King and wife, L. D. Craft and wife, John King, B. F. Foster and wife, John Sparkman, Wm. Mayfield and wife.

Mt. Tabor.-Frank Varnes, James Wares, Marshall Richardson, Ida Wares, Ella Richardson, Jasper Richardson.

Novinger:-D. Skaggs, Mrs. Mary Clawson, Wm. Attey.

Sue City.-W R. Collins and wife, W. F. Thompson, Miss Sadie Harrison, and Mrs. J. M. Thompson.

Ten Mile.-W. A. Baker, J. H. Stamper, Sam Barnes, Sevia, Baker.

Woodville- Harrison Collins, Charlie, Jim, Willie and, Sam Phillips.

Walnut.-F P.-Bane, Mrs. Ivy Williams, Miss Mary Williams.


Mrs. B. R Williams conducted their program, but owing to the limited time they had to cut this program short. It was all good. Mrs. Williams made a good short talk and called on Mrs. W. S. Coulter to conduct the devotional. Miss James of Bevier read a splendid paper. Mrs. Mary Clawson gave a short report of their home work at Novinger.


This Society is for the training of our younger people for more efficient service. Every church has members who need just such training as is offered here, and they should not be neglected.

We recommend therefore that the messengers to this Association see to it that their churches organize a young people's Society and assist in enlisting the members in work and service.

Regular services could be held even where the pastor does not reside in the field,

FIRST CHURCH, Kirksville.

Discussed by J. W. Trower, D S. James, Wm. Attey, G. A. MitchelL


On motion we adjourned to meet with the Kirksville church on Wednesday before the second Sunday of September, 1920.

Rev. W. B. Watts made a few appropriate remarks and after a good old song and hand shaking, dismissed the Association with prayer.

JUDGE B. R. WILLIAMS, Moderator.

W S. COULTER, Clerk.


Article I-Name.

The organization shall be called the Macon Baptist Association of Missouri.

Article II-Object.

The object of this association shall be the mutual benent of the churches, and the carrying out of such measures as are best calculated to advance the cause of Christ in the world.

Article III - Membership.

Section 1. Any regular Baptist church may become a member of this body on application by letter or messenger.

Section 2. Each church with twenty or less members shall be entitled to three messengers and an additional messenger for every twenty-five members thereafter.

Section 3. The churches of this association shall make annual reports by letter of the work and state of their several organizations; giving the number of the accessions and diminutions of membership; all moneys raised and expended for Gospel purposes, the number of Bible schools maintained and other matters that may be of general interest.

Article IV.

The officers of this association shall be: Moderator, Assistant Moderator., Clerk, Assistant Clerk and Treasurer.

Article V--Duty of Officers.

Section 1. It shall be & duty of the Moderator to preside at all regular meetings of the association, appoint committees not otherwise provided for, and see that order and decorum are observed.

Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Moderator to preside in the absence of the Moderator, and to perform such other duties as appertain to his office.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to preserve all documents belonging to this association, and keep a faithful record of Its proceedings.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to hold all moneys belonging to the association, and pay them out by order of the executive board. He shall report the state of the Treasury at each annual meeting.

Article VI-Election of Officer

Section 1. All officers to be elected by private ballot, and majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to choice.

Section 2. The business of this association interm, shall be conducted by an executive board consisting of seven members,

who shall be chosen annually, three of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Article VII-Meeting.

This association shall meet annually on Wednesday before the second Sunday in September when a sermon shall be preached.

Article VIII.

This constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote at any regular meeting.


First. Each meeting shall be opened and closed with prayer, and those who speak shall rise and address the Moderator. All personal reflections shall be avoided.

Second. No question shall be discussed without being presented by motion and seconded, and no brother shall speak on the same subject more than twice without the consent of the association-.

Third. Motion made and lost shall not be recorded unless so ordered at the time.

Fourth. If when a motion is made and seconded, a member opposes the discussion if it, the presiding officer shall put the question to the association: "'Shall the question be discussed and the majority shall decide without debate.