

Books about Missouri

Online Bibliographies of Books about Missouri
African Americans List of Books about their history in Missouri
Architecture Selected Bibliography of Kansas City Architecture
Childhood in the Missouri Frontier Books about the experience of childhood on the western frontier or the nineteenth or twentieth centuries
Civil War Books Duke University listing of introductory sources about the Civil War 
Early Missouri History Selected List Of Sources On Early Missouri History To Statehood
Mississippi & Missouri River Brief list of books about the Mississippi River 
and Missouri River
Missouri Infantry Regiments Books about the various infantry regiments in Missouri during the Civil War
More Civil War Books  Books On Missouri Civil War Soldiers at the State Historical Society of Missouri 
Oral Tradition and Folklore Links Center for the Studies in Oral Tradition at the University of Missouri-Columbia
Polk County Missouri Bibliography Polk County books available at the Family History Library
Putnam County, Missouri Bibliography Online list of books available about Putnam County

Santa Fe Trail

 Books about the history, personal accounts, and traveling the Santa Fe Trail

Scotland County

List of known books about Scotland county

St. Louis Guide

Guide to researching the history of St. Louis

Women and the Missouri River

Books about Missouri River and the role of women in its history